Students should refer to the departments websites or consult with either. A minimum of 3 of the 5 economics electives must be drawn from the approved List of Financial Economics electives, above. via Zoom (see Canvas for Zoom link). A sound grounding in economic theory is essential to the course. Innovation figuring out better and cheaper ways of satisfying human desires is the key to improving our well-being. Emphasis is on hands-on implementation of the models covered in the course. Important components of this course are participation in in-class discussion and essays submitted on the practical issues discussed throughout the semester. Art: SSC Majors must complete Econ4011,Econ4021, and theEcon4011/Econ4021 prerequisite electives in residence during the fall and spring semesters. Arts & Sciences students who declare this major must fulfill the distribution and all other requirements for an AB degree in addition to the specific requirements listed below. The class will include an introduction to experimental methods in economics, including hands-on experience in the MISSEL laboratory. Art: SSC The study of fundamental forms of market failure that provide the economic rationale for government action. The PDF will include content on the Majors tab only. Prerequisite: Econ 4011. Natural Language Processing (NLP) CSE 517 Statistical Learning . Prerequisites: Econ 1011 and Econ 1021. Local decision making; financing of local government expenditures. EN: S, L11Econ437 The Economics of Financial Intermediation. Emphasis on the consistency between empirical data and different concepts of the American Dream. National income and labor market measurement. An introduction to mathematical optimization and its applications within economics. Credit variable, maximum 3 units. The Department of Economics has extensive course breadth and faculty expertise in the area of financial economics. EN: S, L11Econ328 History of Economic Analysis. Catalog Description: Overview of modern approaches for natural language processing. The first third of the class examines market failure when an economy contains externalities and public goods and the general nature of public policies that address these issues. Why is monopoly considered a bad thing? Minor in General Economics | Minor in Applied Microeconomics, Elective course:One economics elective having at least Econ1011and/or Econ1021as a prerequisite course. EN: S, L11Econ208 First-Year Seminar: Economics and Society, Economics and Society is a first-year seminar open to interested students, without prerequisites of any kind. Minors in an approved study abroad/study away program may receive transfer credit for one economics elective at the 300-level. The historically-traditional activity of granting loans and collecting deposits has evolved into a much richer and more complex set of financial contracts. (203 Documents), CSE 247 - Data Structures and Algorithms (62 Documents), CSE 575 - Enterprise Data Strategy We will cover numerical methods used in dynamic optimization. Arch: SSC 247R meetings (Eads 016, choose 1 per week): Fri, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sun, 12:00 - 2:00 PM Majors interested in completing the Certificate in Financial Economics should complete the following declaration form. Consult Academic Coordinator for further details. Economic analysis of labor markets. Econometrics provides a method of testing the validity of these economic models, and the term paper will improve students' writing skills, giving them a chance to write clearly and concisely about technical material. Economics students with business interests typically complete at least one internship to obtain practical business experience, and it is possible to obtain academic credit for that internship. It is possible to earn the Certificate in Financial Economics in conjunction with this major (prime or second). Arch: SSC For Mathematics, the electives can come from the following list: Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration, Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models, Math 460 Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Math 462 Mathematical Foundations of Big Data. Senior Honors: Students are invited during the second semester of their junior year to participate in the honors program during their senior year if they meet certain academic requirements. *Of these options, Math3200 is the preferred course. decisions are made, we will evaluate these decisions for errors and especially for bias. Majors must complete seven electives, with three in each discipline and one from either department. Students are also encouraged to contact Academic Coordinator Dorothy Petersen with any questions. Two to four topics will be chosen for in-depth discussion during the semester. Students with a major in Math+Econ have two options through which the Certificate in Financial Economics may be earned. We will examine the extent to which these are consistent with standard economic theory and how they may contradict it. A&S IQ: SSC Credit 3 units. One of the three electives can be any economics course with Econ 4011 or Econ 4021 as a prerequisite, including from an approved study abroad program. In each major, students complete thecore courses in the respective fields, along with a set of electives that are complementary to both fields. This course begins with a review of international trade theory, of the balance of payment accounts, and their relationship to international borrowing and lending. This course can be repeated for P/F credit. L11Econ413W Introduction to Econometrics with Writing. The other two economics electives must come from the following list: For Mathematics, the electives can come from the following list: Advising, Questions, and Further Considerations: By completing a specialized set of electives, majors (prime or second, including the joint majors) can earn the Certificate in Financial Economics. Econ 428:Capital Market Imperfections &Entrepreneurial Finance, Econ 4301: Understanding Financial Crises, Econ 437:The Economics of Financial Intermediation, Econ 477: Topics in Financial Economics: Asset Pricing, Econ 477:Topics in Financial Economics: Investments, FIN 340: Capital Markets & Financial Management (approved if the student is, An approved course from a study abroad/away program (approved by the Academic Coordinator). Further information is available in the Majors section of this page. Economics electives of particular relevance include (but are not limited to): Econ 413 may be taken from an approved study abroad program. Theories will be evaluated using historical data and detailed case studies. The economics of information literature is also used to explain the evolution of financial institutions and markets, and to understand the consequences of that evolution for economic outcomes (such as economic development and financial crises) and for monetary policy choices (such as central bank interventions, regulations and changes in the payments system). Bold entrepreneurial spirit and skills learned in this course will guide students in their further studies at Washington University and beyond. Math 131 Calculus I (AP credit may satisfy this requirement), Math 132 Calculus II (AP credit may satisfy this requirement), Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis*, or Math 3211 Statistics for Data Science I, or ESE 326 Probability and Statistics for Engineering, or DAT 120 & DAT 121 Managerial Statistics I and Managerial Statistics II, or Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics. This class counts towardsthecertificate in data mining and machine learningasrequired course. CSE/ESE 560M - Computer Systems Architecture I - Fall 2022 Administrative stuff . Required courses: Course List; . For a thorough introduction to economics, Econ 1011 also should be taken. In financial markets, trade is essentially "money now" for "money in the future." McKelvey students may declare a prime major via E81 (Computer Science) or a second major via L11 (Econ). Prerequisite: Econ 4011. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Course provides a basic working knowledge of econometrics. Topics include the measurement and evaluation of tax burdens, the federal personal income tax, tax evasion and proposals for fundamental tax reform. The lifecycle model is used to examine questions involving decision-making over the lifecycle. Basic theoretical concepts applied to analyze the changing structure and performance of the American economy from colonial times to the present. This is the second part of the two-course sequence for seniors writing an honors thesis, and it is taken in the spring semester of the senior year. EN: S. In this course, an advanced undergraduate can assist a faculty member in the teaching of an undergraduate Economics class. Students can enroll after their selection by a supervising faculty member, which occurs after an application (on the department website) is submitted and reviewed, perhaps in conjunction with an interview with the supervising faculty member. The courses they take in fulfillment of this program will count toward their distribution as usual, following the designation of such courses by the College of Arts and Sciences or by approval of the SEAS Undergraduate Studies Committee. Topics include expected utility, strategic-form and extensive-form games with perfect information, Bayesian games, infinitely repeated games, dominance, Nash equilibrium and its refinements. CSE517: Natural Language Processing Catalog Description: Overview of modern approaches for natural language processing. We will also organize the class into research groups that will address specific economic policies issues. Economists have many theories of innovation, some better than others. Yevgeniy Vorobeychik will use artificial intelligence to improve methods for game-theoretic analysis. Students can enroll in only one section per semester. The three writing assignments and the final paper will provide students an opportunity to formulate an economic model, estimate the model with appropriate data, and interpret the results. CSE 517A -MACHINE LEARNING Spring 2018 Marion Neumann COURSE OVERVIEW & STRUCTURE ABOUT Marion Neumann email: m dot neumannat wustldot edu office: Jolley Hall 222 office hours: TUE11:30-12:30pm Lectures: TUE & THU 10-11:30pm inHillman 70 Course website: /neumann/courses/cse517a/sp18/ For further details on policies and procedures, please refer to the "Undergraduate Guide," the department's website, or schedule a meeting with the department's Academic Coordinator. Complete one additional economics elective drawn from the List of Financial Economics electives, above. Applications to the current economic crisis will also be discussed. The CSE program provides three majors in all, with numerous electives, allowing flexibility to explore your academic and career interests. The question is: What drives it? Added emphasis throughout the course will be placed on examples with applications in economics. Business fluctuations: inflation and recession; monetary and fiscal policy; economic development. May be repeated for credit. General equilibrium description of firms and consumers in labor and product markets. A&S IQ: SSC same instructor, same class time, etc), but is simply being offered to students through another department for purposes of registering under a different department and course number. There are many theories of how economic policies work and considerable debate as to what can be done and what should be done. Gaetano Antinolfi Professor Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow PhD, Cornell University Macroeconomics; monetary and international economics, Yongseok Shin Douglass C. North Distinguished Professor of Economics PhD, Stanford University Macroeconomics; economic growth, Costas Azariadis Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow PhD, Carnegie Mellon University Macroeconomic dynamics; economic development; monetary and fiscal policy, Michele Boldrin Joseph Gibson Hoyt Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences Graduate Admissions Officer PhD, University of Rochester Economic theory; economic growth; macroeconomics, Francisco (Paco) Buera Sam B. Cook Professor of Economics PhD, University of Chicago Macroeconomics; macroeconomic development, Steven Fazzari Director of the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy Bert A. and Jeanette L. Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics PhD, Stanford University Macroeconomics; Keynesian economics; investment and finance, George-Levi Gayle John H. Biggs Distinguished Professorship in Economics PhD, University of Pittsburgh Econometric theory; contract theory; labor economics; personnel economics; corporate governance, Limor Golan Laurence H. Meyer Professor of Economics PhD, University of WisconsinMadison Labor economics; applied microeconomics; applied econometrics, Rodolfo Manuelli James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor PhD, University of Minnesota Economic growth and development economics; macro and monetary economics, Bruce Petersen Director of Undergraduate Studies Bert & Jeanette Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics Weidenbaum Center Research Fellow PhD, Harvard University Financial economics; applied microeconomics, Werner Ploberger Thomas H. Eliot Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences PhD, Vienna University of Technology Statistics; econometric methodology; time-series econometrics, Robert Pollak Hernreich Distinguished Professor of Economics PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Environmental economics; microeconomics/industrial organization; business and government; political economy, Ping Wang Seigle Family Professor NBER Research Associate PhD, University of Rochester Growth/development; money/macro; economic theory; spatial/health economics, Marcus Berliant Director of Graduate Studies PhD, University of California, Berkeley Public finance; mathematical economics; urban economics, John Nachbar PhD, Harvard University Economic theory, Brian Rogers PhD, California Institute of Technology Microeconomic theory, in particular, the fields of network formation, social learning, and applied game theory, Jonathan Weinstein PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Microeconomic theory, game theory, Gaurab Aryal PhD, Pennsylvania State University Industrial organization; empirical industrial organization, Sukkoo Kim PhD, University of California, Los Angeles Economic history; urban and regional economics; trade and development, Ana Babus PhD, Erasmus University Rotterdam Microeconomic theory; finance, Ian Fillmore PhD, University of Chicago Intersection of industrial organization, labor economics, and econometrics; economics of education and education markets, Sanghmitra Gautam PhD, University College London Development economics; applied microeconometrics; public economics, Andrew Jordan PhD, University of Chicago Labor markets, discrimination, and criminal justice, SangMok Lee PhD, California Institute of Technology Microeconomics, Sudeshna Bandyopadhyay PhD, University of Maryland, Grace J. Yan Johnson PhD, Oklahoma State University, Mariagiovanna Baccara PhD, Princeton University, Scott A. Baker JD, University of Chicago PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Leonard Green PhD, State University of New York, Oksana Leukhina PhD, University of Minnesota, Glenn MacDonald PhD, University of Rochester, Fernando Martin PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Alexander Monge-Naranjo PhD, University of Chicago, Camillo Padoa-Schioppa PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Paulia Restrepo-Echavarria PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, Juan Sanchez PhD, University of Rochester, Guillaume Vandenbroucke PhD, University of Rochester, David Levine John H. Biggs Distinguished Professor Emeritus PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Major in Economics|Major in Economics and Computer Science | Major in Mathematics and Economics | Certificate in Financial Economics | Additional Information. Section 3 prerequisites: Econ 4011 and Math 2200 or equivalent. Meet the people solving our biggest problems. Key variables to be evaluated include physical capital investment, education and human capital investment, technological progress, robotization, international trade, and financial markets, among others. It is an excellent course of study to pursue, whether students plan to enter the workforce after graduation or are considering graduate work in law, engineering or the social sciences. Syllabi are provided to students to support their course planning; refer to the syllabus for constraints on use. The Friday subsection "A" is for Section 03 only. Prerequisites: Econ 1011 and Econ 1021, or consent of the instructors. Majors are encouraged to complete the form as early as possible, and the form must be completed prior to filing an Intent to Graduate. Three 3-unit economics electives drawn from any Econ 4011 prerequisite course, including Econ 4021. BU: BA Additionally, a minimum of 3 of the 4 economics electives must be drawn from the approved List of Financial Economics electives above. Course information and content will be available on Canvas, Spring 2021, Spring 2020 (jointly with Marion Neumann). Video recording of a Q&A session by Prof. Raj Jain of Washington University in St. Louis, USA Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 WiMAX Forum "WiMAX Forum" and "WiMAX Forum CERTIFIED" are registered trademarks of the WiMAX Forum. DAT 120 and DAT 121 may be used to fulfill the requirement. The second third addresses particular public policies, with a focus on their intended and unintended consequences and their costs. L11Econ444 Innovation and Intellectual Property: Theory and Practice. ), Credit 3 units. Topics to be covered include kernel methods (support vector machines, Gaussian processes), neural networks (deep learning), and unsupervised learning. Art: NSM, SSC We will focus on popular experimental anomalies, including the Allais and Rabin paradoxes, ultimatum bargaining, the centipede and public goods contribution games. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. The exam will be sent to students on the waiting list one week before the second class, andit will be due on the second day of class. Graduate applicants: Attend an info session and skip the application fee, PhD in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Engineering, Graduate Certificate in Data Mining & Machine Learning, Bachelor of Science in Business + Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science + Economics, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science + Math, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Faculty positions (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor), Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science. The course relies heavily on the concepts and methods of microeconomics and macroeconomics. L11Econ448W Current Macroeconomic Issues. The course introduces students to the field of political economy. L11Econ4111 Optimization and Economic Theory. The third part of the course is devoted to the links between education and economic development, including cross-country differences in schooling, returns to schooling and per-capita income. The structure and the role of banks have changed tremendously. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. In Economics: Description: The field of machine learning is concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience. Substitutions for economics courses and study abroad (or away) approval will be determined by the Academic Coordinator in the Econ department. Arch: SSC Students must complete all three of the following to complete the major and the Certificate: 4 Economics electives, where both of the following must be satisfied: at least 2 (of the 4) electives must be drawn from the List of Financial Economics electives (above); and, at least 3 (of the 4) electives must be drawn from the approved list of Economics joint-major electives, 3 Mathematics electives drawn from the approved list of Mathematics joint-major electives. With this background, we approach the debate about intellectual property, what it is and what it is not good for, whose interests it serves, and whose well-being it thwarts. The prerequisite courses for Econ 4021 are Econ 1021 and Econ 4011. Prerequisite: invitation into the "Honors in Economics with Thesis" track of the department's Honors Program. Coursework in Spring 2017 CSE517A Machine Learning @ Washington University in St. Louis project1: Structural Risk Minimization for Email Spam Filter (Ridge Regression, Logistic Regression, Hinge Loss) project2: Nave Bayes and Perceptron for Gender Classifier project3: Kernel SVM for Spiral Data Classifier (Kernel Types: Linear / Polynomial / RBF) This course does not count for Economics major/minor elective credit. Topics include economic growth, poverty, corruption, and human capital accumulation, with an emphasis on education and health-related policies. "Institution" "Site Name" "Site URL" "Department" "City" "State" "Zipcode" "Country" "Contact Name" "Contact Phone" "Contact Email" "Contact Name (alt)" "Contact . The goal of the course is to provide tools to analyze key elements of this crisis. The code for this project ( project1) consists of several files, some of which you will need to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you can ignore. Implementation of monetary and fiscal policy, and exploration of the impact of policy changes on the macroeconomy. Washington University in St. Louis Women's Building, Suite 10 One Brookings Drive, MSC 1143-0156-0B . This course is a rigorous introduction to financial markets, financial institutions, and their purpose and functions in the economy. The prerequisite courses for Econ4021 are Econ1021 and Econ4011. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Students who are prime in McKelvey (EN) may use ESE 326 for the "statistics" requirement of any of the majors, and no pre-approval is required. Prerequisite: Econ 4021. Credit 3 units. Prerequisites: Econ 4011, Econ 4021, and Econ 413. In this course, we will use the theoretical and empirical tools of economics to study the criminal justice system. FL2023 E81 CSE 517A Machine Learning 3.0 Units Hide Description: This course assumes a basic understanding of machine learning and covers advanced topics at the frontier of the field in-depth. Prerequisite: Econ 4011. Text corpora (singular: text corpus) are large and structured sets of texts, which have been systematically collected. The major concern will be the rising cost of health care and appropriate public policy responses. Text corpora are used by corpus linguists and within other branches of linguistics for statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, finding patterns of language use, investigating language change and variation, and teaching . This subsection is a help session, and attendance is not required. Students will apply these learnings toward profit-seeking solutions for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which are global challenges that call us to work together with boldness and urgency. More information about the Certificate in Financial Economics can be found on the department website. Analytic theory of consumer and producer behavior under perfect and imperfect competition. Empirical examples are drawn from Asia, Latin America, and the African subcontinent. L11Econ1011 Introduction to Microeconomics. The course examines critically two prescriptions that economics usually endorses: (1) "balancing" of benefits against costs (e.g., benefit-cost analysis) and the use of risk analysis in evaluating policy alternatives; and (2) use of market incentives (e.g., prices, taxes or charges) or "property rights" instead of traditional command-and-control regulations to implement environmental policy. This will be a permanent notation on your academic record. Economics majors and minors must take this course (or Math 233) prior to, or concurrently with, Econ 4011. Credit 1 unit. For the Econ+CSE major and the Math+Econ major, Math3200 is the preferred course choice. Students who have AP credit for Math 131, Math 132 and/or Math 2200 do not have to complete additional mathematics coursework. to measure outputs including labor market success, graduation rates and standardized test scores. L11Econ105 The Endgame of Entrepreneurship: Leveraging Captialism for Good, Historically, profit has been a key driver of human behavior. How come we have the impression that most useful inventions took place in the past three centuries? Students should, whenever possible, register for their courses under the department number toward which they intend to count the course. In this course, students will learn to take advantage of the profit-seeking motive of capitalism while also learning from the mistakes and unintended consequences capitalism has caused throughout history. Art: SSC 2022 Washington University in St.Louis, Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics for Engineering, Introduction to Econometrics with Writing, Calculus I (AP credit may satisfy this requirement), Calculus II (AP credit may satisfy this requirement), Foundations for Higher Mathematics with Writing, Introduction to Intelligent Agents Using Science Fiction, Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming, Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory, Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification, Cloud Computing with Big Data Applications, Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics, The Economics of Financial Intermediation, Introduction to Fourier Series and Integrals, Probability (if not completed as a required course), Three 3-unit economics electives drawn fromany, Economics electives of particular relevance include (but are not limited to). In addition, Econ493 or Math233 must be taken prior to, or concurrently with, enrollment in Econ4011. Note: This course does not count toward the major or minor in economics. The CSE517 Web: 1993-2023, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Univerity of Washington. Interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology and other areas of social inquiry. Please note: Requests for online registration will be wait listed, and students will be enrolled according to Economics major/minor status and student level (e.g., priority to Level 8 Econ majors). Fundamental growth theory is then provided for explaining these facts systematically and for evaluating the consequences of commonly adopted development policies. You signed in with another tab or window. For a thorough introduction to economics, Econ 1021 also should be taken. Our faculty, which is made up of leading teacher-scholars, includes specialists in game theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, industrial organization, monetary economics, financial economics, and public finance. Prerequisites: Econ 1011 and Econ 1021. Credit 3 units. Topics include language models, text, classification, tagging, parsing, machine translation, semantic, and discourse analysis. CSE247R is a separate, 1-credit course that 247 students may sign up for., Major in Economics and Computer Science Requirements, Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website, Econ 1011: Introduction to Microeconomics, Econ 1021: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Econ 413 (413W): Introduction to Econometrics (with Writing), Math 2200: Elementary Probability & Statistics, or an approved substitute (refer to the Economics "Undergraduate Guide" for approved substitutes.). *Students planning to complete CSE 517 should try to complete CSE 417T as the prerequisite course. ", New faculty members during the past three years, Embedded & real-time systems (