The lack of definitive cause of death and the general absence of communication with the family from law enforcement was also strange. Most investigations are eventually solved through reasonable causes: foul play, drowning, suicide or an animal attack. Randall H. Whitfield read more, Morgan County And even in the absence of that, the Czech Republic is crisscrossed with a network of marked tourist trails, with marks dotting trees and rocks along almost all trails that exist in our forests. Donald R. Fortson read more After all, thats how a sudden health crisis or mental break would start. The German language also isnt particularly unique, as it exists on a continuum with a number of other European languages that are all similar. Although Paulides work has been scrutinized and some critics say that the number of unsolved cases is not statistically significant, Paulides has contributed immeasurably to the categorization of the issue and the growth of it in the public consciousness. Even if the name was selected purely on the basis of bad feelings, it may indicate that dangerous terrain, gases, radiation, or infrasound can be found in the area. Indeed, a complete search of the area turned up no trace of him, and not long after this the authorities were notified, who after a 5-day intensive search could find not a trace of Dametz or his missing tools, and no blood or sign that he had been attacked by an animal or the victim of foul play. The article is a compilation of data and research taking a critical eye on both National Parks and the U.S. National Parks Service, as well as David Paulides, and how the mishandling of the. There is striking overlap in the two maps. Travis D. Massey read more If I think about how likely it is that this profile point signifies something unusual, the inside-out clothing is very hard to explain away, but the brightly colored clothing may have a mundane explanation. For this reason, the inability of trackers to track the person should only be considered significant when other, positive evidence is present, like when the body shows up later in a previously searched area, or when the trackers actually do find something thats harder to find than the person, like their matchbox, but not any of the much larger objects the person was carrying. Family said she left her home to walk to the short distance to the CVS Pharmacy on Forest Avenue, near Alabama . If we can already think of that, and undoubtedly would do it ourselves given the opportunity, its not crazy. Historic Mysteries is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. At one point DeOrr Jr.s father and girlfriend left the boy at the campsite with the grandfather for a short time, and when they returned he was gone. It would help if Keith had been able to explain what had happened, but he was either unwilling or unable to elaborate, and his strange disappearance and reappearance remains an enigma. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. Was he abducted, and if so why? And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. Whats weird is that this is not happening in all of the parks equally, suggesting that a thorough comparison should be made. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When picking mushrooms or berries, a group of people typically stays within hearing range, which means that all you need to do to not get lost is being able to shout (or shoot, I guess). The most common report from adults, adult women specifically, is that of being stalked by weird or strange men. What an apt name, by the way, SADS. This story is only the tip of the iceberg and serves as a window into a few Missing 411 cases. The clearest one is the account of being taken into a cave with robots and then asked to poop on a foil, but a similar conclusion can be drawn from less obvious accounts, like the one about there being continuous sunlight for several days. Clearly, a person drunk or out of it enough to fall into water and drown is not going to take care to avoid security cameras and potential witnesses at the point of entering the water. This one is of course extremely tragic, but that only gives you literally all of the reasons why everyone should study this. Daves criteria for the sample selection seem completely reasonable to me a case being unexplained is an objective fact. Worldbuilder, magister, change catalyst. Analytics In Sports Barcelona, This was the case for the Stacey Arras case and Ronald Kirk. However, he has never suggested a cause. Since the beginning of humankind, we have endeavored to explore the realms of our wilderness, but in the process, many have failed to return. Regarding this profile point, I tend to agree with a number of people who say that Dave overestimates the weirdness of people leaving essential items behind, as you can easily do that when you dont think youll be gone long or when you just have a standard brain fart. Sure, it would be somewhat difficult to hide the act of construction, but again, even your standard government can pull that off. The latter option seems especially plausible, since in none of the recorded calls were any of the victims able to relay any coherent, useful information. Whats more, one of his favorite places in the region is the Tahquamenon Falls State Park, the same location where Joe Clewley would spend his last known moments. However, if you are running some sort of medical experiment, the three most logical things to do are to get a DNA sample (ideally reproductive cells), to perform a neurological exam, and to get a stool sample, which includes the gut bacteria. The question is why would there be high-tech kidnappers, possibly using also advanced camouflage or noise cancellation technology, snatching random people sneakily in the forests. qacct:"p-8fGhaPzwR8aSs"
Like the Missing 411 cases. I could also go on and on, but I think this is more than enough for now. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. Crime maps The U.S. States With The Most Reported Missing Persons, Mapped Alex 0 Comments United States The vanishing and death of Gabrielle Venora Petito have wholly taken the attention of America. interest. For the profile point, it means that more weight should be given to cases where the disappearance after separation was abrupt, but also that the feeling unwell or the wildly running into a forest-type separations should be looked at separately. Whatever the reason for his exit, Greg Lewellen left in a hurry. Sadly, the bones were found to be those of the missing boy, but it was rather odd, since the remains were found in the middle of an area that had been extensively and thoroughly searched. It is certainly an apt metaphor for the state of these individuals who have vanished. There are no stretches of known science required for someone to be able to create an underground or underwater base. I would just say that if the two samples have very similar distributions of the times at which people disappear, its likely that theres nothing to it other than people get lost at the times at which they tend to be on a hike. This type of account would go some way toward explaining the seemingly missing failure rate of the perpetrators, as these would be the cases where the predators let the captured prey go, or when their traps, even though advanced, failed. What happened to Bobby Bizup? NEW! The only way how to prove that a synchronicity (coincidence that is manipulative) is taking place, as far as I can tell, is to guess at the logic behind it and then try to predict not necessarily what specific coincidence will happen, but at least the incidence aspect that it will happen, or the time or rate at which coincidences will be happening in relation to a particular person or phenomenon. All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. When other counselors were called and no one could find him, authorities were notified and so began a 9-day long intensive search involving nearly 400 police officers, volunteers, and airmen from Denvers Lowry Air Force Base, utilizing aircraft and tracker dogs, but absolutely no trace of Bizup was found. If youre convinced that it cant be any of the exotic explanations, then what is any possible explanation? When nightfall came, little Keith Parkins had still not been found, and it was considered puzzling that he could have gotten so far so quickly without a trace. Not to sound too alien-abductiony, but some type of medical examination or procedure would make the most sense. You can keep it in a pair of snow pants, just sew the foot and waist holes up. The longer this series of deaths goes on globally, the less likely it is that its all just a result of someones bad or good luck. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Construction Workers Find Incredibly Rare Remains of 8,000-Year-Old Village in Massachusetts. These people should not be considered reliable witnesses, but they should have some witness testimonies to offer. When Paulides subtitled one of his book A Sobering Coincidence, Im pretty sure that he was talking about correlations elements of the cases repeating in multiple cases. Missing 411 map clusters. Like in the other cases we have looked at a massive search was launched, made all the more urgent because there was frigid bad weather set to hit that evening which it was thought such a young boy would not be able to survive. Learn more about Reddits use of cookies. If you have any theories or suggestions yourselves, Im all ears. I have extensively covered such cases on many occasions here before, but there are so many it sometimes seems never-ending. Where did Dr. Dametz go, and how could he get so far and so thoroughly avoid detection in such a short span of time when he could barely walk on his own? These four instances exemplify the strange anomaly within Missing 411 cases of particular hotspots. Why so often is it difficult to determine a cause of death, if a body is even found? Who knows, maybe thats why the urban disappearances now tend to be targeted at young, physically and mentally fit people. However, statistically speaking, the remaining cases of storms which didnt ultimately cause the search to fail or during which the missing person ended up doing impossible things will still only be interesting as profile points if they keep being too frequent in comparison to how often storms follow non-mysterious cases of people going missing, or if they at least are individually unexpected instances of bad weather. My theory regarding coincidences is that if you have a sufficiently complete knowledge, you can use it to communicate with people or steer them using coincidences (by manipulating irrelevant details of situations around them so that only they will notice that something noteworthy is going on). Of course, proving that the times and dates at which people get lost mysteriously are normal times at which theres an opportunity to get lost doesnt prove that the disappearances are entirely mundane. The hard evidence found here indicates that many of these people must have died on land days after they disappeared, but days before they entered water, or that they must have died in a tumbling stream, when they were found in a pond with no flowing water, etc. This is why one should look into the work of people like Steph Young or various other paranormal investigators. and our Others aren't quite so easy to dismiss. It was a complete mystery as to what had happened to his clothes, why the jacket had been removed, or even how he had managed to survive at all, and even odder still was that considering his young age and the intimidating terrain it was estimated that it would have taken him nearly 20 hours to cover that distance. **This map is covered by our copyright and cannot be replicated, placed online or in anyway copied. Cookie Notice Dave may not be the best scientist or statistician, he may have lied or cheated in his life at least once or twice, and he was trying to find evidence for the existence of Bigfoot (plural) before he was approached to look into missing people in national parks.