Why did Palm Sunday happen and the right focus? Luke 19:28-40 He will heal the world of pain and pandemic. read more, Scripture: The Lord Jesus enters Jerusalem amidst waving palm branches and shouts of ''Hosanna.'' They questioned Jesus, they doubted those who he had healed. As Alistair Begg explains, the details of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem can only be truly viewed through the lens of believing faith. I want you to sit on the side of that Jerusalem street with me. From the editor PALM . The picture of that cross was published around the world and served as a center of hope for many that lost their loved ones on that beautiful fall day of 2001. Palm Sunday was the beginning of the end of Jesus work on earth. We must cheer and praise Jesus and call him Lord even knowing that we like all the others have failed him, and may yet still fail him. Fresh sermon illustrations and updates on new sermons, preaching articles and much more! When Jesus comes to town, he often challenges the things that are most dear to us. As John reminds us in John 3:16-17, 16For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Hosanna, and may God your Father give you strength for what is to come. Without controversy, it is truly a Holy Week because it encompasses the most sacred events of the Christian faith. Join us tonight at 5:30 PM for our study in church history. Over Disease - Vs. 14 . One thing that is true from the very moment the crowd gathered, is this: There are usually two sides in a crowd. A true servant You see, someone has to absorb the judgment of Gods wrath towards sin. $3.75: The Motivation for Your Adoration . I want you to look around at everything that is happing. I always read and appreciate your messages. Listen to how the apostle John, the author of Revelation, describes Him. Across the years, I have preached many a Palm Sunday sermon. Behind Him were His sermons; ahead, His suffering. God will judge sin, that is a promise. Do not for one minute close your eyes or turn away from your Holy Week, because this one who enters the turmoil of Jerusalem, this one who comes in the name of the Lord this is the one who will rise to new life on the third day. Christians around the world recognize Palm Sunday as the day Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. Meg Bucher shares - "Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures on Palm Sunday is recorded in all four New Testament Gospel Accounts: Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11 , Luke 19:28-44 , and John 12:12-19 . So lets look at some aspects of this first triumphal entry and see what God is teaching us. John points to the words of Zechariah the prophet who foretold this moment long ago. The Palm Sunday message is one of humility, promise, and absolute peace. Call it the first century or the 21st century, the picture remains: Your King is coming. Objective: To say we welcome spring is to understate the case. This is why we celebrate Palm Sunday. What Christ being King really means Secular census records indicate there were at least 2,500,000 people in Jerusalem for the event. He says, instead, that if the people werent saying it then the rocks themselves would cry out. They were thinking that Jesus might very well be this Messiah. So I preached a sermon called "Mixed Reviews" about how we praise Jesus or push him away. SUNDAY (How The Triumphal Entry Minsters To Us Today) Matthew 21:1-22 "THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY OF PALM SUNDAY" Text: Matthew 21:1-22 "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest." (Matthew 21:9) Introduction Palm Sunday Reveals . Map & Directions. But if that is the Jesus you follow out of here, then . After 2020 nothing will be normal again. To teach that comfort and joy can come from keeping your eyes on Jesus. The Gospel writers tell us a crowd gathered, gushing with excitement, and lined the road in front of Jesus as he slowly rode into the city. Our generation and the next Men pushed and shoved to get closer to the street. They waved palm branches in a celebratory fashion to welcome Him. Join us on Facebook . (This childrens talk is based on Luke 19: 37, 38.) Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away. The second time Jesus comes God will prepare His Son to deal the judgment. First of all about palms - palm . 16His disciples did not understand these things at first. People were honoring Jesus Christ as they laid down their cloaks and palm branches; what are we honoring Jesus with on a daily basis? Jesus enters the turmoil of Jerusalem at Passover with a distinct and powerful message of self-definition; and in his case, that's also one of God-definition. Help us always to call upon you and walk in your path. Thats always the tension in Holy Week. Again, the Jewish people of Jesus day thought that Jesus was coming to deal judgment to the bad guys. Prepare your message for a Palm Sunday service to celebrate Christ's ministry. Palm Sunday Victory [RCL] Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 26:14- 27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54 Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, the triumphal procession of Christ through the streets of Jerusalem, when the men and women of the city shouted out "Hosannah!" to the Son of David, and laid at his feet cloaks and branches? 16And he has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is the festive season of Passover. For centuries, the church has memorialized today, the first day of Holy Week, as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches and cloaks that the people spread out before Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. We celebrate Jesus coming into Jerusalem knowing His fate but still celebrating His arrival. There will be no doubt that Jesus is king and that He is mighty when He returns. Jesus knew that His ministry would not be complete and His mission would not be successful unless and until He took His gospel message from the small towns of Galilee in the northern part of Israel and declared it in the great Temple in Jerusalem. And it begins today. The sun was rising rapidly. Theyre pumped that Jesus will be their Messiah King! Find fresh ideas to ignite your Palm Sunday sermon prep. God looks at those who reject him as fools, and he sends them to hell. Our Top 5 Palm Sunday sermons will ignite your own creativity as you prepare to preach about Jesus entry into Jerusalem on the week before Easter Sunday. Jesus as the true Messiah-King is different than all would-be Messiahs and Kings. read more, Scripture: Like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep silent before her shearers, he did not open his mouth. [on screen]. Only the front wall of the Cathedral remained and atop it was great metal cross Our next section actually relates to prayer although the authors did not make the obvious connection. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Preaching.com is a leading resource that provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. It can be very frightening. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death his death on the cross. He will, indeed, deal judgment to the enemies of God. PALM SUNDAY SERMON OUTLINES Palm Sunday by Scott Maze Palm-Sunday-Sermon-2021 Download "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Sion; proclaim it aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold the King is coming to thee, just and a savior" (Zach 9:9). Accept these prayers for the sake your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Got questions? Palm Sunday Sermons and Sermon Illustrations. 2009-2023 Michael K. Marsh and Interrupting The Silence, All Rights Reserved. Uvalde is in turmoil. That being the mentality of a crowd. This year the gifts, grace, love, and power of Holy Week and Easter come to us, not in spite of the pandemic, but through it. The pictures highlight the significance of the Palm Sunday experience--branches thrown in the path of the oncoming Messiah, the entrance into the Holy City, and the triumph that Jesus experienced as He rode through the streets of . However, did you know that the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before His crucifixion and resurrection is not the only triumphal entry of Jesus in the Bible? Subscribe to the Communique. Just as predicted by the prophets. "The Lord Needs It," a Sermon for Palm Sunday, Year C (2019) A Sermon for Every Sunday 3.15K subscribers Subscribe 39K views 3 years ago Easter rolls around once every year, but so does. That leads us to our fourth aspect of Jesus first triumphal entry: Jesus said Himself in Luke 19:10, For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost. [on screen]. 12His eyes were like a fiery flame, and many crowns were on his head. Michael Harris was the long-time pastor of Hope Community Church, a modest congregation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in the small town of Paradise. Are you prepared to give the Lord praise this Palm Sunday? But you know just as a crowd takes shape, as mob rule comes into effect the sentiment of the crowd solidifies. They were ready to celebrate. The time of His death was drawing near and most of the Jews were still choosing not to believe that He was the promised Messiah. The coronation of Queen Victoria took place on 28 June 1838, just over a year after she succeeded to the throne at the age of 18. The Coming of the King His mother stayed home to watch over him. Jesus is not playing around when He comes on a white horse. Receive Free Weekly Sermons That Work Resources! This was a dangerous move. Even when Peter, one of His apostles, tried to take up a sword to defend Jesus when He was being arrested, Jesus rebuked him and told him that His death must happen. A Palm Sunday sermon illustraing the turn of events from the joyful shouts of "Hosanna" on Palm Sunday to "Crucify Him" on Good Friday. Some people celebrate Palm Sunday out of a sense of obligation or nostalgia, while others view the occasion with skepticism. Marching in the Wrong Parades - A Palm Sunday Sermon. The man apologized and apparently moved away to a pew reserved for SermonSearch.com is an online resource for sermon outlines and preaching ideas. As he made his way, one step at a time by the beast of burden on which he sat, a sort of carpet was being sewn together ahead of him. It started off as a cheering and supportive crowd. Independent/Bible. Over His House - Vss. 1. So I want to add a few things. When dad came home, there he was, sick on the couch. Theme: Here comes Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. Scripture says that as humans we are like a flower that blooms, then quickly fades and withers, and is soon no more. The wisdom we need in this world often wears black. That takes us to our bottom line for the week. Jesus enters Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday, riding on a donkey, symbol of humility and peace. 1-11 . Which means, they wanted the Messiah to march into the city and do hard business with Rome. And in that we are closer to Christ and his knowledge of the real situation than the disciples were. Lots of people who didnt even know who Jesus was even though hed been the talk of the city in recent weeks. He had returned to the Heat's almost empty arena to go back to work. Like I said, today were all Jerusalem. But I think there is more to be said. His work at the second triumphal entry will make it possible for us experience that salvation in full. On a Donkey! Painful as they are, all our deaths and endings hold lessons we cannot live wisely without. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer, We pray, O God, for all who are in deep need this day, We pray for those who like Jesus enter this week knowing that they will suffer Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer, We pray for those who like Jesus enter this week knowing that they will be rejected and reviled even though innocent of any crime. They shouted, Praise God! The extent of my ability to think and understand eternity on my own is like dust on a scale, imperceptible. (Luke 19:38). read more, Scripture: It is a very holy mystery this cross upon which Jesus died. This takes us to the second aspect. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. People came from far and wide to hear him; to see him, to witness the amazing things he was doing. Whens the last time youve taken someone to Jesus? We dont celebrate Palm Sunday because were in Florida, and palm trees surround us. 4He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. But within days the desire for a coronation will be changed into the demand for a crucifixion. Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson Philip Ryken. I have not yet preached this text, but possible . As humans we are finite and limited in knowledge and understanding. read more, Scripture: Palm Sunday Sermon: "Lay Down Your Cloaks" April 5, 2009 Adam Walker Cleaveland This sermon was preached at Asbury United Methodist Church in Livermore, CA on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2009. You are invited to read through the Service Order - and to make it a real experience of worship on this Palm/Passion Sunday. We read of the response to Jesus, but because we know the story, we know its not real. THE AUTHORITY OF THE KING - Vss. read more, Scripture: The reproduction, or distribution of this message, or any portion of it, should include the authors name. For today, Id like for us to look at Johns account of this event. On this day prophecy was fulfilled, for the prophet Zechariah had recorded this event some 400 years earlier. For example: When Jesus healed the man born blind by making mud with dirt and spit and anointing his eyes with it some of the Pharisees believed it to be a great miracle. One day, as the church was emptying, a passerby asked one of the people in the church why this preachers By Chuck Warnock - March 16, 2021 Pocket The Temple would be the center of Passover activity. You see, Jesus will come again, and it will be triumphal once again! Let us note a few things A story is told about a famous preacher long ago who pastored a church that was filled every Sunday by people who traveled miles on foot just to hear his messages. The point is, unbelievers look at us and call us fools. They ask him to rebuke the people for what theyre saying the whole Blessed is the King bit. We still sin. The Pharisees and the people had their problems, and so do we. Trees where I would carve my girl- friend's initials. This morning we are going to take a look at palm Sunday, at the campaign trail, so to speak, the events that led up to this glorious day where thousands of people were ecstatic about Jesus coming into their town. In fact all of Holy Week will be different this year. What Christ's triumphal entry means to you Or so they thought. We should also celebrate and look forward to Jesus return as the mighty king who will rescue us from this world and take us into paradise with Him forever. Sermon text: Mark 11: 1-11. Got answers!! While He came first humbly on a young donkey, He will come second regally riding on a white horse. This Is The One - A Palm Sunday Sermon On Matthew 21:1-11 April 5, 2020 Michael K. Marsh 8 Comments Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11 A parishioner's front door decorated for Palm Sunday Most years Palm Sunday tends to focus on the palms. God owed us nothing. The Gospel writers tell us a crowd gathered, gushing with excitement, and lined the road in front of Jesus as he slowly rode into the city. Palm Sunday is a day of stark contrast. It is against someone who rides on a horse, in royal robes, mounting for war. @ St Wilfrid's Church. 14The armies that were in heaven followed him on white horses, wearing pure white linen. By StMark's updates On April 26, 2021 April 26, 2021. No time for reflection, just an immediate and mass response. There would be Jews from far away places too. . Jesus would suffer greatly; He would suffer as a servant who would be obedient to God the Father, even to the point of death. Jesus came into the world to save sinners from their sin and the consequences of their sin. The theme for this week is having the mind of Christ, and on this Palm Sunday, we pause to consider the thoughts Jesus must have been thinking as he approached the events of Holy Week. He said of the city of Jerusalem, also called Zion, that her king would come on a young donkey. This is the type of king that the people of Jerusalem were looking towards. In the centuries since, Christians have celebrated this day as Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week. As some of you may be aware, today has two names on the church calendar. read more. Just ask any football manager or team if they are on a bad run of results! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. It is not the righteous, after all, who Jesus came to save, but sinners. Sermon for April 2, 2023 - Palm Sunday. He came to celebrate the ancient Passover with his fellow Jews. Theme: Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is coming with the vaccine no scientist could come out with. ", We will start today with a new Message Series on the Letters to Timothy. There can be jeering crowds and there is also a crowd mentality. The Sunday before Easter Sunday is called Palm Sunday. This second triumphal entry will be more in line with the kind of king that the people were looking for the first time. 15A sharp sword came from his mouth, so that he might strike the nations with it. Today I would like you to have the image of a palm cross in your mind and if possible have a palm cross with you from last years Palm Sunday service. For example in a packed sports stadium for a sports match, there are those who are for one team, and those who are against. They wanted another exodus, one that expelled the Romans.