Um, sir? It can also be situational. Yeah. In the south we offered funeral cake, funeral casserole, etc. More true info in that one post than most Americans now know about that war. My Yankee relatives make fun of me and my sisters any time we drop the g off of words, like fixin and puddin. I've heard two different pronunciations: something close to . Tat? First . Is this the special southern hospitality that weve all heard about? Get an education you inbred morons, we are superior to you. Just depends on the personI've lived here my entire life, and I usually say "At-LANna", but when we've traveled outside of the country, I'll enunciate the T's for clarity. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. .respect each we can play some kick ass football up here too! I think we are seeing more and more cross culture, not just in America, but world wide with the feed of 24/7 information, huge leaps in entertainment what was considered local is becoming global . By the way, i kinda like joysey accents. Youre is you are. some people in the south are very happy the south lost. Given our love of the melodious English language, we would never use the plural pronoun we with the singular verb am. Hear in Tennessee , this is the nu north. pronunciation. And for other famous people whose names you should know, check out the 30 Celebrity Names You're Mispronouncing. So you beat them up and burned their flag? (LETS GO YANK-EES! But suthern hospitality is still hear. Nice Writing. FL is one of them stars on the bars! (Example: Did you ever hear tell about old Sadie who had that secret ginseng patch up Black Mountain?, Here in Alabama we say dont piss on me and tell me its raining (meaning dont lie to me!). You better keep your mouth shut. Excuse me, Madi.I was born in SC and I have NEVER heard ONE person say South Cackalaky! Its northern in speech, attitudes, and politics. Please Stir until all sugar is disolved, Nor did something merely make you laugh. I always drop the g off of words ending in ing. I think your right Yankees think they know everything there is to know about the Southasses go back to where you came from, Even though we are southern doesnt mean Yankees dont say these things tothough they dont drop the gs like huntin and fightin. The Southern accent is one of the most iconic accents of the United States. Boil water 2.) Just be yourself and youll make friends but theyre more likely to be other transplanted Yankees than Southerners. Just for an FYI. In addition, Southern women have very narrow interests, and usually cant hold an extended conversation regarding current and world events, literature, or culture, and have no real opinion about much in that regard. 13. I know you are all very slow, but if you would just leave and go to China where you republicans belong we would be a much better country. The South has its own BRAND of these just as New England and other areas of the country do. idk if we hold the monopoly on aint but we say it a lot down here in south georgia lol April 04 | 2019. Washrag (it might also be said warshrag) has already been properly covered. we arent SO different after all Language is a beautiful thing. Well shit fire usually followd w/ save matches by a second person. The accent in (most if not all of?) Ass Burn. You can tell the recent transplants on the news because they say the second T. Justin Farmer on WSB doesn't -- but then again he grew up here. The former pronunciation is rhotic, the latter non-rhotic. Unions arnt strong down here and in most situations, there aint eny. A mess is not clutter in the house, but a group of vegetables to cook I dont hear that up north. Too big fer your britches Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or There arent any liberal Democrats in the South? Why should you care if there is a man kissing another man? How to say Atlanta. Dear Mr. South Will Rise gain, Miss Nancy, a yankee is anyone from north of the Mason Dixon line. Crick, waller, hollor, mator, tator, skift, this here, aiming to do that, bull hockey, reckon, bleeding like a stuck pig, the Good Book, mad as a hornet, doodley squat, polecat, mountain out of a molehill, knee-high to a grasshopper and on and on. Bless your heart! Who come trying to fake an accent that I dont He was a Bible thumper. not every southern girl is like that some are but since ive moved to PA last year..ive met plenty of girls like that HERE. She was never rude to anyone from the Northern states. The CART you use for shopping, is called a SHOPPING CART which actually makes sense. Well then, with that being said, how can one say there was a true end to the war or even a true victor? They mite visit America cuple weeks, but will return to their native countries to live there. Just dont say back home. Savannah Only in the South. Bless their little pea-pickin hearts. It comes up. I usually dont talk Southern, though. My slightly uppity mother (of the Southern variety, mind you) tried her best to wash the Southern accent out of us because it just didnt suit. Much to the same affect of if you visit another country you speak their language. Hiram Folks Southern Kitchen. Yall: its never you guys but yall. . THEY KILL YOUR KIND OF STUPIDITY BEHIND THE WHEEL. We were once a southern state until the number 4 classification of yankees have moved down here from Ohio, Michigan, what have you, and have turned poor Florida into an overpopulated watering hole of disasterwere nicknamed the transient state. Answer (1 of 10): For the US distribution check out the Dialect Survey results at Born in Fort Benning on October 20, 1946, Lewis McDonald Grizzard Jr. grew [] In 2019, Houston Chronicle journalist Robert Downen helped break the story about sexual abuse within the SBC. A toboggan is a sled used sliding down hills in winter. Im thinking of caddywompous, pocketbook, and sweeper. So as much as I like and support the South, not just Southerners say those words. The short answer can be found in these maps from Professor Bert Vaux's Dialect Survey:. Fucked up as a soup sandwich (or fucked up as a football bat). The ice tea thing is northern people drink unsweetened tea so thats why the sugar is on the side . Jesus, Mary, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Get my smellin salts. Honestly, honey, youre embarrassing yourself here. No one told you to come down here so stop whining about it put ur big girl draws on and see yourself out. how southerners pronounce atlanta - I may have a mouth like a sailor, a horrible attitude, but let me tell you something, Im an 18 year old girl who would rather live in the south than the north cause there are so many stupid, idiotic, ignorant people in the north and to be completely honest not all of us yankees are stupid, Im far from being stupid. Not everyone that lives in the south is like that though. Or with a different accent? Another good saying is how we explain how drunk we got the night before Drunker than cooter brown. I hope that you further educate yourself and know that all because you have these misconceptions, that I can see where you are coming from. We would always ask my Papaw what he was doin and his reply would always be just mildewin. I think that is some kind of southern way of cursing. Northern AR could possibly belong to a different state, however. It is really very simple why there was a Civil war. The [shift] key is useful. GG! 4/10, from central ky myself must be because I know of it but never have i heard someone using it in the context or way it was made for. THEY THINK THEY ALL OWN THE ROAD. Or with a different accent? Leave the "h" sound out. Wine & Dine southern style. Most dont embrace those differences. Meanin lipstick on a pig doesnt make it a lady. how southerners pronounce atlanta - Where I live someone who lives passed the Jackson or the Tupelo area in Mississippi is a Yankee. Lebanon, TN is pronounced Lebanin. Explore Quiz: Which of these weird Georgia town names is real or fake? Im gonna beat yore tail Yeah Ohio is definitely Yankee its north of Kentucky theyre Yankees too, just dont say that to their faces. I reckon, be there directly and shake your tail were familiar as well. PoBoys are really defined by their good, long crusty bread. Add ${headword} to one of your lists below, or create a new one. No one in the south thinks that everything is communism, that the Bible is the only thing worth reading, or that science is of the devil. I say that and they wont ever leave us alone. cuz I wouldnt consider myself a yankee! You should try it. I was born in Oregon. Atlanta: It's pronounced " Atlanna ." We don't pronounce the second "t." Why is Atlanta famous for? She made made enough to feed the entire world and anyone else who might drop by.. We were always fixin to do something. (I never really thought that it would have extended beyond there, never mind beyond Louisiana. Northerners cant stand it, they call it hillbilly music. Im from the suburbs of Richmond and any kind of southern-ness here has become very diluted. I really feel for anyone learning English as a second language LOL. No one likes you losers you should all move your dumb conservative bible thumping inbred racist asses to China, where you belong. Funny, I grew up saying some of those words, and so did my familybut we are from Southern Pennsylvania, and go back centuries there (like the 1630s). My mums family is from northern Vermont/Canada, and my dad is from another continent. Access Road a.k.a. The unfortunate and embarrassing dialect of the south alone is enough to make us move back to New York, where my great grandfather and great grandmother lived before moving to Texas (unfortunately) in their thirties. Also, Darn it (my Texas friends had never heard that one). Everywhere, theres 90% of idiots and 1% of intelligent ones. We love our history and most of us will defend it to the death, but I hope you make some lifelong friends here! For Goodie Mob, the South, in generaland Atlanta, in particularwas "dirty" because of its troubling racial history, its continuing record of black on black vio- lence, and its corrupt judicial system. Ever heard of discombobulated (meaning confused or disorganized)? 8. We kicked your stupid inbred asses in the civil war. 2) Carbetbagger: someone who comes to the South to visit and then returns back to the North, with a bag of loot. Nearly everyone has a relative that lived in Chicago at some point or your family still works there. original sound. You didnt got to any of those Ivy league schools. THe reason our schools are so screwed up down here is because the federal government wanted to make it easier so the blacks could make better grades. She doesnt have anything better to do than to see how us good ol folks talk? If for some reason you dont believe this, find some historical movies about the south in the 1960s and then proceed to tell us who lost and who won. This one is a bit rare. Third way. I am from Texas (theres a difference yall). My Family hails from Texas and also settled Oklahoma when it was a territory We are Texas, Oklahoma and Southern Proud. We are a country of differences. Likes ; dandara kitchen choices Followers ; where to file a police report in las vegas Followers ; premier league commentator assignments Subscriptores ; townhomes for rent in aiken, sc Followers ; moonlight food menu I call it southern lazy. Even if youre from Washington D.C., youre a borderline Yankee. I live in Ohio. You BETTER be ther next week, our the guilt trip will triple. Falling out- Disagreement I was raised in southern LA about an hour southwest of nola and am crackin up at the truths of the majority of these. Bad table manners and rarely thanked you, said excuse me,or said bless you.I was regarded as uncool when I said those things Id heard and said my whole life. (That school is literally in the same neighborhood as the Centers for Disease Control, by the way! Speakers of broad Southern American Pronunciation have easily noticeable vowels. For instance, you don't need to know much to know that anything with "stink" in its common name is best left alone. Been away much too long. Yes, similes and metaphors exist outside of English class, especially in the South. All my kin live in NC (Blue Ridge Mountains) though my Husband was in the Navy and retired in Jacksonville, FL. .thats all that should matter! I live in Shreveport and i have never heard. Each state made its own laws. You know, Vee-in-ah. Its yall NOT you guys!! And I dont give a care whether ya like it or not. I think theyre mostly kidding. When do you ever hear of anyone Retiring and Moving North? But in NOLA, your poboy could even have plain deli meat. Call me a Yankee if yall want to but Id rather live in the south. And the only reason we lost the war is because yalls generals had no care for the life that was pouring into their states as immigrants. how southerners pronounce atlanta We were poor as dirt but were introduced to the arts and because of our music (including much opera) we didnt have Southern accents. Now, I think we can all agree that it doesnt get much more North than New Hampshire. We may play with her, but there are fixed and fast rules even in Southern English. And if you scratch that sugar coated southern exterior, youll find one of the toughest, strongest, best fighters in the history of america. I had 5 living grandparents but not one grandma or grandpa. Any time I ask which is where, I get no straight answers. No count. You are one dumb ass, provinicial Northerner and I come from the North. These cookies do not store any personal information. I earn good money and own a big beautiful home..I hunt, fish,drive a nice chevy pick up! It's probably some thing we've done wrong but now we know about it and we'll try to fix it. I am from Michigan, I say Dumb as a box of rocks another one of my favorite saying is shit or get off the pot if you are moving to slow in traffic or whatever. how Southerners pronounce the verb "to have" when stressed? We make sweet tea with the sugar in it. Or because we are close to more widely considered southern states? (And thats just MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL teams, AS YOU CAN SEE.) Pronounce Atlanta in Spanish, Can you pronounce it better? Missouri was a Confederate state and it still has that southern flavor. Grant was one of the worst generals, he saw his men as nothing more than a means to win a war. Call us at (425) 485-6059. And what would make you think we Northerners would care about what you personally think, much less be intimidated by your words? Yall do well to remember that the war was not lost or won by either side. And if it did expand to Alabama in particular, I wouldve assumed that it wouldve expanded no further than Mobile. I just recently went to New York right before Christmas, and it was no colder than here at home. Okso Im from Ohio (Southeartern) what kind of Yankee Im is? Bless Your Heart: if youve heard this, especially from a Southern woman, she doesnt mean it. I guess her mama never told her dont poke the bear huh. Stay classy, Madi. As do at least some heavy-set people NATIONWIDEIN THE SOUTH AND ELSEWHERE!! We moved a LOT between Charleston and Greenville. reading this from Down Under (Australia). A whatchamacallit, do dad, an item that you can not recall the name of, or if youre just toi tired to care. We are stronger, faster, more educated. Thanks, Make that (they rarely if ever in NYC or Hudson County, NJ even say oi in place of er *or* vice versa). We say the devil is beating his wife if it is sunny and raining. I like your opinion. Condescendency, sarcasm, mediation of a negative comment or heartfelt compassion/sympathy, it depends on the intent of the speaker. God Bless You. I grew up in WI visited family in TX every summer so I love the south! im from southern Virginia and everyone round here still says yall I dont know anyone but yanks that say you guys or you all. Whered you get mouth like that Its like your going to all of em. at age 14 and lived wiht my daddy for 3 1/2 years. Yes, we may have an accent, but we are also very good at being polished speakers and writers. I absolutely LOVE this one and have never heard fucked up as a football bat. So awesome. Moderate. Im from NC and no one says pop.. John Bear New Hamburg Staff, Why do you keep blaming us for the Civil War? How bout this one.dagnapit! Slap you into next week Alabama and the only thing I have a problem with Yall- You all, you guys has historically been more French-influenced (due to the Creoles French ancestors settling in the state via New Orleans (as it wasand isa port) and due to (who would eventually be known as) the Cajuns settling in Southand especially Southwest and South CentralLouisiana after the British expelled the latter group of Frenchpersons from Francophone Canada. *Communism, Note: Your grammar is atrocious, and I understand that this is mockery, but please, try to be a civilized human being and learn the art of subtlety. So the topic was Words Only Southerners Say, right? Nobody cares about your northern ass. Oh, and Im also a member of DAR (Daughter of the American Revolution) and Daughters of the Confederacy. When we came back they were behind almost two years. The Civil War never actually ended. MARCI ! If you ask for the substitute sweetener condiment it goes ignored Especially at a fast dood restaurant drive thru. I moved to GA 13 years ago because I fell in love with the people and the Southern Hospitality but so many other people have moved down here since the Olympics that the Southern Hospitality is hard to find now. My vocabulary is sort of Southern fusion. But im native so am more use ta hearin rez talk. By the way, Im a yankee from Wisconsin and believe it WAS the War of Northern Aggression!! There are more important things going on in this world. She always said Now dont come to me and be, dumber then a box of rocks., The level of ignorance in every single comment from a southerner on this page is extremely astounding. I Reckon- I think Thats right Kat, aint no jobs in the South unless you wanna pick cotton, gotta come up North to get a real job and then take awl dat money youz earned an go back South to da nearest pawn shop an done buy yerself da biggest pick up truck an load it wit da finest caviar grits money can buy, enuf fr yer whole family includin yer cuzin, uh, i mean husband, and fr yer sisters, uh dat iz, aunts, jeez its awl confusin wit u Southerners marryin yer cuzins an awl dat! On the other hand, the grandfather of Jefferson Davis was from the Philadelphia area, as was the Confederate commander at Vicksburg. I dont know if its southern thing but I say worder not water. My neighbor up there kept a whiteboard in front of his house with a rolling total of abortions performed in the USA he belonged to the evangelical church right down the road, and his kids went to the Chrisitian Academy where the teachers still beat the kids. Listen carefully and read the comments. You aint a true southerner, and you need a good whuppin to knock some sense into ya. We are much much stronger then you cupcakes. The South had roughly 250,000 soldiers while the North had 2.4 million at one point. Anyway. ), and Minnesota. The Yankee kids pronounce words the darnedest ways possible, they say loyer when it is even said in the spelling that it is pronounced LAW-yer. Same with wash, they used to pick at me for my sayin warsh. I can honestly say that there are idiots everywhere but I never had anyone treat me like I was one because I spoke with a Southern accent. Yes, by the way, its called southern draw also and I aint just speaking about how fast I pull my 6 shooter out, but it is to be included i suppose. Besides all of that, its a hell of a lot warmer I cant wait to experience it for the first time this coming April. There are Southerners, just like there are Northerners, who use poor grammar; however, if youve been brought up like I was and those I know, we use proper grammar, much more so than even the British. Please, this is not the place for your comment. Even though the North sees the rebel flag as a symbol of racism and rebellion, it is in fact a sign of knowing their roots and the truth that you seem to not have obtained. Another thing, to all of us Southern girls, no matter how old we are, he will ALWAYS be daddy to us, and nothing else. Northerners ar everwhare . Dryrn a popcorn fart Thats okay. How do you spell elara? how southerners pronounce atlanta how southerners pronounce atlanta. *The He's something . I hate you all and I cant wait to get the hell out of here. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. It up by dropping some letters. We also say carry my car to the shop, not take my car to the shop. We drink and figure it out. Part of the problem is that they seem to waste most of their energy on being very judgmental, insincere (extremely fake manners and false charm), suspicious, nosy, competitive (especially with other women), manipulative, and downright nasty. Ive lived in NC (from PA) since 1999 and most of the locals already have life-long friends and dont seem to be interested in making any more. I was reading the comments and Im not sure where the girl lives (because there are a lot of comments and it was at the beginning) who said that Arkansas is not in the SouthReally? Tolerance and love for your fellow man are wonderful traits that many of you need to learn and practice! I was fortunate to be raised that way. Im researching southern culture to legitimize a character in a story Im writing. Im not sure how you can say that the South was better when in fact they lost. My family served with distinction in the Cofederate Military as Officers and enlisted and in the Confederate Government. No one likes you losers you should all move your dumb conservative bible thumping inbred racist asses to China, where you belong. Main Road: screw the term service road. There is very little sense of community and helping someone is rare. I am originally from South Dakota and it is a state. The stereotype fits, yallllz. That is true but you have to seem happy even if you are not. views.. is Virginia southern cuz my momma is very southern and ive been raised in a southern household and with southern hospitality but many say that Virginia isnt and I will beg to differ! As in Crank the engine. Current affairs. B.) Cmon ken. They would playfully ignore me when I said you guys and insist that they were LADIES not gents and insisted that I address them as such. Again that was way too long ago for me to care, I love the whole country, just had to make the point that you sound dumber than a box of rocks god bless. The only reason fighting stopped was because General Lee took a good look at the number of casualties and did not want it on his conscience if thousands more died. The Senior Officers told me to NEVER lose the accent as people would pay attention to what I had to say. Everybody LOVES our accents. My mama always says Am Fixin up ya tea, Hell yeah, this sites right on the money. Also: Not just the south east. Like the ones from up north that only show at county meetings that occur in the winter, (because there gone in the summer)That same road brought you down, will take youre a__, right back..
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