Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! Lori: Alright everyone, let's go get breakfast ready. Can you please give it back? ", Ronnie Anne: "You bet. Lincoln: Lana, I [Sighs] I really don't know what to tell you. He destroyed Lisa's chemistry set when changing Lily's diaper on accident. It's time to meet everyone's favorite superhero! (The girls are heard snickering in the background). Bye.". Lisa: Leni, I haven't even experimented on my inventions since Friday. Lincoln had beamed in sorriness at her expression. Lincoln: There. Lincoln gets so tired of his sisters that he decides to run away towards Los Angeles with his friends. "Alright, Truth or Dare, Ronnie?" Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli. The one, the only, ACE SAVVY! Lincoln: Ace Savvy!! If your mom ever has another baby, and I'm not trying to jinx it, you'd be an awesome big sister. She babble at him, and then starts pulling her blanket, but he stars pulling too. Luan: When did you lost faith all of a sudden? Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. ", Lincoln: "Alright, mom. The two walk over to the carriage and put Lily in it, just before they leave, Lily begins crying. Now Lincoln and Ronne Anne are alone with Lily. (Just as Luan says this, Lincoln stops walking, then turns around to the girls). ", Ronnie Anne: "Yes, Ronnie. #nickelodeon But you suddenly feel a little different about him. Luna: *Tries to catch up with the accent Luan is wearing* Aye mate! Later, she arrives at her home. The odd one out. That wasn't very nice! Takes place after no such luck. She shrugged and waited for the question. Ronnie Anne turns to see Rita looking at her with a smile, Rita: "Thank you so much for helping Lincoln watch over Lily. "Oh hey. -Okay- Evil Lincoln answered accumulating a ball of energy, Ronnie Anne did the same with her powers. #maverick Lincoln: [Looking through Lana's bookshelf] So, which one of these do you want me to read? Besides, with me gone, there'll be no one to interfere with the Sister Fight Protocol, and I know they'll appreciate that. The pants went down first, then they stopped kissing to take off their shirts. Lynn: Well, look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention! Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. Well if it isn't my favorite grandaughters! I didn't tell any of them about that, but I'm sure they wouldn't have cared if I did. #nickelodeon Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door. "I think we definitely need to talk." SUMMARY:Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. #old (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. [By now, Lana has fallen asleep. Ronnie Anne: Don't apologize dude, you're here for a good reason, and we're here to look out for you. You're missing out, Lily.". And we couldn't find him! Lori: Don't be! Once Lincoln reaches his bedroom, he opens his door, then closes it behind him, wondering what the future holds for him and his sisters). Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The notice the blanket I ripped and glair at him. Luna: I can't wait to get this stuff home! Mitchel just crossed his arms with an angry look on his face. You let Ronnie Anne find you.". sisters, reo, loudhouse. Ronnie Anne picks up Lily and they both start laughing. She stuttered slightly and punched him in the shoulder. She said honestly and he'd have to admit he was quite shocked, that was probably one of the nicest things she's said to him. I made up this story after I watched episodes like It's A 4x Loud House and Sleuth or Consequences. See you, Ronnie Anne. He departs to start anew. (The girls snicker again. You want to babysit Lily with me? I need to go and have some moment for myself! Just then, Lily's stomach growls. He runs inside, and upstairs to his room as he slammed the door). Rita: (off-screen) Girls! Ronnie Anne picks up Lily's torn blanket. I'm not talking to them unless I find out that they really do miss me. Without his sisters. Ronnie Anne rose from her spot on the floor. After a few seconds of tug of war, the little boy wins and pushes Lily back, causing her to fall. Hugging me and apologizing to me, won't make the pain in my heart and the thoughts you put into my head go away. And when we do, we have to repay him back for what we did! Luan: And I got all of that on my phone! Ronnie Anne: It's alright Linc. (When Lincoln walks outside his room, he is greeted by his sisters laughing at him). "I always had those feelings for you", Ronnie said. Ronnie Anne: We need a plan to get them back together. This greeting causes the mailman to get distracted, and a truck crashes into him. (It cuts forward to the Loud House, where all of the sisters are looking for Lincoln. Will you be able Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. (Suddenly, Lana and Lola stop Lincoln in front of the bathroom). "Jeez, it almost noon" Ronnie yawned I'm heading back to work soon. *he cries as he hugs Ronnie Anne* Ronnie Anne: *hugs Ian back* There, there Ian. *Stands up and grabs Luna's collar and attempts to punch it while shaking in anger* Why? Rita leaves the house. It had been 5 days ever since Lincoln's dear good friend, Kathy Garrison passed away in an airplane accident in the summer time on her way back from Los Angeles, they had a super.This is a list of episodes in the fifth season of The Loud House, which was renewed by Nickelodeon on May 7, 2019 and consists . Ronnie Anne with her friends Sid, Sameer, Casey . So please give it back?". Carried on the white surf of incoming tides, the other unicorns emerge en masse from the water, causing The Burp and Burger to collapse into the Rubble as they rush past, with The Decepticons Fought Ginrai But Becomes More Bigger with Godbomber into it he Blasts The Decepticons falling to Their death while laughing. Is he supposed to be hanging out with me and Clyde? (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. He slowly stood up and went to the front door, swallowing the remains of his pride and he began running down the sidewalk. Lana: Oh man! is the 9th episode of the 8th season and its a two part episode and it's a crossover with Transformers Master force. Ronnie Anne stopped on her tracks and went off marching angrily to her room then Bobby appears. Bananas are good, and taste way better than peas. Said the ringtone from the fallen. Ronnie Anne blushes when she hears Lincoln call her his girlfriend. (puts the phone down) Girls, get ready, we're going somewhere. "I'll, um, go talk to her" Lincoln muttered and stood up, making his way down the hall to the bathroom where Ronnie Anne hid. Inside the house, it shows Bobby and Ronnie Anne watching a movie on the sofa. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. Just then, a women in a green dress appears. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. tlh by Wolfzero1 150 34 4 "Yeah! While Lincolnwraps the Unicorn's human form in a blanket, Ginraistates that the magic He has, not he, chose the form, and promises that he will return her to normal after the quest is complete. Please ADD. Lincoln: They probably would've by now. I know you're around here somewhere. He muttered and could feel his fsce getting redder. The Unicorn returns to say goodbye to Lincoln and Ginrai , who laments he has done her wrong by burdening her with regret and the taint of mortality, which could make her unable to properly rejoin her kind in the forest. Sid: Okay, two things, first: That's gross and second: I really feel bad. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is "I'll start I guess." Luna: *Gets away from Ronnie Anne's grip and run to the door while Ronnie Anne was behind her* S-sorry dude! Have you seen Lincoln anywhere? We're just kidding around.". I really need to go! Ronnie Anne: I think that can be arranged. She is acting a little bit off due to the lost of their brother Luna: Sigh, *Realizes her mistake* I just, *Sits down on the grass to calm herself* miss my lil' bro. Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. The little boy appears from behind a bush. Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. WARNING: This chapter contains a sex scene not appropriate for younger readers. However, a shadowy villain is b #2016 If you ever babysit again, let me know. Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! I better head home. So whaddya say pardner? Rita, Lynn Sr., and the remaining Loud sisters enter the house. ). Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Luan: Luna! "How dare you bully our brother! Leni: That was like, the best day at the Mall ever! Lana: Why do they call them graham crackers? You may be wondering why I'm packing up my stuff like this. They looked back and saw destruction all around the neighborhood. (spots them outside) Dang it! Ronnie Anne: "Shhh, it's okay, Lily. Lynn: I think she's trying to say that she was the one who broke the TV remote! Ronnie Anne: Why you GET BACK HERE WITH MY ANSWER! Enraged, the Unicorn turns on the Bull and forces him into the sea. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah. It was a sunny day in royal woods Lincoln wakes up like always He looks out his window and sees the mailman riding by on his bike. Made his classmates fail in P.E. LINKY!!! "Huh?" Ronnie Anne asked. A couple minutes later, Lily is finished eating and she burps. Her friend asked calmly. Lori: Alright Bobby, what did you want to show us? Lincoln: Yes! We're gonna have lots of fun together.". Luna: You were the last one to use it before we left! This little piece is brought to you by a Thirsty Adeyemi. ", Ronnie Anne smirks and walk towards the tree, Ronnie Anne: (playfully) "Gee. I hate seeing you like this. With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. After Bobby turns off the chat, Lincoln comes up to him). If they don't, then I'm not going back home. ", Ronnie Anne: "Lincoln. I mean, what if it will go wrong or somethin'? Of course, that prize will belong to me. Ronnie Anne leaves the house. Lincoln: (to the viewer, with a broken voice) I know I've said before that my sisters making fun of me wasn't bothering, but this was the final straw! What happened to the TV Remote?! His sisters must have broke him. After Lincoln and Ronnie Anne change Lily's diaper, the three of them head to the park. Lana: Can you read me a bedtime story after I finish my snack? "I apologized to . +7 more. They Go to Lori and Everyone that Lincoln Had Ran Off !After reading the note ,Lynn Sr Coudn't Belive his andconfirms that Lincoln wrote it and everybody is upset and guilty that He's Gone and They Began to Cry But Their Crying Was So Loud That Mr.Grouse was Yelling at Them Because He was Reading. (It shows Lincoln and Ronnie Anne sleeping on the couch, when they soon wake up and realize they have to get ready for bed). Then the team had no choice but to throw a party, accepting the fact that the land would soon belong to the mavericks. Hi guys! *Stressed out* What if something bad happened to him? That's 'no' to peas. He was an advocate for healthy eating, and he encouraged his followers to satisfy their cravings with whole grain crackers sweetened with honey. (kneels down and starts crying loudly), (Soon, Lynn starts to cry. Now Lincoln. (A few of the kids giggle at his costume). They are 11 siblings in the Louds, here is the prediction of the future of the Loud family tree. Chapter 4A: Can You Feel The Love Tonight? *Trying to grip in reality because she is about to get sappy*. Stay tuned for the next chapter! I'm impressed.". "Sorry", Said Lincoln. He knew how close Ronnie was to leaving. That was The Final Straw For Lynn Sr And Rita They Can't Take It anymore with Lincoln But He Ran Fast As He could But Lynn Got Him at The Last Second they dragged Him Into Vanzilla As they were doing so Lincoln Yells At Them to stop and went Ballistic about They Should apologize to Him And Threatens to Break Up With Ronnie Anne That Makes Lori Upset And Burst Into Tears, Finally That was Enough for Lynn Sr he Grabbed Lincoln By The arm and Closed the door withLincoln's sisters They chew him out Of His actions But Lincoln Explains That He and Ginrai were Trying to Help Lady Amalthea But They Didn't Care About it They Yelled at Him about what He said And Made Lori Cry. WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM RUN AWAY LIKE THAT? They see Rita standing by the stairs with Lily in her arms. You and Ronnie Anne are so cute together! ", Lincoln: "Really? Rita kisses Lily on her forehead and hands her to Lincoln. In fact, don't tell ANY of them that I'm here. That leaves you with Lily. Leni: Well, him and Bobby are friends now. ", Ronnie Anne: "I can help you babysit Lily if you want. Has she seen Lincoln? The schools resident tough girl who loves to pick on fellow student Lincoln Loud. Lola: Yeah! "The Louds of Oz" - Leni and Charles get caught up in a tornado and end up in the Land of Oz and they try desperately to get back home, on their journey, they meet the Lincrow (Lincoln), who wants a brain, the Tin Girl (Lana), who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Chaz-lion (Chaz), who wants courage. All because one time I took my sister Lucy's blame for clogging the toilet, and me making a fool out of myself at an Ace Savvy convention! After Rita gets caught sneaking out of the house, she shows Ronnie Anne her secret playhouse, which she had since she was a kid. Lana: Hey, Lincoln? He was getting confused and a tiny bit startled about it, when he heard a knock on the front door downstairs. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house), (Lincoln starts to walk down the footpath, as tears begin to form in his eyes once again. Lincoln looks at Ronnie Anne with a smile. I'm telling you, I haven't seen him. Lynn Sr grabbed Lincoln with his arms To Vanzilla But Lincoln Manages to run as He Can ( As told By Ginrai That He Needs To Run ) Lincoln Ran fast as he could But Lori manages to Run after Him as Lynn Sr Told Everyone to Go After Lincoln and Got into Vanzilla and Drove after Him. Hope you all enjoy it! We asked him nicely to give it back, but kept refusing. Hi, Lana. ", Rita: "Lori is with Bobby, Leni is at the mall with her friends, Luna is having a jam session with her friend Tabby, Luan is at a birthday party, Lynn is at soccer practice, Lucy is reciting poetry with her friends, Lola and Lana are visiting Pop-Pop, and Lisa is at a presentation showing one of her inventions. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Today is a BIG day for me. ", Lincoln: "Well, better get going. You mean that lavender blanket she had with her when we brought her here? She ran upstairs, crying. (to the viewer) This happened last year as well, and I thought I wouldn't be bothered again, but considering that they were being so smug to me, I feel very annoyed. Woman: "I am so sorry my son gave you so much trouble.". Lincoln then put his arms around her naked body. (meanwhile with the Loud siblings) I'll get your blanket back.". She immediately spits it out and it gets on Ronnie Anne's face. The Loud House also isn't owned by me! Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. Even if we can't go to Gus' Games n' Grub, this would still be a good way to spend time together. I haven't seen Lincoln since Friday. Lincoln and Lily are hiding, while Ronnie Anne is seeking them. She looks at her son with a angry look, Woman: "Mitchel, that is no way to behave! Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. And if they do well, I'll figure something out. Lincoln: "Oh, a challenge, huh? After accidentally causi Just a truth or dare with the loud house! She takes a spoonful of the food and brings it to Lily's face. He paces back and forth in his room, and then he notices the family picture on his door. Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. Ginrai Turns Amalthea back into the Unicorn, but she is unwilling to leave Hiss side. The two hug again). The animatronic wasn't supposed to do that! Bobby: Wha? It's mashed peas. (As he says this, Lincoln starts crying into his pillow), (It shows Lincoln trying to sleep in his bed, but he isn't able to fall asleep. #fanfiction Ronnie Anne: "Alright, Lily. Ronnie Anne: "Sleep well, you cute little angel.". Lori: Or, when he clogged the toilet, with a Princess Pony book! "Truth, because why not?" What if Ronnie Anne suffered a gruesome fate after running from the French-Mex buffet after Lincoln's unintentional hurting of her feelings? So off the duo walked away and their adventure had begun. ", Ronnie Anne: "It was no problem. I'll read you a bedtime story. Wake up and smell the guilt! Lori: (groans) He probably went to his creep friend's house. He looks at his phone to see it's his mother calling him. For a while, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne play with Lily at the park. ", Lincoln: "Hmm. I know it may sound like I'm just whining, but lately it feels like I'm the black sheep of this family. helluvaboss. Lincoln's Justice 25 parts Ongoing Mature After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de. Events from previous episodes, previous fan fictions, and idea episodes mentioned from Lincoln's message such asMaking the Grade,Study Muffin,Making the Case,Heavy Meddle,Brawl in the Family,Cereal Offender,No Such Luck,Sleuth or Consequences,The Sweet Spot(an episode I'm fine with),Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru,In Tents Debate, Trustworthy from YoshiPlayer13, There's an Impostor on The Loose at The Loud House,It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House(an episode that does have a situation of finding the money from the original owner of the house), and A Plan Gone Bad are mentioned on Lincoln's letter as why he had to run away after years of being treated as a neglected, abused, assaulted outcast. ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. He got Gary the wrong potty, in which, Gary took a dump on Luan's helmet by mistake. I had fun watching her with Lincoln. Ronnie Anne: "Is there any sewing equipment here? Lynn: Guess he wasn't much of a 'superhero' today wasn't he? Its your fault isn't it?! Luna: He's gone, He is no more in our house anymore Ronnie Anne: *Shocked* WHAT??? After he gets himself out of the comics, everyone stares at him for a moment. Lincoln: Hey Ronnie, I'm sorry if I'm giving you and Bobby so much trouble. I miss my siblings very much. Whaddye say ye walk the plank matey? We realized we blamed you for no reason. When they get home, the girls rush inside, as Lincoln slowly heads towards the front door). Lincoln: No way. The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago) Fanfiction Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Ronnie Anne Santiago. I say we do ey? Whatever Happened to Lincoln Loud? I know! Don't think like that! Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. Behind this tree perhaps?". Ronnie Anne: And that's pretty much what happened, Lori and Bobby ended their relationship when Lincoln accidently threw up. ", Rita: "I'm sorry, sweetie. But seriously, don't think like that. ", Lincoln: "So what do you want to do next, Lily?". (It cuts back to the sisters walking towards their house). Lincoln: (laughs) Come on, let's get ready for bed. This catches their attention and they notice Lily is a little messy. As they hoped, she like it, and starts eating it. It's Friday morning, and Lincoln is in his room, getting ready for an Ace Savvy convention at the comic book store. I'm gonna call her tomorrow and tell her that we're broken up. ! After Rita Angrily puts him into his room. I'm sure I'll remember it in the morning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO NICKELODEON AND VIACOM. I JUST WANT MY LITTLE BROTHER BACK!!! I haven't seen the bro. You know what you need to do, right? She takes a spoonful of the food and brings it to Lily's face. We embarrassed him about the clogged toilet, we humiliated him at the convention, and we didn't even feel bad about it! Being pushed, hated, and treated badly by my family is a fate worse than death. You liked everything about him. The series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of an accident-prone boy named Lincoln Loud, who survives as the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children. #theloudhouse. When they arrive at the car park, the girls head inside the mall while Lincoln rushes to the comic book store). ", The woman was shocked by what she heard. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. When she opens the door, she sees Bobby with a wide smile on his face. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne both take a spoonful of the food and eat it. It had been another great day for Lincoln Loud. [Lincoln sighs, ties his bindle shut, and walks out the door. Lincoln pushed and Ronnie Anne stood up. Mumbled Ronnie Anne and she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. Eventually, they go into Lincoln's room and look around for him. Can you get them down for me, please? Luna Angrily Yells at Him again and Slams The Door Behind Him Lincoln Just Bursts Into Tears. Would I lie to you?". My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. Lily really likes you. When we get home, you are in for a time out!". Open wide." Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Ronnie Anne: "Hey! Lincolns eyes went wide in disbelief. The Next Day Lincoln was Walking to the living room where the loud sisters were in they turned their heads to see Lincoln The Loud family were so happy to have Him back and Apologizing for not Believing him about what happened They Hugged Him at School Clyde and Ronnie Anne Apologized Too for calling Lincoln and Outcast Boy Lincoln Said " Don't Thank Me It's Ginrai " and Closed The Door For Good In the school, As The Camera Pans To Ginrai In His Robot Mode He Turns to The Viewers and Smiles As the Sunsets behind Him as the words " The End? " Luna was a little shocked. "And together, we will succeed in domination!" He sat down at his desk and grabbed some paper to work on his next plan. He carried her to the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV. It then cuts back to the Comic Book store, as it shows Lincoln looking tired from waiting too long). She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. *Sits on the couch face to face with Luna* I have a question for you, why is lame-o absent? Lincoln: They're in the pantry. We have to show Lily that this tastes good.". On the beach, the Unicorn magically revives Lincoln before departing for her forest. ", Lincoln: "Yes, that one. I'm still a kid myself. Lincoln: Bobby, I need to ask you a favor. The TV remote was broken, the toilet was clogged, and both of those incidents have something simillar. He got Lucy's Princess Pony when it turns out Lucy does not like Princess Pony anymore (afterLincoln confessed he clogged the toilet when it was her and not him). Pop-Pop: Hmm, for a minute I thought I was going blind. When we get home, I'll have your blanket fixed up in no time. We'll come pick you up when we're done, okay sweetie? (Rita walks off-screen, and the girls spot Lincoln inside the comic book store), (Luan starts recording with her phone as they walk inside the comic book store, but Lincoln doesn't notice them yet), (Lincoln attempts to tackle the robot, but the Robot springs back up, tumbling Lincoln off the stage). Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it'll be okay. Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much of the world through . Please don't tell anyone at school about this.". After this, Lincoln sits on his bed and begins to cry into his hands). Lola: Especially his underwear on the outside! He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair Special thanks to my beta: funkl3ss Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. You have moved to another city- Royal Woods. Lincoln: Dad! How's my favorite baby? [Lincoln starts to walk out of the kitchen.]. Lily giggles. ", Ronnie Anne: "Listen. LORI: No!
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