How can I get query string values in JavaScript? Whether you're a new admin or a seasoned consultant, you're guaranteed to find quality solutions that will aid you in your ServiceNow journey! What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Ive added that to step 1 to clarify. Any chance someone has already figured this out? A couple of days ago one of my colleagues, Jacob Kimball, suggested to me that we might be able to overcome this issue by using a display business rule to collect the blank variable information at the server and then pass those variable names to the client. Thanks for sharing! Other times you'll need to do a GlideRecord query to get it. 0. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this? As I saw in the docs, notation is not supported in Service Portal. Thanks for the feedback! This training provides our recruiters with tools and strategies to improve our diversity and inclusion efforts. I would love to be able to extend this sort of functionality to email notifications. Check out the top of the comments section here for some code to get you started. }); Thats just using the Prototype API to go through all of the DOM nodes in the label element and adjust the inner text to be the text of your new field label. Is there a reason that code wont work on a base task business rule? Scripts require the Value.. Use the getValue() method to use the Value and the getDisplayValue() method to use the label. We use a number of ui_macros inserted as variables, and the client script seems to not be able to set those to hidden, even from the ui javascript executor. For those of you working with record producers and building out dynamic pages, you may be aware that this can be a bear to work with. You might check your browser error console to see if theres anything there that would point you in the right direction. Whether you're a new admin or a seasoned consultant, you're guaranteed to find quality solutions that will aid you in your ServiceNow journey! Another thing is that someone suggested merging the business rule script into the client script in request and sc_task tables. Great addition but a bit more info could be needed. Can you point me in the right direction? Therefore, an administrator or developers should be very much clear about to decide which is best suited according to business need. Ill see if I can recreate the second problem Im having and submit one for that too. Hello Mark, Variables belong to global application so script is accessing on global then it worked. eres a quick tip for a Monday. Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. '/***DO NOT REMOVE OR MODIFY THIS SECTION!!! Your above solution works brilliantly, if we dont have check boxes and Containers. Good to have a couple of choices! access of field label? It would be nice to not include those that are empty. Do you know if it is possible to retrieve the modified label? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The reference qualifier here is important. Im trying to apply this script to change the slush bucket labels (left and right), but nothing Im doing seems to work. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. The post Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training appeared first on Crossfuze. for(i = 0; i < emptyVars.length; i++){ So for example. I think the best solution is simply to create a new reference field referencing the Record producer [sc_cat_item_producer] table named Record producer [u_record_producer] on the task table. Seems to be something with the setDisplay function. We can use var rpID = RP.getParamaterValue(sysparm_id); and use it in producer script to set it in target reference field created on incident/change or any target record. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. ecord producers in Service-now allow users to create records on any table directly from the Service catalog interface. Unchecked check box variables actually have a value of false. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? Why is eval being used? This script is not working to change variable type Label. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! below is the server code function You didn't specify the context of your script that needs the variable values. Color and styling is even more problematic in this case so its not included. However, if in a script the element name is a variable, then gr.setValue(elementName, value) can be used. 2015 Locate any record in any table, by . This is just for standard forms. Only thing I can think of that might work is just to replace the label text with label text in bold tags. To fully enjoy this site, please enable your JavaScript. I like this better than what I have, Ill update the article above. There is, but not with the scripts here. You can create Service Catalog record producers directly from a table record. The client script is not working. Lets create a new one. Please specify through example. 0 coins. Oftentimes it is more desirable to []. Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. Records created from a record producer has empty variables values. The post Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training appeared first on Crossfuze. To use variables from a Record or a Reference (dot-walking), expand the data pill to show its fields. It worked perfectly again after that. If youve done all of the above steps correctly, you should end up with a nicely-populated Record producer reference field on each generated record. While this [], By Crossfuze Admin|2018-07-09T15:00:11-05:00March 25th, 2010|Categories: Scripting|Tags: Record producers, Service catalog|, Record producers in Service-now allow users to create records on any table directly from the Service catalog interface. First, you should know that you can right-click any field and personalize the label for that field. . producerVars.addQuery(table_name, current.sys_class_name); // ADD THIS LINE TO USE EXISTING INDEX Would you say this solution is still needed with the changes to UI Policies in Calgary? Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training, GlideDialogWindow: Advanced Popups Using UI Pages, Swapping Hardware Assets in ServiceNow with HAM Pro. I just tested on a clean demo instance and it worked fine there. Your problem isnt with the script here, its that ServiceNows API is broken in your instance for some reason. I got your initial script to work changing a variable label on a catalog item. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? It doesnt have any effect on the approval summarizer as far as I know because client scripts dont run there. Im trying to do the exact same thing for an approval record. I collapsed your scripts into a single one (since onLoad and onChange are very similar) and modified it a bit for consistency with the ones above. . Im just spreading the love. Client-side gets them via g_form.getValue("field_name"); Server-side gets them via ritmGlideRecord.variables.field_name (or for dynamic field name, ritmGlideRecord.variables[fieldName]). Please note that with the introduction of the Service Portal, many client-side scripting methods have been deprecated. Do you know of any gotchas with your script and view rules? Items demonstrated/discussed in this video:* Prepare Table First* Hide information icon* Variable Default/onChange Client Script Combo* Variable Attributes* . Mark, any chance something like this could be done to a change the name of a list view column header? When setting a value, ensure the data type of the field matches the data type of the value you enter. Is this a case where I need to dotwalk from the variable set to get to the object? You can store the reference field value in any field type, but I think a reference field is best. If you put this as a business rule, itll pick up what you submit using the sysparm_action parameter in the glideuri map. For the benefit of others, the if(v.getDisplayValue lines in the middle of the script are the part that filters out the empty variables. We do this by leveraging the record producer Script field to populate the Record producer [u_record_producer] field created in the previous step. Many a times we need to fetch data through a particular Reference field on a table, so we either go by dot-walking approach or we do multiple GlideRecords to fetch it. Awesome! Works find for one column layouts. In addition to empty variables, is it also possible to hide specific variables? To create a new reference field mapping select 'Reference' from the New Mapping field drop down then enter the name of the source field that you want to map. Once these items are in place, your Category and Subcategory fields on your record producer on ServiceNow will be functional and the Subcategory field will dynamically be filtered and driven by the Category field. Script works great in the ITIL view of ServiceNow, but doesnt work in the Service Portal. . I tried it on several requests on both of our sites and it works fine so there must be something else blocking it from working for whatever reason that doesnt happen on ours bizarre ill be interested in seeing what Mark says.. g_form.setDisplay(variables.caller_id, false); works fine there. Just implemented this script into our test environment and works quite well (Helsinki Patch 11) expect for check boxes, empty check boxes still remain? Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. How can I get it to redirect back to the homepage outside of the iFrame? Anyone found a workaround for that? That comes from the prototype javascript framework, which is bundled with ServiceNow. I think the best you could do would be to wrap your UI macro code in a specific div with a specific ID each time. Heres an example that you could use in an onLoad client script to change the Description field label on a Change request form, Of course, this is much more accessible if you include it in a global UI script. The post Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training appeared first on Crossfuze. Here's another example that shows how you can access record producer variables using the 'producer' object. Ive confirmed that its not the business rule. More customization options are available. // Only run eval() function once to avoid recursive loop Ive tried this function call, but to no avail: changeFieldLabel(variables.requested_for, Requestor); Unfortunately, ServiceNow hasnt given us a good way to get at those variable elements on the standard forms. On the Let's set up your standard catalog item or Let's set up your record producer screen, configure the Name and Short description for the Catalog Item. Heres the modified version of the script, if anyone is interested: Thanks so much, this saved me so much time! Both of these ways are not working. I use these scripts when I have a complicated Record Producer with multiple UI policies to hide the unneeded variables on the Incident/Change/Project forms. After we made some base categories lets make some matching subcategories. Is there anyway to get this working on the mobile app (or something like it that will work there)? I dont have anything for service portal like this currently. by modifying the script field entry on the record producer. You could exclude all check box variables from the list by modifying the two queries in the code to account for variables with a value of false. producerVars.addQuery(table_sys_id, current.sys_id); Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. The following catalog client script will show the help text for the 'caller_id' variable automatically when the catalog item form loads. This has been really helpful. This script takes the values of the 'caller_id . Keep it up. Also when I try to simply log in client script g_form.getValue(varName) or g_form.getValue(variables. + varName), both values are empty. There is also a ; missing in the end of the business rule (at least I had to add it to get it to work). Fantastic, this is exactly what I needed to give the users visibility into which type of Service Creator task (in a category) they were seeing in a list. Client scripts cannot be run from a list view. When the record is submitted using a record producer, you are redirected directly to the generated record. Just recently learned about Display Business Rules. In the example, a Suggestion Record producer is being created. Worth putting error handling in there, but the basis is there. You can also view the icons within. Well done. Check out the prototype API for more details. Is it possible to change the table label using something similar? However, Im having a hard time wrapping my mind around turning it into a callable(within another client script) or global UI Script. The question that Ill address in this post is different than both of those scenarios though. When trying to apply it to the task generated by this particular item in an onLoad CS, i can not get it to work. Is a collection of years plural or singular? Question asks for Record Producer, not for record created from Record Producer hence answer is B Record . It is possible, and this post will show you how it can be done. New post: Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, New post: Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, New post: Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK) // gs.log(BR RITM Variables for + current.number + : + g_scratchpad.emptyVars); }. I search the glide system class documentation but could not spot it?? As such, youll need a field to store that value in. How can i perform it . // Store empty variables as string of commands Its when I call something like: g_form.setDisplay(variables.description, false) the whole client script fails. We have a global variable set for attachments with a real generic label Please attach any pertinent data. Its technically possible, but its a pretty bad hack that would be likely to break or cause future issues so its not something I can recommend or would even spend the time to code up. In the Variables tab or section, open the Please describe your issue } eval(scriptCode ); How to get the children of the $(this) selector? Very helpful! Is there a fix for this? Then I tried your code and it worked fine as well:, So I just need to figure out how to upgrade my instance. I am trying to modify this script to allow enabling and disabling mandatory for the variables based on another flag set on the sc_task record.
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