The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, known as the VA, has added atypical Parkinsonism to the list of conditions presumptively associated with Agent Orange exposure during military service. Its on the VAs own list of bases. He said he worked in areas close to base fencelines and perimeters, sometimes chaining down jets to run the engines, which would actually kick up dust and dirt everywhere around the aircraft.. I had to clean all of this up with no idea that this could be agent orange. In October 2020, the VA denied Xenia resident and Thailand veteran Paul Skinner compensation for what Skinner believed was Agent Orange exposure, with the VA informing Skinner in a letter: Your personnel records still fail to show that during your duties you were exposed to Agent Orange or tactical herbicides while performing daily duty assignments at Udom (Royal Thai Air Force Base).. An official website of the United States government. But proving it isnt always possible, others say. THAILAND & AGENT ORANGE: Agent Orange & Other Herbicides: Resources "Vietnam-era Veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to herbicides and may qualify for VA benefits."--quoted from the VA website: . He has heart problems, diabetes, neuropathy. When I applied I was surprised and impressed that a reviewer responded with some questions within days and I provided some more documentation. I know Im not alone. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. I was diagnosed with PPA. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you would like my help just let me know. How is sht burning not considered exposure to particulate matters? Any help appreciated. I lost my husband on February 12 th. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. I was around that Agent Orange. the VA acknowledged Agent Orange use in Thailand and made service members stationed there eligible for compensation . God bless you!!! I already lost my prostate over this. I have had tumors removed and strange skin problems. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, I know he was in Khe Sahn and went on to the DMZ by the time he got out of Nam. Time is running out for these veterans, Brown said in an email. April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. He is qualified for nursing care however the thought is scary! My husband served 20 years in the USMC and served in the Vietnam War in 1968. I have developed arithmia, high blood pressure, diabetes and asthma. Ive literally suffered for over 40 years with serious digestive problems, heart & breathing problems. Get to va office and start squeaking. Many of I sat in the chair, demanded him to look and waited for his lazy ass to find it! Army. Mary L. Unfortunately you only had one year to continue his claim. My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange and I have a genetic mutation or defect that showed up in the chromosome tests called Ankylosing Sponylitis. He was a body builder & very health conscious! A doctor returned my call. Hi, sorry to hear about everyone having issues getting benefits for thier loved ones. Politicians carry responsibility also. I have sinus problem that I never had before being exposed. People laughed at me at accused me of putting on. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. You were boots on ground during the required times. is being forced because of these new laws and regulations to admit exposure they previously denied. Go to nearest VA facility and get registered with VA Health, find a VSO and he/she will fill out the necessary papers for you. I also drank a lot of water and ate healthy foods. My three sons and some of the grandchildren are at risk and indeed have some unusual conditions. Yeah as a BT many times the Asbestos dust was floating like a fog. Just my venting and 2 cents worth, nothing more,nothing will change. SO I ALSO WAS AT THE FORT CHAFFEE POST GAVE THEM THOES RECORDS AND STILL HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM. The VA has gradually expanded coverage for Agent Orange-related illnesses in the decades since. The Kearsarge is NOT YET a BLUE WATER SHIP but i remember Launching, Recovering and Securing these Helos after IN COUNTRY or Near Shore rescues. Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. Each disease is rated from 5% to 100%, then Agent Orange while serving in Thailand during the Vietnam Era. Im his daughter I was born in 1964 and I have Parkinsons and dystonia and other nurogical problems, and a brain DBS implant, all because of Dystonia, these diseases do not run in either side of my familys. Pay them. I was a combat Marine Vietnam 68-69. Is anyone else aware of this. I only get the run around when I call. Spent a year on that Island as many other Vets. He had a friend who was killed in 68 that was the only one he ever spoke of, and it traumatized him for life. I was an organizational automotive mechanic in the Marine Corps as well as doing a stint of armory duty. Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. He did so much research on this letter (the Aug. 2015 memo)., These men are now in many cases in their 80s, Trone said. But somebody reviewed my application almost immediately (a good thing and to be commended) and determined that the request could proceed. And on it goes now they are concerned again? I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. i get the burn pits for these folks 100% 2/9th Marines were station at Pohang Korea training with the ROK Marines August 1975 for 30 days we had burn pits also we stood guard no more than 20 away with black smoke in the air debris burning and going on your utilities plastics/human waste/metal/unspent rds u guarded for hrs our hooches were only 100 away and u got the smoke as u slept also why are these not considered burn pits is it to let the older Marines die off so u go with the younger Marines first and these younger Marines sure deserve all they get but like agent orange with the 3 new aliments all these years later let the folks die first then include us why is the va not including all of us big black billows of smoke u sniff in when u stood guard/slept but for some odd ass reason we are not included peace. Some are just collecting a paycheck. If you have filed a claim with the VBA since your diagnosis in 2010, the VA SHOULD be contacting you. Go online and look for the name of your state and VA rep and it will pop up with a list. Could go on forever, but I should stop here. Appointments. My husband served 68-69 in country. I know a Roberto Bustamante in Tampa Fl. This page list resources for Vietnam veterans exposed to agent organce, including certain Blue Water Navy veterans. He was assigned to the 14th Engr Combat Battalion attached to the 1st Cav airmobile division. It would most likely be cheaper and distinctly faster to approve every damned request for benefits. My 1st duty station was Task Force Delta as is shown in my records. I served in the 49th TAC Fighter Wing and got out in late 1974 after breathing jet exhaust on the flight line for almost a year. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. He was informed that they were currently without the manpower to review these claims. I was at mountain home afb 1975 to 1980. Im a 5x bladder cancer survivor thanks to our lovely government exposing so many of us to god knows what. Persian Gulf War? I finally was able to get into and fill out the burn pit registry about a year ago. I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. I am a bladder cancer survivor (early detection). Those of us who served on aircraft carriers operating out of yankee station are denied compensation for agent orange related conditions because we were outside the 12 mile limit. Yeah As a BT we used gallons of Toulene No respirator Had oil tank overflow on to mess deck about 1 inch deep. 2 [Discussion Draft] 1 SEC. Young. The VA refuses to acknowledge any of my service-connected disabilities. The only problem is we the wife take care of them but once they pass they give us very little money as surviving spouse . I remember those days. I received a letter from the VA today asking me to reach out they are liking for his next of Kin. You can file as a widow for spousal benefits. What happed to all of us poisoned at Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune NC? A grateful nationmy ass. Used bales of rags to clean it up. My loved one is in hospice at this moment any time hes going to be restored to the kingdom of God. Good luck to you. Thank you. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). Now I have all kinds of wonky neurological problems and autoimmune disease. Ive been living with severe motor skill losshad to relearn how to walk and need to keep working even though Im in my seventies and need to hide my tremors and speech difficulties for fear of losing my job. I have had what they call jungle rot on my feet and hands that comes and goes. Should I apply? Contact your county office of the state Department of veterans services. It is not a hereditary cancer. Thank you. We never thought, or were told to ask our First Sargent Can you tell me what chemicals we are using here, and how will they possibly affect my health 25 years from now? We were all asked to step up, and never thought that a real enemy might be the Department of Defense, or perhaps some other EM doing what he had been told to do. Im an ex-Marine who was stationed at Camp LeJeune (and Camp Geiger) for a total of seven months in 1972. I submitted my claim in 2008 after being called to the VAMC to be placed on the registry. That is all they are waiting for ? They will also send you to outside doctors, to prove your claim, do not miss the Almost every county has My father recently passed but was %100 sec connected whatever that means. But we filed a claim for our daughter for the Agent Orange. says good luck. Get more resources at I finally got FULL VA bendfits 45 years later only because I met a VET in Allentown, pa area and he GUIDED my through the process and actually took me to the Allentown VA and showed me where to go and what to expect when I had to see the PROFESSIONALS. He use to say they would spray agent orange below the hills he was on to control the jungle below them. These things added by VA are a joke unless examiners just listen and note. I will continue the fight to get benefits for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals regardless of where they served.. I served in Nam 67 and 68 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in 2012. Well Im still kicking. The va gives you meds but dont wont to give benefits.Our svo where I live dont even wont to talk to you.I tried to get him to make copies of . Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? I hurt all over, can only get 40%. March 3 (UPI) -- A Haitian migrant was found unresponsive aboard a U.S. Coast Guard cutter and pronounced dead after the Coast Guard stopped a vessel carrying 54 migrants off the coast of Florida. It took several days to call me back. I am a Vietnam Veteran who, has lived with critical neuropathy after several EMGs. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? These are the evidence pieces you should give to your VSO, or if filing on your own, the evidence you scan and attach when submitting a claim at I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. These conditions include: Bladder Cancer Hypothyroidism : A condition occurs when the thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones Didnt speak to anyone for a solid year unless I had to and finally got out USMC? This letter rejecting Skinners claim cited an Aug. 2015 memo from the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), a memo that veteran Robert McHenry, a friend to Skinner and others, fought for years. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Biden awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam Col. Paris D. Davis after 60-year delay. He saw active duty the entire tour. Im not convinced the toxic exposure will ever be gone. In 2019 I started the process of filing the claim with the VA. After a lot of paper work, doctor exams and 10 months of waiting I finally received my rating from the VA of 100% full and complete disability. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. Together, we must take action to save lives. He got a double whammy being a Vietnam vets son and then whatever was going on with the poison that was Anniston, good ol Monsanto strikes again :-( And of course, we never knew about that until it was decades too late. Find a VSO veterans service officer in your area, they will fill out forms and get them to the Sections and chapters in the description below! What about soldiers who served in Vietnam AND South Korea both of which resorted in exposure to Agent Orange? has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called I served in Viet Nam Nov 70 -Nov 71, at Anloc VN and was diagnosed in 2010 with hypothyroidism. (PROGRESSIVE Supranucler PALSY). 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) By 2014, the front and both sides of his brain completely shrank and was unable to comprehend judgment and needed full-time care. When will they get enough competent case reviewers to catch up on all Agent Orange Disability claims.?? Over the course of a year, we recently lost 100,000 sons, daughters, moms, and dads to drug overdoses. That presumption has been expanded to blue-water Navy veterans. Being exposed just doesnt stop with the military member. The VA told him he didnt need to file a claim because it wasnt covered. Fortunately, I finally learned that the best way to deal with PTSD was to have a vigorous workout every day! What about all those who served as I did in Johnston Atoll in 1974. At least Korean and Vietnam combat veterans should be 100%, eliminate the bureaucracy. I am compensated for it, though. I have his claims on file in my home. If your husband was ever denied a claim for those conditions you should visit your local VSO and request to file a claim for Dependents Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and accrued benefits that would pay you the money he should have been awarded. NOT a great idea sending him to the coastline and semi-jungle conditions back into death and destruction, but thats Uncle Sam for you. What about all of us who were stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama ? I marked it off and put in my Training Jacket. He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. Each generation poisoned the one after them with Chemicals they used on our bases. The VA has pushed aside those of us that used trichloroethylene as a cleaning solvent in the 60s. We have suffered as well. Im 72 and my time is limited and its been a long hard road, but Ive raised my posterity. I suffer from hypothyroidism, neurological issues, and have had several episodes of Transient Global Amnesia. A VA spokeswoman said If enacted, S.657 would expand universal eligibility for veterans who served in Thailand. I dont know dates ir anything and sadly my mother passed a few months back and I have no other family to ask. (Even though he had rectal cancer and now has a colostomy.) I served in Vietnam in 1967. Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that veterans who served in southeast Asian countries other than Vietnam during the war provide evidence of exposure to the herbicide in order to qualify for benefits. Every sickness he had was documented in his medical records stating the main cause was due to Agent Orange and Other Health Factors. This article is a joke! My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. I am now having all kinds of health/medical problems. Three tours in Vietnam, all on the DMZ, two brown water, one blue water. Hard of hearing!! See my reply to Paula where I mention the DNA effects that can be inherited by our children born after the exposure. I am amazed that the VA believes burn pit issues only affect those serving in the more recent SW Asia campaigns. They owe it to you. Please switch auto forms mode to off. He passed last year and I am sure his condition was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange or Blue Water exposure. I have learned of one Vietnam vet who got scleroderma within the one year limit and who was finally given disability status from the VA for his scleroderma. I still believe I was subjected to Agent Orange. March 3 (UPI) -- Renewable energy company AVANGRID said Friday an agreement to spend $30 million on components supports a final investment decision for a solar power facility in Texas, a national leader in solar power. If not, I dont know where to go from here. I was in Nam 18 months, 29 April 68 to 7 Dec 69, I have Diabetes 2, receiving 30 % compensation for AO induced Diabetes 2. This was the only work I ever did under such conditions and now I pay a very high price, no future. Plus my 37 year old son has a large tumor in his spine! WASHINGTON - The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee advanced legislation introduced by U.S.
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