Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. The checker will guide you through a series of questions to confirm if you are a qualified educator. Postgraduate: Typically we require Kandidaattii/Kandidat awarded pre-1993 or post 2007 or the Maisteri/Magister. Take a Self-check if you want to move forward on an application for registration to the NMBA. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Postgraduate: Four year bachelor special degrees from recognised universities are considered for entry, typically 60% or above, Postgraduate: Applicants will typically require a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures, or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees. What is equivalent to NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care? Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. So, the equivalent of HSC in Britain is The GCE. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of B, 65% or GPA of 3.0 from a well ranked university is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B-, 60% or GPA of 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Undergraduate: Typically we require the Matura or secondary school leaving diploma with a minimum of 4.5 (AAB - ABB equivalent at A-Level) or 5.0 (A*A*A - AAA). - Any NQF level 8 qualification, The minimum required scores are as follows: Postgraduate: A Licenciado, a minimum of 4 years in duration, from a well ranked university in Bolivia is required for consideration for postgraduate study at Warwick. a. include a program of initial teacher education at the Bachelor degree level or higher; and. Transfers from the first year of undergraduate programmes at other UK universities are normally not possible unless the grades achieved at A Levels/IB are those we would typically require for direct entry. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: Complete the Hauptschulabschluss Leaving Certificate (including year 10) or the Extended Realschule Leaving Award with a final overall grade of 1/Sehr Gut, UndergraduateLink opens in a new window: Typically we require the Zeugnis der Allgemeine Hochschulreife Abitur with a minimum of 1.6 (ABB) to 1.2 (A*A* A) overall. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP Required. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Warwick IFP: Complete the Titulo Academico de Bachiller/Diploma de Bachiller with an overall score of 8/80%. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Warwick IFP: Baccalaurat de l'Enseignement Secondairewith an overall final score of 15/20, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP or other accepted international qualifications (A Level, IB, French Baccalaureate, US APs). Apply for OTSR Provisional License Training & Experience Warwick IFP: Complete the General Secondary Education Certificate with B/80% overall in the final year. International Baccalaureate (IB) is also suitable for admission. Warwick IFP: Complete the High School Diploma Academic Track with 85% in the final year, Postgraduate: Typically holders of bachelors degrees from Centre of Excellence will be considered for entry to postgraduate programmes. Warwick IFP Complete the Baccalaureat Certificate with at least 16/20 overall in the final year. See USA for more information, Postgraduate: Minimum of 4 year bachelors degree with GPA 3.3/4.0 or equivalent is typically required for admission, An overview of entry requirements for applicants from Palestine, Postgraduate: A Licienciado/Titulo de (subject area) with a minimum duration of 3 years is required for postgraduate study at Warwick. Postgraduate: A Bachelor's degree (minimum 4 years duration). Postgraduate: Typically a minimum of a Second Class Honours (Upper Division) is required. Frequently asked questions on living and working in Australia. Alternatively see entrance requirements for the IB, APs, France, New Zealand, or Australia if studying at a school with an international curriculum. Diploma de Esame di Stato with a minimum of 90% to 95% overall including 3 State (Italian) Examinations, Postgraduate: Minimum of four year degree will also typically require a pre-masters qualification from a recognised UK institution. Completion of at least one year full-time study or equivalent * Australian Foundation programs are . - Bachelors in Technology (BTech) ALicencefrom a recognised Tunisian university with a score of: *Other degree titles/qualifications accepted include:Matrise, Diplme National d'Ingnieur, Docteur en Mdecine/Vtrinaire, For any postgraduate research courses where the minimum requirement is a Masters degree, aMasterProfessionnelorMaster de Recherchewith a score of 14/20 is required in addition to a 3-yearLicence, *Other postgraduate degree titles/qualifications accepted:Diplome dEtudes Superieures Specialisees (DESS) with a score of 14/20. Postgraduate: A score of 70%+ from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK First Class degree. Postgraduate: A score of 80-89% from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 65-79% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of 3.50 or B+ or 80-90% is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 2.00 or C or 60-80% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs or comparable qualifications. Australian, UK, IB qualifications will be considered for direct entry (see specific information relating to these qualifications for more information). French Baccalaureat with minimum grades of 12/20 - 15/20. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs. Warwick IFP: Form 5 - Achieve an average of at least 70% overall across your core units. Alternatively, we would require a master's degree from a recognised university. Warwick IFP: Complete the High School Diploma with a minimum overall average grade of 75%, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. A score of 5 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 4 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. For the Erstes Staatsexamen (First State Exam), we would typically require an overall grade of at least 7 out of 18, which is considered comparable to a UK 2:1. Please click here for further information on VVO grade equivalencies. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of B, 65% or GPA of 3.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B-, 60% or GPA of 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, American system will be considered. An overview of our entry requirements for applicants from Malaysia. - Bachelors in Architecture A score of 14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2, Undergraduate: Advanced Matriculation and Matriculation Certificate Examination are comparable to A Levels with the same grading system as UK A levels, Postgraduate: Bachelors degree with honours is considered comparable to UK Bachelors degree, with the same grading system as the UK, Warwick IFP: High school qualifications considered for entry, Postgraduate: Applicants will typically require a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures, or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees with a minimum of 14 (Bien). Certificate 4 qualification . The third criterion is whether your academic level of qualification is comparable at least to an Australian Bachelor Degree at level 7 (registered nurse or midwife) or Australian Diploma level 5 (enrolled nurse) of the Australian Qualifications Framework. If you hold valid foreign seafarer qualifications under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), and you are an Australian citizen, permanent resident or hold a current Australian work visa you can apply for a certificate of recognition. Postgraduate: The University Diploma is typically considered comparable to British Bachelors degree. University of the South Pacific) with 'A'/high GPA grades, with particularly high scores in degree relevant subjects. Alternatively IB, A-Levels, APs will be considered. Postgraduate: A Masters degree from a recognised institution in Myanmar would be considered for postgraduate entry with minimum grade of 75%, Excellent/Very Good or a numeric score of 5. Undergraduate: Typically we require the Ylioppilastutkinto (National Matriculation Certificate) with minimum grades of Magna cum laude (5) to Laudatur (7) overall. UndergraduateLink opens in a new window: Warwick IFP required. Undergraduate: Applicants holding IB, A-level or CAPE high school leaving qualifications will be considered for undergraduate entry. USP Foundation Programme not typically accepted for admission to undergraduate programmes. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of 70-79 or 7-7.99 or B from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60-69 or 6-6.99 or C is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Australia Warwick IFP : High School qualifications and either OP3 or ATAR qualifies students for direct entry to undergraduate programmes. Applicants holding a good bachelors (Honours) degree will be considered for masters degree entry. Postgraduate: Typically we will consider a four year bachelors degree. Two grading schemes are in place. Candidates with a strong B score (70 - 80) may also be considered. To find the actual entry requirements of your course (UK system) please refer to the postgraduate course directory, Warwick IFP: High school qualification will be considered for entry. Postgraduate: The Diploma de Licen (Diploma of Licentiate) is typically considered comparable to UK bachelors degree. Postgraduate: A score of 80 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Foreign Qualification: Country: Malaysian Equivalence: 1. Postgraduate: We are unable to accept qualifications from the University of Gambia for entry to our postgraduate programmes. Level 5 in both electives plus Level 5 in two cores (excluding Chinese), and no less than 3 in any other subject except Chinese. A Levels, IB, and American system are eligible for direct entry. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Polytechnic diplomas will also be considered for certain degree courses; CGPA requirements range from 3.4/4.0 (for courses requiring ABB) to 3.8/4.0 (for courses requiring A*A*A). Qualification recognition for vocational courses. A score of 5.5 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 5.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Warwick IFP: Complete your Certificate of Complete Secondary Education with an overall average of 4.5/5.0 in the final year, Undergraduate:Warwick IFP required. Undergraduate: One year's successful bachelor degree level study at a recognised institution of university standing (e.g. Alternatively IB, A Levels and American system also accepted. Postgraduate: A bachelors degree is considered comparable to British bachelors (Honours) degree standard. Postgraduate: A Bachelor's degree, Diplomstudium/Magister with a score of 60% or 2.9 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 50% or 3.9 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Alternatively see entrance requirements for the IB, APs, France, New Zealand, or Australia if studying at a school with an international curriculum. Postgraduate: Bachelor's degree considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard. YES, YEAR 13!! Please note: Below is a list of countries . Postgraduate: Typically a minimum of 80 (A) from a four year degree programme from the University of the South Pacific. French Baccalaureat with minimum grades of 12/20 - 15/20. Postgraduate: Diplom universitare is insufficient for entry. . Current List of International Coaching Qualifications Regarded as Equivalent to UKCC Level 2*: New Zealand Level 1 Development Coaching - Level 2 - High Performance; Cricket Australia Level 1, Community Coach - Level 2 Representative Coach - Level 3 High Performance; South African Level 2 (Bakers Academy) - South African Level 1 (please note that the SA Level 1 Bakers Academy is not suitable). c. include at least one year (full-time or part-time equivalent) of professional teacher education content; and. Qualifications explained Qualification comparisons Qualification Comparisons in NVQ Not sure what each of the City & Guilds levels really mean? Click here for an overview of the entry requirements for applicants from Hungary. Alternatively IB, A Levels accepted. Undergraduate: Warwick IFP or alternatively one year's successful bachelor degree level study at a recognised institution of university standing (e.g. Postgraduate: University of the West Indies - A score of 9 or B+ is considered comparable to a UK 2.1 while a score of 6 or C is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. A student from Austria can enter into a VET/Higher Education Program if he/she possesses a Gymnasium, Realgymnasium or Wirtschafkundliches Realgymnasium qualification. SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS A score of 7 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Level 7 - Bachelor Degree. Postgraduate: A score of 3.00-3.30 is usually considered comparable to a UK 2.1 and a score of 2.50-2.90 is usually considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: A Bachelors degree from Laos will not be considered for postgraduate entry therefore a suitable pre-masters qualification from a recognised institution will be required, Undergraduate: Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education) is considered comparable to UK AS level. Alternatively IB, A-Levels or Aps. For any postgraduate research courses where the minimum requirement is a Masters degree, a Masters degree from a recognised Iranian institution with an overall score of 15/20 is required in addition to a four-year Bachelor degree, Warwick IFP: Complete the Secondary School Certificate with an overall score of 75% in the final year. High School Diploma not adequate for direct entry to Bachelors Degree programmes. Postgraduate: The Magistar is considered comparable to a UK Bachelor's degree. Degrees can be awarded as a percentage (%), CGPA out of 4.0 or 5.0 or 7.0, please see equivalencies below. A score of 4.5 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 4.0 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Equivalent qualifications and skill recognition Equivalent qualifications and skill recognition Find out if you can use your current international or domestic skills and qualifications to support your application for a certificate of competency. For universities with a GPA scale of 5.0, the following equivalencies apply: Warwick IFP: High school qualification is considered for entry, Undergraduate: Typically we require a Diploma Za Zavarasheno Sredno Obrazovanie with minimum grades of 5.5 to 5.9 overall to include 3 written state exams. Level 6. The degree should also be a minimum of 4 years in duration. Postgraduate: Typically applicants require a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: High school qualification considered for entry. Average grade 9.4 in the Titulo de Bachiller, Average grade 9.2 in the Titulo de Bachiller, Average grade 9.0 in the Titulo de Bachiller, Average grade 8.5 in the Titulo de Bachiller, Average grade 8.0 in the Titulo de Bachiller, BUET - Bangladeshi University of Engineering and Technology, CUET - Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, RUET - Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, 16/20 in the Pre-university Certificate (, National University Entrance Examination (, Warwick IFP or other accepted international qualifications (A Level, IB, French Baccalaureate, US AP's). For universities with a GPA scale of either 4.0 or 4.3, the following equivalencies apply: 2:1 or Upper Second Class equivalent to GPA 3.3, 2:2 or Lower Second Class equivalent to GPA 3.0, Undergraduate: The Maturitn skka or Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) is considered sufficient for entry to undergraduate programmes with grade 2.0 or higher required. "In other countries where an NQF is in place (for example, in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and most Scandinavian countries), the authorities will assess a South African qualification on. Only higher (honours) level subjects will be considered. Undergraduate: 3 A-Levels. Applicants with 50-59% or B or a GPA of 3.0-3.9 may be considered for courses requiring a 2:2 degree. have completed a formal technical or professional qualification overseas. Warwick IFPLink opens in a new window: High School qualifications and either OP3 or ATAR qualifies students for direct entry to undergraduate programmes. Postgraduate: A Bachelors degree with a minimum of around 15 is generally considered as equivalent to a 2:1 for postgraduate entry. Candidates with a strong B score (70 - 80) may also be considered. Undergraduate: The Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools' Grade 12 Certificate is considered comparable to the overall A-Level Standard, with Advanced Mathematics and two Advanced level electives comparable to A-level on a subject-for-subject basis. Postgraduate: Typically the Bacharel/Licenciado/Licenciatura is deemed equivalent to a UK Bachelors degree. Postgraduate: A score of 80-89% from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 70-79% is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: Masters degree required in order to be eligible for Postgraduate study at Warwick, Undergraduate: Warwick IFP required. Postgraduate: Holders of a degree at Bachelor (Hons) or Masters level degree from Singaporean universities will be considered for entry to postgraduate degrees at Warwick. Warwick IFP: Link opens in a new windowHigh school qualification considered for entry, UndergraduateLink opens in a new window: Warwick IFP required. Warwick IFP required. A score of 8 out of 12 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6.5 out of 12 is considered comparable to a 2.2. Recognise overseas qualifications If you're an individual interested in studying, working or migrating to Australia, learn about qualifications recognition. Postgraduate: A bachelors degree from the University of Technology or the University of West Indies would be required for consideration postgraduate entry. PostgraduateLink opens in a new window: Bachelors degrees are considered comparable to a UK Bachelor's degree. For courses requiring a 2:1: 70-74% or Upper Second click here for further information on VVO grade equivalencies. A score of B+ or 3.3 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of B- or 2.7 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. Postgraduate: A score of 4.3-4.69 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 3.9-4.29 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. You can select 2 countries from the flag icon below to see what types of qualifications are included in national frameworks referenced to the EQF. Pre masters programme from a recognised institution may be required, Warwick IFP: High School qualification is considered for entry. An A-level in the essential subject would be required to satisfy this criteria. Another thing I discovered from my year abroad in Australia (that I hadn't encountered in the UK) was the idea of a ' hurdle requirement ', which is something that you must complete in order to pass the course. [2] This is the general certificate of education for which the final exams are done in Year 13. Postgraduate: Typically a four year bachelors degree from a national or highly recognised university. Postgraduate: A score of 1.5-2.0 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 2.1-2.5 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. A Bachelors and Masters degree from a recognised Egyptian university, with minimum final grades in both of: 3.0 (out of 4.0) GPA, 75%, Very Good, or B. Qualifications Explained NVQs & SVQs Back to previous page *Nearest comparable level Qualifications Comparison Form > #7. abqalhamairi said: all OTHM diplomas are acceptable as long as they are 120+ Credits. Undergraduate: The Perito and Tecnico qualifications are not sufficient for entry to undergraduate programmes. APs and SAT IIs will be required. Use the qualification checker Our qualifications checker allows you to check whether your qualifications are recognised under the NQF and should only take a few minutes to complete. Maths and one Science based subject at 75% required for some courses, Undergraduate: Students taking three elective in the HKDSEs. 2.1: 73% (GPA 3.0 out of 4.0) Alternatively IB, A Levels, or other European system will be considered. The attainment level of the qualification is roughly equivalent to 6th year at school, or one year of university in Scotland, and a Certificate of Higher Education but being less extensive than that of a Higher National Diploma (HND). Our quick look comparison guide tells you everything you need to know. University of the South Pacific) with 'A'/high GPA grades, with particularly high scores in degree relevant subjects. Other qualifications accepted are the Warwick IFP, International Baccalaureate and American APs/SAT IIs. Will my ACA/FCA qualification be recognised in Australia, or do I need to re-qualify? Undergraduate: Typically we require the Secondary School Leaving Diploma with grades of 4/5. A score of 7.0-8.49 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6.0-6.99 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. b. total at least 4 years of (full-time or part-time equivalent) higher education study; and. Applicants who have completed first year of a Kenyan University degree may be considered for admission (70% or above). A score of 4.0 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 3.5 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. A score of 16-18 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 14-16 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. ATAR candidates are expected to achieve a score normally within the range of 94.05 96.35 (depending upon the programme for which you are applying). However, good candidates with at least 8 or 9/10 may be accepted at the discretion of individual departments. CAPE applicants should offer grades of I or II across all subject areas to be considered at Warwick. Postgraduate: A score of 4.3-4.69 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 3.9-4.29 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. A score of 7.5-8.4 from a well-ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 6.5-7.4 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. For universities with a GPA scale of either 5.0 or 5.3, the following equivalencies apply: 2:1 or Upper Second Class equivalent to 4.0, 2:2 or Lower Second Class equivalent to 3.5. A grade of Summa Cum Laude from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a Magna Cum Laude is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. However, as this is not the case for all Schools, we suggest that you confirm entry requirements directly with the relevant . Warwick IFP: Complete the Secondary Education Certificate, Secondary School Certificate or Qatar Senior School Certificate with an overall, final grade 80%, Undergraduate:Warwick IFP required. Applicants holding the high school leaving qualification, the Perito, will not be considered for undergraduate entry but will be considered for Warwick IFP. Undergraduate: Typically we require the Matura or secondary school leaving diploma with a minimum of 4.5 (AAB - ABB equivalent at A-Level) to 5.0 (A*A*A - AAA). Postgraduate: Typically we require a Licenciatura which is deemed equivalent to a UK Bachelors degree. A score of 9/10 from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 8/10 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. If you are unsure on the category of your institution, please email latinamerica@warwick.ac.uk, Undergraduate: Typically we require the Secondary School Leaving Diploma with a high score (4/5). Australia recognises NCEA Level 3 as broadly equivalent to its Senior Secondary Certificates of Education, and accepts NCEA results for applications for entry to Australian universities.
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