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Here is some information related and as more comes our way, it will be added: Looking at blood type frequencies of European Jews, numbers are very similar to the general populations, especially regarding rh factor. Im trying to cut this short believe me. The most common blood type in the United States is O-positive, with around 38 percent of the population. Cainans father was Mahalel, who was the son of Jared whom was the father of Enoch the righteous SCRIBE, All 3 followed in a row ORDAINED FOR RULERSHIP AND PRIESTHOOD, before the great deluge. Anthony, The book suggests the following for diet for people with type A+ blood: According to Harvard Medical School, there is no evidence that the diet works. Genesis 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. My great grandmother is game over here with the gypsies not sure which ones. Facts about blood and blood types. 5. Thank you for understanding. I am type A-. Page 31 in the 1809 Jewish Almanac says: It is not proper to call a Hebrew/Israelite a Jew, as it is not proper to call a Jew a Hebrew or Israelite. I truly say that the more you discover of the LORD, the more narrow the path becomes. There are 4 lettered blood types: A, B, AB, and O. So there isnt a lot of verbal history that goes past their generation. The 1917 Bolshevik War, 65Million Russian Christians were slaughteredby Jews. But for all the World Travels and Single life Ive led, I only married once and even w/ uncountable sexual encounters have just one son. First of all Tribe of Judah and Jew are not necessarily the same group. Studies have shown that certain blood types play a role in fertility and the ease/difficulty in getting pregnant. Due to the Royal families intermarrying into the european monarchies. God confronted both & said to Satan I will put enmity between thy seed & woman. King Richards bones were dug up and tested. O positive blood type O + O+ Blood type Kerala seems to have a lot of Jewish admixture. Not all of Israels relatives are true Israelites. The ones God breathed his spirit into. Because she was Rh- Negative as well as a McConnell of Cork, Ireland. O blood is a universal donor for red blood cells and O Negative blood can be given to anyone, making it particularly valuable for blood donations. For example, only 2% of donors have a rare subtype of blood that doctors often use to treat sickle cell disease, but demand for it is increasing by 1015% each year. That is clear. Learn about other blood types and their. You can find references to these peer reviewed journal articles on a web search. The priestline after the flood became known as the levite priest line also CHOSEN and ordained by God, which traces their descend all the way back to Shem, whom is not only a descendant of Lamech, Methuselah and Enoch, but so is his wife, Sedeqetelebab the daughter of Eliakim, son of Methuselah, son of Enoch. Somehow out of my entire family Im the only AB Neg. The position of exilarch was hereditary, held in continuity by a family that traced its patrilineal descent from antiquity stemming from king David. Over time, testing became more comprehensive. *Gujarati 15% < This is the state that my parents are from However, independent tests of blood miraculously appearing on the sacred hosts, body of Christ, has also been of the AB type. I did look at your post about India that you linked and I will say that I have been told that Patels (I am one of them) come from Patidars (which was listed on your post). if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! I recently did a DNA ancestry test and among the most interesting findings were that I had 5.4 percent Sardinian in me and 16 percent Polish Ashkenazi DNA (and turns out Im only 15 percent Gujarati). As one can see, this time God does not sent his prophets, but sends the apostles to the house of Israel. 2023 DeepDyve, Inc. All rights reserved. Since all chimpanzees are type A, and. A Jew is also not necessarily an Israelite. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. You will not find this information in the king james bible, but look into the other Jewish writings which is where the records of bloodlines have been deeply considered sacred and preserved. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Bookmark this article. What is your mtDNA haplogroup? If you dont know your blood type, tell your doctor you would like to be tested. This is why RH- woman blood does not mix with the babies if the father is positive. (2017). The ABO blood group system groups human blood into four main types: The system is based on antigens that are either present or absent on the surface of a persons red blood cells. Following the list you will find out that the returned exiles were mostly of the tribes, Judah, Benjamin, some from Levi, as Levi was divided into all of the tribes, than the rest were from the Tribe of Manaseh, Ephraim, which are actually 2 sons of Joseph and his Egyptian wife, yet Abraham adopted these 2 grandsons as sons of his own and thus making them part of the 12 tribes. In Zechariah 1:18 is written the 2nd vision of the prophet Zecharia, and it speaks of the 4 horns and the 4 Smiths, that have scattered JUDAH, ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM. No exceptions. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Can diet help improve depression symptoms? Ashkenazi, plural Ashkenazim, from Hebrew Ashkenaz ("Germany"), member of the Jews who lived in the Rhineland valley and in neighbouring France before their migration eastward to Slavic lands (e.g., Poland, Lithuania, Russia) after the Crusades (11th-13th century) and their descendants. Ive been doing a bit of research but everything i read seems to attribute along the lines back to Sumerians. These 2 were responsible for the Spanish inquisition and the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews that were living in Spain. Type O blood is the most common type of blood in the USA with a positive Rhesus factor. I write with my left hand but play sports with my right hand. Right there tells it all on most Jews are not Gods children or do Zionist belong in Israel, & the USA should not be supporting them, for that is turning your back on God.You cant serve to Masters. They can, indeed, be prone to certain genetic disorders. True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. Everything you need to know about blood types, What is thalassemia? Yes, and it has been proven that Queen Elizabeth is illegitimate. The Ashkenazi Jews are characterized by a very high frequency of the phenotype A40.22%. DOI: The ABO blood type system and how it affects donating or receiving blood, redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types.html, mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/rh-factor/about/pac-20394960, jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjpsy/85/2/85_85.13016/_pdf, health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-not-working-maybe-its-not-your-type-2017051211678, The Blood Type Diet: An Evidence-Based Review. and was Christian Jew apparently! My grandfather came over here as young child with his Czech parents. There was no mention of Jewish or Polish on that one. Heart failure: Could a low sodium diet sometimes do more harm than good? There are eight main types. DNA and Ancestry proves this. I have since posted Their description in Genesis, The Adam race. A- is very rare indeed in India. It would be interesting to see how many current Hasedic Jews are RH neg. This past year I did Ancestry.coms DNA test and found that Im 54% England, Wales & Northwestern Europe, 33% Ireland & Scotland, 6% French, 4% Sweden, 3% Germanic Europe. A. Mosquitos are less attracted to you than to other blood types. Sorry But a piece of Desert creation is not the descendants of Jacob or Isaac. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Click here to learn more about blood types, International Society of Blood Transfusion, https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types.html, https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/ethnic-codes-and-blood-donation-whats-the-big-deal/, https://www.blood.co.uk/why-give-blood/demand-for-different-blood-types/rare-blood-types/, https://www.science.org.au/curious/people-medicine/rare-blood-types, https://www.isbtweb.org/isbt-working-parties/rare-donors.html, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305262/. When I learned about my blood type and rhesus negatives in general, I wanted to know about its origin. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection? I am definitely going to look at doing a genetic test, I am unsure which is the best so it may take a while to get my results, however I am strongly leaning to the Basque theory as I look just like them. Hi Mike I am AB Positive. Also learn how to find your blood, Blood is a lot more complex than it looks. Their families came from Eastern or Central Europe. Submitting a report will send us an email through our customer support system. Which is why God called forth yet another prophet after the return of the few tribes of exiled Jews, God tells Ezra to go and declare to His people their evil deeds, for they have forgotten Him and offered sacrifices to strange gods during their exile. Before her group there was an unbroken line. Its refreshing to read a post from someone who actually studies the same things that caused me to study genealogy and genetics . When Jesus chose and sent his 12 apostles out for the first time to declare his arrival, he sent them first to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, that had become lost sheep, meaning those of the house of Israel, that were former monotheistic, but have mixed themselves with the pagans around them, and combined their jewish beliefs and traditions with that of the gentiles. I have experienced dreams that came true as soon as I woke up and some came true the next day, a year later, snd ir soon after. The crests and shields of those nations clearly prove where each tribe ended up. Type B has 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than A or O types. I do pray and and believe in Jesus Christ and the Creator Of All. The blood groups of 13 skeletons were undiagnosable and the remaining 55 showed the following distribution: 30.91% A-group, 14.54% B-group, 50.91% AB-group and 3.64% O-group. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. I thought the results were rather interesting. A composite look at most YDNA studies done so far reveals that,out of a total of 459 males sampled from Ethiopia, approximately 58% of Y-chromosome haplotypes were found to belong to Haplogroup E, of which 71% (41% of total) were characterized by one of its further downstream sub lineage known as E1b1b, while the remainder were mostly Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Would love to chat with you as I am a descendant of the Nunes/Nunez Cardozo/a family originating from Portuguese Jewish Basques and am also RH O-, I wonder if we could be related? Jesus priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek, who like Jesus was both King and priest. These hidden books reveal the true 7th day, the Lords clock, the origins of evil spirits that plague all of us, and many other details that we must know prior to the Day of the LORD. Each nation that the tribes went to have a crest that shows the tribe that conquered that area. I love to do art. The majority of people in the world and across various ethnicities have Rh+ blood type. I do have the green eyes and reddish brown hair, and every other commonality with this blood type. The history of the Babylonian exilarcs falls into two separate identifiable periods, before and after the beginning of the Arabic rule in Babylonia. One of these Jewish Exilarc ancestors which is connected to Queen Elizabeth, through marriage, was Paloma Ben Yahida which was the great grand daughter of Yahida Ben Rabbi, Yahida was the grandson of Hiyya-al Daudi whom was born in Baghdad, and the first of his house to immigrate to Iberia. What does anyone think about a connection? In the U.S., 38% of the population has O-positive blood, making it the most common blood type. To save an article, log in first, or sign up for a DeepDyve account if you dont already have one. Combining these two characteristics yields the eight most common blood types. That doesnt mean that this is it. There is no risk of contracting COVID-19 from a blood, A transfusion reaction is when your body has an adverse response to a blood transfusion.