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That is a fundamental principle of justice. I felt safe there. I believe in my day there was one security guard who wandered around at night with a flashlight, and that was it. However, a private institution has some flexibility in such matters, and it is not entirely dependent upon the acts of civil authorities. His punishment: He could not live on campus for one semester, and he could not contact Adele Smith. While maybe thats small in comparison to rape, its not a small step for a school to take. It must have been completely devastating. Andrew, Dont deny the bad, but try to find the good. The school does not accept federal funding. This also means there is no publicly available data about sexual assaults or other crimes taking place on campus, as is required of Title IX schools. Your point is that you disagree and you dont like her shining a journalistic light onto this mess. A male Residence Life staff member also lives on campus to assist the men. But I also understand how difficult this whole situation becomes for Christendom, having no evidence whatsoever. Sexual harassment and assault is inimical to such an environment. duplicitous. But I think what this often boils down to is he said vs she said. There are women who lie, even if they are a tiny minority. Protected: Podcast 3dunno: Even Wilder Turkey! And the sexist views of some professors didnt help us stay safe. I attended Steubie in the mid 2000s. And all the fancy words you use cant hide that. More concern for an institution than for victims. The college now employs more than 40 full-time faculty members,[16] compared to the original five, along with a number of adjunct members. At that point, any option is deteriorating in safety. Changed to a practical degree, learned about the real world. hope youve finally found happiness as well. It was a moral failure that took the form of an administrative failure. Thats certainly not Christendoms fault.. But honestly what is Smith talking about when she refers to the only cafe in town?? Oh, this was before cellphones. [2] It still occupies this site today. And it is these serious issues which led the Fishers to dedicate a great deal of time and energy into researching and writing this article. . This really sucks because it probably means hes going to get away with it. Catholic apologists will be perma banned without warning. Christendom College offers an amazing Liberal Arts education that is immersed in the Catholic Faith. Like the stuff sang at the FOPs. Frankly I think you have misused a term that is quite is a place to learn and at this particular school it is a place to strengthen ones faith. Christendom College does not receive federal funding, and so is not subject to Title IX regulations, which would legally require it to respond to and remedy hostile educational environments. Christendom College is a Catholic liberal arts college in Front Royal, Virginia, United States, located in the Shenandoah Valley. Today a new wave of aggressive secularism is attempting to sweep away the roots and reasons for your faith. Out of curiosity, why did they choose to single out Christendom of all places? Why? Its not a matter of my comfort. Its a matter of seeking the common good. But more importantly, I think that you might be using the term more broadly than is appropriate in this matter. Desiring a return to a Catholic university education adhering to the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium,[3] Carroll and four founding faculty members, William Marshner, Jeffrey A. Mirus, Kristin (ne Popik) Burns, and Raymund P. O'Herron, started the college in an abandoned elementary school in Triangle, Virginia, housing a total of 26 students[2] and five faculty. It is beyond belief that the man has not ever been punished. You can see it, you can feel it on the campusWhile some colleges in this Guide may match its Catholic commitment, it is unlikely that any exceeds it., Six months after graduation, the members of the Class of 2022 had an overall success rate of, based on a survey with a 100% knowledgerate. Does the handbook have to repeat the entire criminal code? Simchas piece was very specific. But he did take it away from her, she says. The idea is that if you dont have make out places, youll get rape places. Now that everyone has cellphones, it would be cool if the school set up a service where you could text for a pickup if youre in trouble for instance if youre at a party where youre being pressured to drink, or alone in a car with a pushy guy. Hes taken enough from me; hes not gonna take this.. Our culture promotes chivalry and kindness towards everyone at Christendom. But by not questioning the accused on the matter of rape (it wasnt mentioned in his disciplinary notice), the college forfeited responsibility altogether. This article sound like the argument for legalization of abortion: if abortion had been legal, coat-hangar abortions never would have happened. The young woman went to the police, and due to the lack of evidence, they could not press charges. There was no mention of her accusation of rape, either in the charge letter or in the sanction letter. By driving students off campus, the school is making the students, especially women, more vulnerable. Shes a hater. i actually looked into going to Christendom College and got accepted. When she told a few of her friends that something had happened between them, he began circulating the story that she had seduced him and then regretted it. You clearly didnt read my comments carefully. Your experience is absolutely not inconsequential, in any way, on any level. As far as our criminal judicial system people are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. College students are able to refrain the same as monks, office workers, single adults and most adults in public life. You have just illustrated the way of thinking that is a big problem: women being taught that they are responsible for mens actions. And no. Mr. Dorman showed no apparent interest in pursuing any sort of investigation, Scott Smith wrote. The school, itself, is actually quite safe, so safe that even when rape happens among its own students, it has to happen off the school grounds. I remember hanging out with some of them. As part of this commitment, the College undertakes to educate the student body about sexual harassment and assault. They therefore leave campus to do that thing. The town has over 14,000 people, so the college isnt a large part of it. Ill be brief, and in no particular order, but: False accusations may be relatively rare, but they are still real. Smith texted her boyfriend the next day, saying she didnt want to see him again. Strolling hand in hand, allowed. While not commenting on this particular scenario, it got me musing (once again) on the whole problem of sexual assault and the current #metoo movement. She developed Crohns disease, a disease exacerbated by severe stress. Having said that, I have fallen away from the Church now and whenever I look back I have a sense of bitterness to temper the sweetness of the memories. And meanwhile, you get a certain thrill from seeing that now youve unleashed his passion and he DOES love you a la folie. [43] The team defeated St. Mary's College of Maryland in overtime to capture the title, earning the school its first National Championship.[44]. If you presume that because Catholic teaching is against rape, that must mean that theyre able to appropriately address rape allegations, I think the fault is in your expectation and the reality of the situation, but not the school itself. i grew up Novus Ordo and so did all my friends at Christendom. Your charity is overwhelming. Rob, earlier in the comments, gave wonderful suggestions as to what the school could do, and what he would expect them to do(that they did not), but its still worth noting that the article itself mentions things the school DID do to try to protect the students. Do this by bringing up older, isolated issues and make it sound like the college has done next to nothing to improve. It only works with Weinstein and Cosby because there were like 30+ allegations. Have you seen the alleged rape rate at those colleges that DO accept federal funds?? Men should feel degraded by this way of thought. The only time that happens is when the entire story is based on a provable lie that they should have known about. It should do better. She said, Im not comfortable with that, and he said, Okay.. How can a school prevent a student from going off campus to rape another? Why not with the rape? Or going to the county if the town is not addressing it? Your opening arguments point to the dorm situation on campus as a cause for a students rape. Karen wrote, reads as if composed by a hypnotized 5 year old.. What is to blame there?? The teachers provide a well rounded education of philosophy, history, theology, literature and political science. I wonder what people do with degrees from schools like Christendom. I left at the end of my freshman year (wouldve been class of 17 if I stayed). Front Royal, Virginia Born September 14 Joined September 2009. But current students and alumni say the school has a boys will be boys attitude which allows the male students to harass and grab at the women. In the late 1970s, Christendom College . My legs were tightly closed. Every Novus Ordo girl I know knows better than to get in the backseat of a parked car with a guy unless they are willing to risk rape. Kind of makes you wonder why there are any rapes in the many (50?) It wasnt until August of that year that the language was added to the handbook. I went there for four and a half years, and my experience was the opposite they were *really* hard on sexual issues, and pretty lenient on the drinking. 2,933 Followers. Your email address will not be published. Protected: Ill See Myself Out, Episode 62: Episodic! Along with converting I made friends with a bunch of conservative catholics (not trads, but your typical intellectual ratzinger fan types). I still have fond memories of a bunch of them. While I am not a Christendom graduate, I know many graduates. His behavior is horrible and I hope that he experiences the full extent of the justice system. The students views, whether they arrived with them or picked them up at Christendom, were wildly sexist both men and women. Christendom College is a small Catholic liberal arts schoolit now enrolls about 500 studentsand has long needed a new chapel. What policy would you advocate? A family member of mine is a graduate and while at Christendom, knew a few students that went to the police about sexual assault. His career and family may well be affected by that casual reference. Was there ever a police report filed? I agree with you, they need to recognize the issue and address it more head on. How insulting is this point of view: all men will rape given the right kind of no.. Its portrayed here as poorly as possible but you cant just go ruining guys lives like this. While this student should have somehow received better care, and more protection from this guy later, and while her story is heartrending, it should not be published in an article whose objective is obviously to smear the college and all the good for which it stands. But yeah, there was definitely navet in spades. But in that year, 2012, a year after she reported her rape, the school still had not added a policy against sexual assault to their student handbook. Christendom College is one of the best liberal arts colleges in America. During his tenure, the college increased the number of buildings on campus to over 20, including St. Lawrence Commons, St. Francis, St. Benedict, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Clare Hall, St. Louis the Crusader Gymnasium, and St. John the Evangelist Library. Ive told him three times not to. If a Catholic institution is not doing this better than anywhere, what is their justification? Which is probably why you hide behind your anon screenname. By whose definition are they adults? I remember clearly two instances where a professor I respected and a male friend who I valued told me to my face that women were inferior in ability and authority to men and ought to accept that. We should demand it be better. Today a new wave of aggressive secularism is attempting to sweep away the roots and reasons for your faith. O.o. It is also questionable whether colleges and universities are equipped to handle such investigations internally. Our on-campus nurse and counselor are available at no cost and can help with trauma and recovery. I am incensed by the way Simcha makes it sound like Dr. Marshner condoned and sheltered a known rapist, and then was fired from the school. A Catholic institution should have taken an accusation of serious sin much more seriously, and should have treated an accuser with far more charity. The cultural revolution of the twentieth century continues to take its toll on the world and on Catholic higher education. Hit pieces only need to be tangentially accurate to get 1st amendment protections. In Adeles case it sounds like the college really did blow it by not giving credence to her rape charge, but did you *really* try to get their side of it before you published your hit piece here? Catholic or nonCatholic, If one interprets this as a endorsement of rape, the fault is on them. All it did was push people into secret places where chastity was more in danger. Students to Spend Spring Break on Mission Trips, Womens Basketball Takes Runner-Up in Conference Tournament, Christendom Rugby Punches Ticket to Nationals. Beyond that, it is about how Christendom failed this student and failed others students, and in so doing, failed their Catholic mission. He may or may not be a rapist, but do you really want institutions denouncing a man as a rapist without a trial. I was at Saint Marys in South Bend and we had a student body of about 1,500, tops. "[34] He was released on $50,000 bail on July 12, 2021. We will do better. Catholics are sinners just like everyone else. I went to a small Catholic school in the 80s and knew all students there did not live up to the standards of the college or the faith. It would do a lot to restore peoples faith in the institution. Id hate to echo that ridiculous article from the Remnant, that accuses Fisher of being in league with Satan, but he was spot on with that point. . To find out more about Student Achievement at Christendom, click here. We dont stand for PDA, we certainly dont allow for men grabbing arses in public. I could go on, but my point is that we MUST see sexual assault as a bigger issue than something that men perpetrate upon women. I said the college had an obligation to investigate by questioning him directly (in a private setting) about the rape. [19], Christendom College has received notable attention from members of the Catholic Church since its founding in 1977, including from Pope John Paul II. Her grades continued to be low for the rest of her junior year. So you end up having couples potentially isolate themselves. Second, I havent seen any evidence in this article or in Christendoms response that the accused was placed before college authorities and questioned regarding the incident. Well be waiting forever. The alleged assault did not occur on campus. If I didnt know better (and you know, I actually dont) it sounds like you dont like Christendoms brand of Catholicism, and so youre more than happy to treat them unfairly from your rapidly shrinking bully pulpit, using the #metoo zeitgeist to do your dirty work. Its not completely new to me, since Gasp! Then he tried it again, and I pushed his hand away, and said, Please, I dont want to do that. He said, Okay. Then he tried a third time, she said. The college has strict rules about students of opposite sexes being alone together. As a woman, a student, and a human being I am respected. DCNM, can you please explain a context, any context, in which that quote isnt damning? Now, 10 years later, she popped on my fb board, so I checkes her up. In retrospect, I can say, Youre a dummy! But back then, I was nineteen. You are taking down the good name of a college because two students left campus in a car and a rape occurred. And no, I'm not giving you any donations. This is an insane accusation and was never the case, as students have stated. Dorman, who no longer works for Christendom, did not respond to requests for an interview for this story. Opposite sex couples PDA was forbidden, while some young women regularly shared dorm beds with their friends. If the intent here is to correct inaccuracies rather than, as it appears to be, an attempt to discredit Simcha as a journalist then it would be appropriate to say what exactly was misleading or inaccurate in the original post(s). Part II, View Damien and Simcha Fishers profile on Google+, Timothy ODonnell, the president of Christendom, Amanda Graf, the current Director of Student Affairs,,, Whats for supper? Instaurare Omnia in Christo! As of the fall of 2022, the college has over 4,000 alumni, with 2,194 of them having earned degrees (A.A., B.A., or M.A.).[3]. For the record, my first year of university was spent at a secular institution in mixed accommodation with no regulations on behaviour between the sexes. And on the outside, this torture of wanting to stay chaste yet wanting to see that a man loves you and wanting to fully embrace him comes across in very vague and misleading body language. Adele Smith, in the article above, expected to perpetrator to be expelled based on her narrative that she presented. My sympathies. Fedoryka, through his contacts in the Vatican, brought the college into contact with then-Pope John Paul II, who later told Carroll that Christendom "was doing a great work for the Church. I think rape should be a clearly defined and promulgated capital crime so there would be fewer instances and false allegations. And they need to get rid of those moldy carpets! Gary Althen, the editor of the campus paper, refused to apologize for running the article, writing an editorial in which he explained that he himself "hated his country, and had learned to hate it at the University of Colorado.". Christendom College. Students are, however, punished for coming back to campus drunk, even if the drinking took place off campus for instance, at The River, a popular drinking spot where even professors are known to visit and socialize. The college was criticized for in the past not including rules against sexual assault in their handbook, while not offering any idea on what is now included in the Christendoms policy on sexual assault. One of a half-dozen links at the bottom of the article. Have girls refuse to be allowed in cars with boys, since it requires cars to go to Skyline Drive? If that happens, hopefully the young lady will have a CRKT S.P.E.W. Christendom College was founded in response to this cultural revolution, providing a fully integrated liberal arts education in fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church. If you admit to being a feminist, well, you might as well admit to worshipping Baal. I didnt say they should immediately assume hes a rapist, call him a rapist, and publicly expel him as a rapist. I always find it interesting they always try to punish students for drinking off campus, if you come back to campus drunk, Smith said. Were charged ever filed? When I left the DHS I got a teaching job at a progressive catholic high school and the culture shock was intense. What in this story is inaccurate? Never did they go so far as to say the Imago Dei was less in us, either. I think so. [8], During Fedoryka's seven-year tenure as president, Blessed Margaret and St. Joseph's Halls were constructed, and the college became fully accredited in 1987. This is such a difficult and upsetting situation it is helpful to read your perspective. They havent apologized for the harm caused by their negligence in failing to treat these matters as serious. One of my classmates was seriously over the top and has gone on to make her name as a self-appointed investigative journalist and spiritual director online. I learned to feel simultaneously persecuted, superior, and self-hating in that bizarre Catholic mix; I learned little about the actual human experience or the world around us. The students arent punished for drinking off campus, they are punished for being drunk ON campus. Take a second to support simchajfisher on Patreon! ), Master of Arts (M.A. It was very much like a museum, like an exhibit. I knew sooner or later someone would bring up the Novus Ordo Mass. Then on November 24, 2009, you sat next to her on a bench and made unwanted contact with her by placing your hand on her knee. They brought the skills of their craft to shining a light on the dark underbelly of this college. Enjoy your freedom. This is a good thing. The rape occurred on Friday, October 2, 2009, on Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park, about thirty minutes away from the college campus. This article does not do justice to the universitys apparent efforts to remain impartial, while also considering how to better serve women who have been raped. And yeah, I knew a lot of people who thought women shouldnt vote. This is an event that took place off campus, with literally one witness. What drives couples off campus is the desire to do things that are prohibited on campus. Therefore, you are being charged with violating the Code of Student Conduct., A disciplinary conference was scheduled for July 28 of 2011. In 2021, the rugby team won the National Collegiate Rugby Cohen Cup National Championship in Houston, Texas, defeating New Mexico Tech. Finally comfortable in my own skin, as long as I avoid the dreaded Catholic bubble. Is it worse to let a rapist remain on campus or expel an innocent student? There are not a lot of options if you dont have a car. I went to the March for Life in DC (I was very anti-abortion ber-Catholic). But what jumps out at me is that this happened not because of following the colleges policies, but because of disregarding them. This article smacks of a smear job, and there are so many lies and misrepresentations in this article, I dont even know where to begin. [27], On January 16, 2018, Catholic blogger Simcha Fisher broke the story of three rape and sexual harassment allegations by students of the college. A few weeks after I got back home, I had my last drink and Ive been sober since. This is a favored tactic of shoddy journalists who want to do a hit piece, and the Fishers followed the recipe quite well. Her GPA slipped to 1.2. And I did end up seeing that friar once for counselling but he activated several gut feelings to stay away, and so I did. This article sounds like Stephanie Meyer had a hay day, so if thats what you were going for, good job! I know even as a young adult my guard was down, and I was vulnerable, as are so many others, especially when we have no reason not to be trusting. Her hatred for Christendom is glaring. They must have some political sway, as they probably provide a great deal of the towns revenue. #4. do we know/ do you know who is funding CC??? From its founding, Christendom College has rejected federal funding. Grad school was a very supportive environment for me in a number of ways. That comment So goes the other way. So places without rda rules have less rape? Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee ' into the handbook. [17] The actual reason was that, because the colleges all refused to take federal funding, they did not report the data used to compile the scorecard to the federal government. That wasnt their gig. The fact that they used a separate situation to impose a restriction on him should give you a sense of how they had to act within their own evidentiary boundaries to avoid being sued. All rights reserved. Not a one that I knew. . Each day she is persuaded that the college has no intention of supporting her. That is absurd. The PDA does NOT push kids into private remote areas. That bothers me as well. She implored [her brother] Peter to continue to live in Front Royal and to visit the campus often because she felt so unsafe., Scott Smith states in his letter that he left messages for nearly a week before he was able to arrange to speak to the dean, and that the telephone conference was disquieting.. Consent is only nebulous when you refuse to take responsibility for yourself. Critics claimed that conservative schools, such as Hillsdale College, Grove City College, and Christendom were intentionally left off due to their conservative values. Obviously they wouldnt escort us if we wanted to, say, walk across the road to Notre Dame, because that was going outside the campus bounds, but there was a nice shuttle bus system running between SMC and Notre Dame. regina coeli hallBy AgnosticPreachersKid Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0. student centerBy AgnosticPreachersKid Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, churchBy AgnosticPreachersKid (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, mens dorm By AgnosticPreachersKid (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, sealBy Niall ODonnell (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (. Is that whats happening right now?'. Inaccuracies did not have to do with Miss Smiths heartbreaking account. [T]he alleged assault of Adele did not take place on campus. Most didnt know what was going on or how to handle me but at least they tried to hold out their hand. "[25], Over the years, the college has also received praise from political leaders in the United States. There were crazy people, there were priests who dispensed truly awful guidance in spiritual direction. Thats certainly not Christendoms fault. Adele Smith, class of 2012, experienced some culture shock when she arrived at Christendom. I am so sorry for this woman, rape is a horrible crime on so many levels, maybe one of the worst aspects is the lack prosecution. Protected: Podcast #15: Completely Meat Chocolate Pie, Protected: Podcast #14: I wish I had a whip. They should be able to express themselves romantically in a public setting, which is a safer setting to learn how to navigate as a couple. Are you saying that campus security police are supposed to be policing the town? Through it, you will gain the communication and critical thinking skills necessary to refine and elevate your intellect and enable you to pursue your profession and personal vocation.