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Who would waste all that time and money and energy otherwise? Don't wait for a visit from animal control, for a court summons, or, worst of allfor frustrated neighbors to take the "law" into their own hands. In America, the answer might be: keep your cat inside as a lot of cat owners do. If your neighbour treatens to hurt or kill your cat it is a threat to damage your property and in the UK is a crime (Criminal Damage Act 1971 1971 CHAPTER 48). They wanted to own the house next to theirs, and eventually did after driving out the subsequent owners. Clifton Anthony Bliss Jr., 58, was . A more realistic scenario might be them going to court and getting a restraining order, which could have significant consequences for you if you violate it by letting your cat out. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Apparently he has a nest of birds under the deck and the cat was stalking the babies. I wrote an apology card and handed it over after our brief conversation. You would have looked at that act as being a complete waste of their time and money, not a threat to your cats, and it wouldnt have bothered you one little bit. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. My personal view on difficult, insensitive neighbours is to move home away from them. Depending on the state you live in it may very well be legal for him to shoot your cat. Pets belong at home in the house and walked on a regular basis or in a secure fence or enclosure. Many people accept it and like it. If you (or anyone)sprayed my cats or upset them in any way, shape or form there would be consequences. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I'll work on keeping him contained as much as humanly possible. However, if then the neighbour threatens with the killing again, I would mention that this would be a criminal act (but would hope it didn't come to that). The Tears Flowed on Reunion of Cat Rescued from California Mudslide and Owner, There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. I would absolutely call the police about the threat, and they will have a little talk with the neighbors about the laws regarding pets. Cat haters are cold hearted unreasonable people. Help us continue our work for cats: Join our online community and become part of the movement to save cats lives! 1. Further research tells me that in June 2005, she killed two of her neighbor's cats by mixing the rodent poison, d-Con, into a can of cat food and dolloping it out in the yard. I just dont like them using my garden beds as toilets, stalking native birds that are attracted by the scrap seed my chickens toss around and killing them. Can you request in your will that your companion animal must be killed on your death? Are you being a good neighbor by respecting his property-rights and trying everything to resolve the issue? I finally followed the cat home after chasing it out of my yard and tried to have a chat with the owner who completely came unhinged and out of control threatening me with bodily harm. Your cat should be prevented from going onto your neighbor's property if he strongly dislikes it. Cats aren't toys and they aren't a part-time responsibility that many seem to believe. These are just some of the reasons why a dog might suddenly . I actually take him places, and he just hangs out with me so he finds his "outdoor time" in other ways that don't involve upsetting my neighbor. Thanks for commenting Debra. Spay and neuter your cats. Also it is important to try and keep on good terms with your neighbors. I can tell from my own experience in several cases, that people are way more likely to be accepting and understanding if you communicate to them that you understand their trouble. For instance, a California statute says that people have the right to kill any animals "known as dangerous to life, limb, or property" (Cal. 28/11/12 - 17:47 #2 I think your neighbour is well out of order, it's not illegal to deter cats but putting out poison is unacceptable IMO. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. Sit down and talk with your neighbor if possible. M Scott Peck. Depending on how and where the incident took place, the owner of the cat may be able to seek legal action against you. Realizing i had made a mistake thinking i could talk the matter through I left. Keep your cat indoors. Today more than 800,000 people look to Alley Cat Allies for leadership on saving cats lives, developing communities that safeguard cats, and helping shelters embrace feline-friendly policies. also wants to mention that he shouldn't kill my cat if he sees it again. If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. The dog may have a lot of pent-up energy because they don't exercise enough and maybe bothering the cat for this reason. A lot of people hate that. Some people are cruel sick and twisted. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. But I guarantee you this, ALL your neighbors perfectly understand it. Winograd hates PETA. It may be too expensive even if it is possible. You may not have the funds to build such a barrier but I dont think they are that expensive. Its not your neighbors! I don't know if you were joking or not, I don't care. But these two entities are at each other's throats. There are some evil poeople out there. It would probably be best to keep your cat in doors for a while. If you approach your neighbor with fire in your eyes, he will go on the defensive. A. Type 3: Exceptionally Annoying Neighbors. I am glad I didn't mention anything about the cat murder. Only Dark Triad personality types tend to . You may discover that he is already aware of the problem and has signed up for obedience . I would be calling the Police. (Edit) Like many pet owners, I've been in a similar situation (just with dogs). Usually he makes a rush for the door and I just let him tire himself out for 30 - 45 minutes and he comes back in. She admitted that she said it, that it was a joke, and said she wont' talk to me again ever because I'm just a terrible person who doesn't care about animals. For more information, please see our In Britain the answer might be: if you have a garden of sufficient size, build a cat enclose. I also have him chipped, and I did fit his collar with an electronic tracker. I'm not sure why you think I was going to use the mail service instead of going next door. In the given case that you prime goal is to let your cat stay alive, I wouldn't go into any details about the threatening he did. Oooops, you just caught yourself in one of your own HUGE lies. By Labor Day weekend of that year, tensions were at an all-time high and Billy Woodward shot three of his neighbors, killing two of them. So much so that you knew your cats were going to eventually get harmed from YOUR irresponsible behavior that it even made you move to a new residence. Sorry, YOU are a a deceptive a manipulative LIAR. The neighbor went from being friendly to upset in a hurry. I still use the cat-door my ex left behind and he finds his way back in every time. Finally, Wisconsin has an interesting statute that prohibits "the killing or aiding in killing or wounding by use of deadly weapon of any animal that is tied, staked out, caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless of size." WI ST 951.09 . Your email address will not be published. Still others chose to poison pets for the heck of. Clearly your cats were a threat to what they valued, and they tried to protect it by any means necessary after asking you to keep your cats on your own property was a total waste of their time. Chicago Tribune. In that scenario, as long as you did not encourage your dog to attack the cat, it is not your fault. "CRAZY neighbor tries to break in because I changed the wifi," the caption reads. I wanna go out, grab it with my bare hands and throw it at the OWNER!! It only takes a minute to sign up. I had some time to cool down and I think I will leave him an apology card with a gift card to the garden center. So my answer is that while the man sounds unreasonable, he has a point. It isn't right. Of course, you could take the hard route and get evidence that he is trying to poison your cats or whatever (I am thinking of a covert video) but then you have to other sue him through the courts or try and get the authorities to prosecute him in the criminal court but all that will be nearly impossible and in trying to achieve it youll be at war perpetually with your neighbor. Privacy Policy. Its a bit like the Israel versus Gaza war that is going on at the moment. Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? Are we clear?" There are some good products in America which can convert a yard into a cat enclosure. Fla. man beat roommate's raccoon with hammer, threatened to kill neighbor. For example, Alabama's minimum punishment for animal cruelty is a $1,000 fine, six months of jail time, or both. My question is can I lie to him to get a confession and more evidence? I would let the RSPCA know about these threats before any animals come to any harm. Technically they would be within the boundaries of the law to kill the animal if it does happen. I think that the neighbour rather reacted in the heat of the moment and has probably calmed down now. Second, your neighbor could be charged for intentionally killing a domestic animal under Minnesota Statutes 343.21. Goodbye you mean minded lonely freak. We have 2 ginger cats and they often interact with outdoor cats. Unless it's just your pet cat. Summary: Castiel drops the reader into 1984 to protect her from an angel who wants to kill her. 2023 Alley Cat Allies. Author. I'm telling you now that if you say anything like that again, I will involve the law. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? The dog was fighting another dog and the cat ended up in the middle of it. Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? Further to that point, if something happens to my cat I will look to you first. However, it will all depend on the crime's circumstances. The best of luck, Mick. Come closer and find out." Resist the temptation to rationalize, excuse, justify, or minimize animal cruelty. My boyfriend and I like to walk our cats out like dogs on leashes. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. Yes I too would report him. You don't threaten me or my animal and not expect consequences. To shoot a neighbors cat is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in prison , and both domestic and feral cats are protected by the animal welfare act of 2006. This seems to be a pattern with you. God help us there are many like those low life bullies and it sounds to me as if YOU are one of them.or maybe you are the cowardly idiot Woody back again with yet another alias. The police arrived and took a report. Just a quick apology for an accident. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? On July 17, 1889, he went looking for help. I saw my cat pop up (from what I thought was behind the shed) and heard my neighbour mutter through the fence "I'm gonna kill that cat, stay out of my yard". If so, how close was it? Her husband threatened to report me for animal abuse. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. Is there anyone I can contact that goes after animal abusers, I am devastated by what he did to this poor cat, this person is obviously a psychopath! But if you want to keep your cat alive, you may have to keep her inside for now. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? He reads what he wants it to say, hes half crazed with his hatred of cats and those of us who love them. It's not easy to domesticate a wild cat. Feel free to rollback or edit if you think I got you wrong. For more tips on trapping cats, see the You must also document future threats in case something does happen. Her response was something like, "The humane society, and you'll never see him again." Perhaps your cat is defecating on your neighbors garden? This particular neighbor never liked the cat because the cat would get in her yard and allegedly kill the birds at her bird feeder. Threats To Kill - Charges, Penalties and Sentencing Speak Directly To a Lawyer Now 1300 038 223 Open 7am - Midnight, 7 days Or have our lawyers call you: * * Call me later Imprisonment (Jail - Full Time) Community Corrections Orders Fine Adjourned undertaking Discharge Dismissal Goodbye from me too Woody and dont come back,you are a disgrace to the name of manhood,a bigoted self centred cruel bully. Simply astounding. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Evil Evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cat gets out a lot. So far she's kept out of it. I dont know whether they do go on to his property but there has to be some sort of visible guaranteed barrier preventing them which will satisfy him. Funny how the families who churn out the most kids have the least respect for anything. Here's an article with some more information. Photo of angry man by Jan Tik (great photo, well done). Criminal Threats vs. Free Speech This is the crux of the story; OP's dogs killed a neighbor's cat who came into the yard by crossing the fence. One extreme option is to sue in nuisance but that may not work and it will cause more hostilities. Am I right in thinking those cat hater neighbours were anti social in other ways too Ruth? Another neighbor was put on notice. Hurting a cat is tantamount to criminal damage. Im sure by now you realize I was addressing the two self-victimizing women who always blame everyone else to control and manipulate everyone. If talking about your concerns in person with your neighbor doesn't work (always the first step), call the authorities and file a complaint with your local police, homeowners association, or county office. We don't let it out on purpose, but it's a sneaky little thing. This applies even if the gun is unloaded and no physical contact occurs. Hi, I'm a 74-year-old retired solicitor (attorney in the US). But it did! Shooting at cats is another nasty pastime for some people. If you're making "mistakes" in letting him out to roam more often than once a month, get your act together. Tevin Williams, 31, allegedly beat the animal and shot it with a BB gun on Dec. 14, moments . Like I say.pure ignorance. She tells me, "Do you want to die, buddy? How to apologize to a friend I hurt two years ago without scaring them? A video detailing the. Yes they were an anti social family of parents and 4 teenage sons and a huge noisy dog in a two up two down terraced house. All Rights Reserved. Yes our cats safety was our priority and thats why we researched this house and neighbourhood here and found it a safe live and let live cat friendly place. Very long story short my moms neighbor threatened to kill one of our cats named Tokie, Tokie was only 6 months old very sweet cat, the day after the neighbor threatened to kill the cat Tokie was found partially paralyzed and badly injured, barely 12 hours later the cat died from injuries, it appears the cat was stomped on or slammed into something with great force, he was not run over cause the cat couldnt walk and was found on the porch no where near traffic and it wasnt done by an animal because there is no bite marks, we did report it to the police but the cops did nothing and didnt look at the cat, on top of that the neighbor has been harassing me, my family, my 16 year old niece and our friends online, 4 of his friends who are all adults were also harassing us and one guy said fuck that cat. The op should definitely report him. Penal Code 599c). He said that an intruder had entered. No matter how much a person loves cats and wants their cat to be content by behaving normally, the cat owner has to think of other people and comply with the law. You still wont comprehend this.). Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. Expand. I don't know if I should just apologize and leave it at that, or mention that in the future I'd appreciate that he let me know there is a problem first before acting on his impulse? Even when a neighbor puts up barbed-wire to let you know that they will not tolerate what you value in life destroying what they value in life you still somehow manage to blame everyone else but yourselves. So YOU think its OK to try to entice cats to a bird feeder deliberately put there to cut themselves to shreds on barbed wire, do you? Fine, whatever it's a little water I said as bit of a joke, "Sure he probably deserves it, he can be a pain in the ass." That ignorant idiot is saying that our cats shouldnt even be allowed in our own garden! As strange as it may seem, the law really takes threats against animals seriously, more so than human abuses (sometimes, but definitely in this case). The day we moved they took down the barbed wire! See our information on what to do if neighbors complain. Is there a way to prevent the cat from getting out in the first place? How many more neighbors lives are you going to try to control and manipulate during your life by using your self-victimization cat-excuse and then blame others for it? Press J to jump to the feed. Your comments disturb the peace, and I won't stand for it. Finally, you can judge the response: whether your apology was accepted and the problem actually solved. How do we make it right? No one wants to do anything constructive and everybody loses in the end. My neighbor threatened to kill my cats. Is there any other diligence or precautions I need to take? Collect all the gun powder in a small dish. A criminal threat occurs when someone threatens to kill or physically harm someone else. I was never going to send it. I live on a small semi-private street in a large city. Not a very nice comment at all. Like I think if he had a gun he would have shot my cat yesterday. A neighbor may make a valid complaint for an animal running free on their property. May be ask if he wants you to clean up. And why does no one complain about dog owners who let their dogs roam? Ruth, it sounds like it never really was about your cats. I have no idea what the point of your comment is. The majority of the message will be along the lines of "so sorry won't happen again etc". She told me she would report me for animal abuse. I specifically said that I didn't want to have a conversation with this guy, and while I did have a conversation with him, it wasn't planned. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Required fields are marked *, Click this to send email to Michael Broad, the site's owner and author. I'm not expecting them to do anything, but I really just used the legal threat because I mostly wanted to set a boundary with her. You could always speak to the RSPCA first and ask them what you should do. Those people probably knew the thing to drive us out was to target our cats. Does PETA kill thousands of animals annually and if so, why?