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We all miss him. What were Lucys crimes? he asked. As Joe Califano put it, It would be easy to put Cohen and Whitcover in jail; lets see if they have the guts to put a gray-haired grandmother in the slam.. I said this today after thinking about how hard life has been after I finished my Ph.D. Minimum: 25 words. 3. In the case of Lexington, it produced what I consider an instructional footnote if youd been in Lexington in 1985 when Creed was leading the Herald-Leader, you would have thought that the relationship between the newspaper and the community was broken beyond repair. Great leaders have the capacity to listen while wannabes can't wait for their turn to talk. The most famous passage addressing this internal drive to selflessly serve others is written by Saint Paul and found in Chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians. Life is a leaf of paper white, Whereon each one of us may write. It is not true. But she lived to see the fruits of her endeavors in Anchorage. He changed a lot in this organization. And I believe that that is in large part a result of my fathers vision of a diverse newsroom that produced a paper that looked at the five fault lines of race, class, gender, generation and geography and so reflected its citys vision of itself. Biography of John Gardner and John W. Gardner Center provide information and links related to a great teacher of leadership.. 10 Concise Qualities of Great Community Leaders is an Infographic by Mother Nature Network. Managers control, leaders build and accomplish.. Donnell Henderson. Though thou have time. Yet, this ex-Marine would not be intimidated by real or imagined threats of civil or criminal liability. He once dedicated his resources, efforts, and time to cleaning up a dump of broke down cars on Signal Hill. Now to be fair, I could focus on all of Mikes many awardsAirmen, NCO, SNCO of the Year, wing, NAF and MAJCOM level awards, but I wont. Daily circulation went up by nearly 30%, in spite of the fact that wed killed the evening paper. So he arranged to speak by speakerphone. After another heated conversation, Kelsch again refused to run the story. Over the past several months, the Tribute to Women Business Leaders Selection Committee, chaired by April Ancira, VP of Ancira Auto Group, has met to identify a cadre of worthy leaders to honor for their accomplishments. When a police-led motorcade of yellow school buses with a precious cargo of African-American kids chugged up the hill past a mob of angry white people into South Boston 27 years ago to begin the ugliest court ordered desegregation of a northern school system, the city wasnt close to ready. It was a pleasure spending time with you and the rest of Leadership Wichita Falls class 2020. In 1967, public sentiment was building against the war in Vietnam. It would have been predictable for an untested publisher at a struggling No. And if you miss love, you miss life! You are terrified of him, and you love him., By Scott B. AndersonAssistant ProfessorMedill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. I dont know how many of you ever saw the pictures of the damage done to the Washington Post pressroom that night rollers slashed, Coke bottles thrown into the gears, fire started in the reel room, and fire extinguishers fire extinguisher hoses cut to render them useless. Our deepest sympathies, friend. But nine years earlier there had been no other bidders for the Oakland Tribune. "A grateful community can only say THANK YOU!" -Linda and John Dullam "I will always remain proud of attending and graduating from CI. Activists are volunteers who spend several days a week helping homeless animals or the elderly. The Herald-Leader made so much money that Knight Ridder would often send promising young executives to Lexington to see how it was done. A contemplative man by nature he took family, business, and community to the heart of his existence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We respect your privacy and will never share your information with third parties. Tune in Tonight! Thanks to ASNE for sharing the images and transcripts and to former ASNE staffer Craig Branson, who did the original web production. Volunteers always work in teams and they have a leader. Good Christ, thats the most sickening thing I ever heard. I bet some of you forgot that, the full glory of that quote. So to even things up, I hereby resolve by vote of one to nothing that there are 89 liars in the state Legislature. 13:7-8) Click here to watch, listen to, and read more tributes to Elisabeth Elliot. Today, our profession faces another version of this leadership moment. I spoke about ten to twelve days ago with Doug Clawson, who is the managing editor of Stars and Stripes. Youve heard Arthur Sulzbergers talk about Punchs courage, and it took a lot. A trend led and demanded and enforced by Al. During the growth of Johnsons Insurance into a national organization, he became involved in all aspects of the business including offshoot companies. Hwas raised in the toughest of times, the Depression, in the toughest of places, the wind-ravaged prairies of Dakota, in the toughest of circumstances by a poor and uneducated single mother who was widowed when her son was just two years old. A tribute speech is one of the most personal and emotional speech. Like I always say, no editor, no reporter, no publisher, can ever match the power and determination of an owner. Innumerable personal confrontations, such as the subscriber who lay in wait for his delivery man and pursued him down the block with an ax handle. "Man, we started back in 2014," said Zeek. Johnson carried out green space revitalizations in the community as privately and humbly as possible. For a leader, you would commit a felony. Community. They believed the time had come to end segregation in America. And as a result, fundamentally transformed the relationship between the news media and government. While the worst racial turmoil in more than a decade flared and politicians from city hall to the White House ran for cover or poured gasoline on the flames, Tom Winship put The Boston Globe literally in the line of fire with nothing more than the highest of journalistic values as the arrows in his quiver. Paul J. Johnson was a man who was responsible and accountable to his commitments. Wichita Falls, TX, Thanks for you kind words, Sandy. And they could not understand how this editor, a man of elegant taste and old-fashioned virtue, could take the side of rebellious youths who smoked pot and wore the American flag on their tattered jeans. Americans pay tribute to a leader's legacy.. For many Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. Day isn't just a "day off" from school or work. A bomb threat that forced us to empty the building while the fire department using dogs searched the place. He died this past week, at age 95+. And the late Charles Jackson, who in 1990 produced a package on racial profiling, was the city editor. It was quickly evident to me that your genuine concern and leadership attracted only 'the best' in administrators, educators and staff. She continually expressed love and charity. I am grateful for your mentorship. Frank Bell, the director of Camp Mondamin (one of the nation's oldest and best summer camps) has retired after 41 years of inspiring leadership and stewardship. She died in a pedestrian accident in New Zealand in 2010. Many of the worlds leading newspaper owners were circling National Airport just waiting for an invitation to land and talk to her about buying her newspaper. Meanwhile, those 89 character mobbers can go to hell, collectively or singly, and wait there until I back down. They neednt plan on returning.. But its all tested and true. As Creeds editor, I will never forget his steadfastness in the face of this difficulty. And he told him his action was unacceptable and violated their own personal agreement about his employment there. Leo Buscaglia. The fact is, we have too few examples of great leadership. Remember Me. A contemplative man by nature he took family, business, and community to the heart of his existence. Courage was a universal theme of the testimonials, from Katharine Grahams jaw-tightened determination to rise above a crippling union strike, to Punch Sulzbergers boldly historic decision to publish the Pentagon Papers and Bob Maynards passionate resolve to use diversity to save a deeply troubled newspaper. I am hopeful that this fever, like Ku Kluxism that arose from the same kind of infection will run its course before too long a time. Not merely to manage, but to lead a newspaper as well as a city. Thank you for making me achieve my dreams and become a better person in society, I am grateful to have you as my mentor. Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities. Compassionate and humble, he represents the man I wish to be. The next morning when Dave came into the office, there was a firestorm among his angry staffers. The easiest way to see why I believe this to be true is to simply substitute a leader for love in the above quote. Yesterday afternoon, those of you lucky enough to hear Michael Useem learned about the power and danger of what he calls leadership moments situations that pose enormous challenges to individuals and to institutions. An accomplished unconventional leader and proven status quo buster, he has successfully led several multi-billion dollar transformation efforts and his award-winning work has been featured in a wide variety of articles and journals, including the Harvard Business Review. "Senator Harry Reid was a true lion of the Senate. When facing a problem the great leader says, Let's find out, while the wannabe says that nobody knows. A church leader needs qualities that influence and morally support the congregation, the volunteers, and others within the community. They appreciate that a leaders arrogance and envy can paralyze a whole organization. Obama likes to quote great men but will never be a great man himself. Nine months before he died, the economic realities of another recession forced my father to sell the paper. Perhaps we should date Kay Fannings leadership moments from that day when she walked away from her desk in the news library at the Anchorage Daily News to take over for the editor and publisher, her husband, who had just died at his desk in the newspaper office. They became national leaders, supporting federal action, troops if necessary, to uphold the law. Remarks prepared for delivery. The Apostle Paul wrote several letters to Timothy defining his role as the leader of the church. The outcome of the civil rights struggle might have been different, and almost certainly, the Souths resistance might have even been more violent, had the editors not provided leadership at a crucial time. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. An accomplished unconventional leader and proven status quo buster, he has successfully led several multi-billion dollar transformation efforts and his award-winning work has been featured in a wide variety of articles and journals, including the Harvard Business Review. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. Gregory Moss, a former English teacher of mine, was unlike any other man. Maximum: 375 words. So-and-so was a great example to us all. But by then, Jack Knight had been warning against U.S. involvement in Indochina since 1954. And he said that the fight for the First Amendment at the Stars and Stripes was a daily fight. Vernon College/Leadership Wichita Falls Class of 2020 Journalist; Tribune Co. veteran; recently retired Medill assistant professor and managing editor, Medill News Service and Medill Reports Chicago. (heartstrings activated) A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.". Winship would not pull a single editorial punch in cajoling a community to face its darkest angels and be better. His legacy lives and breathes kindness. Mike, Sign up to receive our blog posts via e-mail and get a copy of our popular leadership resource list FREE. I am thinking of you in these difficult times. Nothing will ruin your leadershipor your lifelike pride or envy. Her mission was a great one: she taught others around her the importance of loving and of not being afraid of saying it! But after that, her first decision that required enormous courage that I can remember was her approval of the landmark legal defense that the Washington Post lawyers had crafted to answer a subpoena by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew for all the documents we had supporting stories that eventually cost Agnew his job. Thank you for being a mentor; you are the source of my encouragement, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Two of the most courageous editors were father and son, Hodding Carter, Jr. and Hodding Carter III of Mississippis Delta Democrat Times. Later that evening, Dave was awakened by a call from the editors at the office to tell him that the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post News Service had the story. Today Oakland has a newspaper. At that time the Oakland Tribune was considered the nations second-worst newspaper. When they allow anger to dominate the emotional landscape of their leadership, they create a culture of fear and intimidation. Each phrase below is identified by the section where it will fit best in a memorial or tribute and a number that you can use when ordering. POLITICAL POWERBROKERS. And informed his wife, Susie, about his impending resignation. All reporters notes relating to Agnew became Katharines personal possessions, and asserting that she had ultimate responsibility for the custody of the notes, not the reporters. I had no doubt but that the American people had a right to read them and that we, at The Times, had an obligation to publish them.. For without diversity, we cannot have excellent, accurate, or credible journalism. We broke those childrens bodies, he wrote in his Atlanta Constitution. When they returned to Washington, DC that September, their old friend John Quinn called my father, told him that Gannett was thinking about buying the Oakland Tribune and asked my father if he had any recommendations for potential editors. Icon, leader, radical, luminary--the life of former South African president has been memorialized in . So the next day my father called in a construction crew. He was a journalist, always probing for fresh information and new insights., Although the right of dissent is clearly set forth in our Bill of Rights, there are those who would deny this right to others who view U.S. involvement in Vietnam as a grim and unending tragedy., Knight recorded extensively during his Vietnam trip. He said Daves sacrifice was our gain. If LBJ thought the experience would soften his criticism, it did just the opposite. The answer has to be nothing, that is if a mob disagrees with you and the courts., (Read A Flower for the Graves by Eugene Patterson.). Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. He named his little dog Rastus and trained it to bark whenever a telephone receiver was pointed at it. - Read Now! He gives of himself at all times. Community leadership is the courage, creativity and capacity to inspire participation, development and sustainability for strong communities. I'm a high school teacher, so I am used to public speaking. a transformational leader and change agent who had great dreams of what public education could be. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting. A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader. I discovered that the transcripts and audio had become tucked out of sight after a few server changes and redesigns at ASNEs site, and I offered to bring them back to digital life so they could again be shared as a source of inspiration and motivation. Roy Aarons, who later went on to become the founder of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, was the executive editor. I was observing not only what he advised me to do, but the manner in which he advised it. Thats the most sickening thing I ever heard. CMS Mike Klintworth gave an hour presentation recently to Leadership Wichita Falls and it left me yearning for more of his wisdom. At 3 p.m. the door would open and Jack would emerge, copy in hand, ready for discussion and editing. Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, entered politics as an outsider who grew up in extreme poverty and rose to become one of the most powerful figures in the party. We can point to the Pentagon Papers, as we strenuously argue why it is so absolutely necessary for journalists to continue to shine a bright light on the day-to-day operations of government. Great leaders say there is a better way to do this, while wannabes say this is the way we have always done things around here. And he said that he had received this is Kelsch said he had received a classified briefing that convinced him that lives could be lost if the story ran. But in fact, the opposite was true. Sandy ODell A Tribute to Phyllis Harmon Greene - March 1, 2010 - Temple Israel - Columbus, Ohio Have you ever been asked to do a favor and without thinking much about it you said, "Of course," and then twenty years later, you actually had to follow-through on your promise. A word of caution is in order. You're such a humble person, you are a great preacher, teacher, person and most of all a great man . Love is life. Then another, and another, and finally that determination put us back in business stronger than ever. He said it was no longer banned at their newspaper. She was well-known and admired in her community. Whether he was cracking a joke, or quizzing us . The Boston Globe(Presented by Tom Oliphant of the Boston Globe). Thirty years ago, The New York Times and its publisher, my father Punch Sulzberger, faced just such a defining moment. Irene Sanchez August 25, 2017 Dear Academic Mama, I am here. He had one himself. We called it the Gray-Haired Grandmother Defense. My Pastor is a faithful man of God. One of the major dilemmas they face is the conflict between responding to the needs of their own family and the collective needs. I first produced a package on my web site, and have decided to now share their tributes on this new story-focused platform that I can imagine each of these editors might have used. In our age of celebrity worship and social media hype, it is tempting to think of leadership in terms of charisma. Online Resources. Presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and leaders around the world have paid tribute to the life and service of Queen Elizabeth II, many of them reflecting on a 70-year reign that encompassed. It is a speech that will inspire others and make the listeners come together as one in commemorating and honoring the life of the subject. recent car crashes williamsburg, virginia; homelessness in mexico city statistics; matthew bevilaqua death scene; bast funeral home in boonsboro, md obituaries; west branch boat rental; Token Info. A tribute to all women who are the strength of life, the rock of her family, the gentle heartbeat to her children, the tears to her parents, the joy to her soul mate, the inspiration at her work, the support and love of her friends, the mystique in society, the leader of love, life and the apple in Adams eye. Experience - Is It Really the Best Teacher? Now neither of them was working. There has been no shortage of remembrances about Nelson Mandela since his death on Dec. 5. Be a little more visible. And the result was one of the biggest nightmares a publisher can have. This post is derived from my comments provided at his ceremony). They . Leadership isn't just about having great ideas - leadership is the ability to deliver results even in the face of adversity, and knowing where to . He was the lone opponent of the war in the group. I had no doubt but that the American people had a right to read them and that we, at The Times, had an obligation to publish them.. He was born in Chicago, the only son of Roger and Mary (Smith) Holmes. Falling leaves, the smell of burning crosses.. Pete McKnight of the Charlotte Observer, Bill Baggs of the Miami News; Caro Brown of the Alice, Texas Echo; and John L. Harrison and Horance G. Davis, Jr. of the Gainesville Sun in Florida. No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. Editors such as Ira Harkey, Jr. who, Gene Roberts recalled, became a pariah in his town by supporting desegration at the University of Mississippi. And indeed, during my fathers association with that paper, people regularly predicted that Oakland was going to become the first major metropolitan city to have no daily newspaper. So when I think about the lessons my father left, I think about vision, boldness and a commitment to excellence. A handful of Southern editors, probably no more than 20 at peak, placed the national interest above regionalism and argued that if the Supreme Court was not obeyed, anarchy would descend upon the country. As such, they can quickly become overwhelmed unless they exercise the perspective, self-discipline, and intrinsic motivation to bend but not break when things around them get tough. Great editors. Great leaders are role models in life."-Adam Grant; 10 quotes on how brilliant leaders deliver results. Thank you, Mike. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He did. It is better to start the career of the community service by working as an activist. I can't stand it when our leader goes around apologizing for who we are. He's also paid tribute my talent a bit, even though I don't know half of what he knows. How a leader responds to external and internal challenges speaks volume of their character. He implemented the fund in order to grant organizations monetary rewards in order to preserve Newfoundland culture and foster a sense of community amongst citizens. The last is to say thank you. They always seem to know how to help them to overcome . But publish she did. Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. He cited a Pentagon directive that prevented the paper from publishing original classified information. Harold Hollman, community leader, church leader, family leader, died September 21 at the Lutheran Home, he was 93 years old. A leader takes people where they want to go. Now I get were more likely to hear the passage quoted at a wedding than a battlefield or boardroom, but I am convinced it belongs there too. For a manager, you obey. - Dale Carnegie, author and motivational speaker. Leadership is not professional. If her jaw hadnt been set, nothing would have happened. A great editor is in your face and in your life. Her leadership moment has truly stretched across many decades.. All of the references in the tribute are fictional but the tribute and annotations will give you a guide in developing your own special speech or written citation. And Dave I thank you for this, for your courage, and your conviction. 2.Gentle and Kind - she always had good thoughts. "Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. Both are legitimate . A very particular kind of love we term Agape Loveor self-sacrificial, others-oriented lovethat places service to others as the foremost priority in ones life. And Mike Klintworth is living testimony to the power of love to leave a lasting legacy of leadership success and selfless service. We can and we must move constantly forward. Please travel back in time with me across a generation of Americas racial divide. Although the right of dissent is clearly set forth in our Bill of Rights, he wrote, there are those who would deny this right to others who view U.S. involvement in Vietnam as a grim and unending tragedy.. Train Your Replacement Not Your Clone! Whether it is in our marriages, our personal and professional relationships, our workplace, or our worship space, love is what propels successful leaders like Mike to constantly be and do their best in service to others. He entered his office in the corner of the newsroom and closed the door. Humor, even in the toughest of times, kept the editors afloat. Russia is still the leader in world space exploration. His son and pastor of the church, Garry Wiggins, speaks on the right side of photo. What does it mean today at the University of Alabama and here in Tuscaloosa to have the law on your side? He is without a doubt the most observant, attentive and knowledgeable man I have met. 2. Katharines decision was to get another edition on the streets as soon as possible and keep them coming for the next four-and-a-half months. At one of its annual conventions, the American Society of News Editors paid tribute to some of the newspaper industry's greatest modern leaders, honoring them with short "Leadership Moments" But for a line, be that sublime, -. It is a privilege, therefore, 15 years after the fact to express this public word of gratitude to my old publisher, Creed Black, (Listen to John Carrolls tribute to Creed Black), Anchorage Daily News(Presentation by Howard C. Weaver, the Sacramento Bee). His pursuits connected communities through public trails and in preservation of Newfoundland culture. Paul J. Johnson we honour and cherish what you have done for the landscape of our rocky home and recognize your life stretching out in the hearts of our province and it is without further ado, that we bid you adieu. With a contagious smile and infectious laugh, he turns heads every time he talks. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. In 1957 the two were married and Penelopi moved to the United States. Tribute to a Quiet Leader. Let me share a couple nuggets from the Chiefs career that help reinforce my pointall taken from his performance reports.