Great article thank you for writing something positive about the Rez! After seven generations of darkness had passed, there would be a reuniting of not only the Lakota but all peoples, he prophesied, creating a Sacred Hoop the world over. People praying, voicing their views and heart, were met with disdain and a level of force exceeding what was needed. The Messiah honored by the Lakota Sioux is the White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought the Sacred Pipe and established the foundation of their ritual and social life. This seventh generation will take back what little culture and rights remain and amplify positive change for future generations that don't yet exist. Born and raised on the Rosebud Reservation in South . Huge stone monsters would tear open the face of the Earth. When someone yelled gun, in fear, Larry sprang into action with several others and ran to confront the man and place himself in between harms way and the other water protectors. John moved on from NDN in 2016 to pursue film making opportunities in Los Angeles. Frank Waln talks Native history, new Single and Seventh Generation prophecy Vocalo Radio Vocalo 91.1 FM - Chicago share Frank Waln is a Lakota activist and Hip Hop artist from the Sicangu. In fact, a 2013 Bureau of Prisons report blamed skyrocketing health care costs for catapulting annual prisoner medical allocations to nearly $6,000 per inmate in 2012. 6. I have friendly feelings for all. (Oceti Sakowin means Seven Council Fires the seven tribes of the Great Sioux Nation.). Retired after 30 years in law enforcement, Jeff has an easy way about him which would lend itself to de-escalation tactics as a police officer. In 2011, while in Washington, D.C. to speak before a Senate committee about the use of Indians as sports mascots, Warne met a congressman in the hallway who commented that all Native Americans are getting rich off casinos. Black Elk, the Lakota holy man, predicted long ago that his people would find new hope in the seventh generation. The film is to help the public understand the hardships felt by Indian Country since those times, what really happened in the boarding school era, the historical trauma that tribal members still deal with today, what Mt. For the native peoples these births have been a sign to mend the hoop of the nations, to establish brotherhood within the family of man, and return to a spiritual way of life.. Severt Young Bear Sr., Calvin Jumping Bull, Nellie Two Bulls, and others at International Brotherhood Days talked often about the importance of how education, understanding, respect, would lead to healing. is the founder and editor ofIn5DandZentasia. He's very familiar with the Seventh Generation prophecy, attributed to Black Elk and other tribal leaders in the late 1800s. The resolve he saw to protect a sacred space was transformative. "GRAND JURY AWARD" California Film Awards",, "WINNER!!! The film continues to create meaningful dialogue and has generated many requests for information. That famous vision had occurred at age nine when the Indian mystic took ill and was prone and unresponsive for several days hearkening to a near-death occurrence. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. She was a badass warrior. For when you are at that center within you and I am in that place within me, we shall be as one.. We passed through eastern Montana, nearing the site of Chief Josephs surrender. The greatest power in the universe messaging. Because the prophecy lovingly came directly from Creator. but a deep understanding of Lakota culture and history as well," district . Something big like this, to change the world. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'in5d_com-box-4','ezslot_4',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-in5d_com-box-4-0'); Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott! He directed, produced, and edited 7th Generation. Our writers and photographers have constantly visited South Dakota's nine Indian reservations throughout our 27 years of publishing. The new Lakota Studies building at Sinte Gleska University in Mission, South Dakota. I envision Grandpa receiving the prophecy from Creator in a respectful Lakota spiritual way. Law enforcement officers have, too. In the distance, to my left, I could see the bright lights coming from a line of police cars behind the barricade, across State Highway 1806. Some of my children are buried there. Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival Louisiana 2016, American Indian Film Festival, AIFI San Fransisco, AMC Metreon 16 Theatre, 135 4th St. San Francisco, CA, California's American Indian & Indigenous Film Festival, University of Leicester College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. It is a powerful message for everyone." I would love to see Native people write these stories about their own tribes and people, and have publications such as yours actually publish them. Upon suffering beyond suffering: The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for light again. Cody is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian reservation, which is not far from my home. As she left she promised to return. The massacre at Wounded Knee. 9. So maybe the birth of a white buffalo and this group of Lakota millennials can make a difference. He saw a star rising from the east that would bring wisdom. Gab In early November, I was contacted by my good friend Jamie Stone, who said he wanted to go and offered his truck and trailer to haul supplies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Chapter 405: I Miss the Days When We Were PersonallyResponsible! According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation of the Onkwehonwe would see the day when birds would fall from the sky, the fish would die in the water, and man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his mother and provider, the Earth. Do you know of an upcoming event, have a news tip, or just have an idea for a future story? Final: Okeechobee 8, Dwyer 5 in 9 innings. Take heed Native America, and humanity a loving, and spiritual Grandpa already done told us. The abuses are many. He and his friends are the peaceful modern-day equivalent of the famous Great Plains horse warriors of yesteryear. I feel that more topics like the message from Jims film should be taught at all levels. There is a prophecy among Native tribes called "the seventh generation", which speaks of a time thought to be seven generations after first contact with Europeans, when indigenous youth and. During these times one may become doubtful of what the future holds. The film treats a very sad and sometimes forgotten piece of history with compassion and respect. The Sun Dance involves fasting and dancing for four days to help relieve suffering within the community. After the team made sure we were not intoxicated or bringing weapons, we were allowed in. On Veterans Day, over 100 veterans gathered in formation and marched to the roadblock. This is what they were probably talking about. The US army soldiers opened fire on the Sioux . Rumble As Indigenous people we matter. 12. Even the last remaining indigenous people of Europe, the Sami tribe, have sent representatives. Jack Walker, from Wallowa County, Oregon, was one of the people who donated. The biggest change we've witnessed on the rez in our one generation of publishing is the development of the tribal colleges. I needed to witness firsthand what was happening there, and wanted to offer solidarity to those fighting for the right of tribes to exercise agency over their own futures. I like the white people, but they have driven me out of my home. IndieFest Film Awards 2017 (Best of 2016 - Humanitarian Award)), WINNER!!! Mother Earth being truly protected from climate change universally by all colors of mankind. Perhaps we would all be better off to live by the following indigenous principles? My primary motivation for supporting Standing Rock is to stand for those who are standing up to corporate fascism in the face of human rights violations, he told me. During a speech he gave in Seattle shortly before his death (which his doctor literally deemed to be of a broken heart), Chief Joseph said: Today I would like to be back in my old home in Wallowa Valley. Black Elk, the Lakota holy man, predicted long ago that his people would find new hope in the seventh generation. Throwing of the ball no longer practiced. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children the future of humanity.. When he awoke and shared his vision, he felt the dream was a prophecy of a great suffering that would be set upon Native people and it wouldnt be until seven generations later that a sacred duty would be laid upon the people to take a stand for their relatives and the earth again. With Jim Warne. After seven generations of darkness had passed, there would be a reuniting of not only the Lakota but all peoples, he prophesied, creating a "Sacred Hoop" the world over. Warne, a nationally recognized motivational speaker armed with college degrees that include a masters in post-secondary education, takes every chance to educate. In 2016, she won the most prominent title in Native American pageantry as Miss Indian World. Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival 2019, WINNER!!! Reading this pleases me very much as I have friends in Lakota country who work very hard to keep the culture and traditions alive and to honor our Elders and youth. Tribal gangs and drugs are now becoming even bigger problems. Some Christians also believe that apocalyptic signs are already fulfilled. They are on a path of healing from historical trauma and want to inspire change within their communities by strengthening their sacred hoop while breaking the unbalanced cycles. Karin, you might enjoy our contributing online columnist, Vi Waln. Prophecy of the Crazy Horse Crazy Horse lived in a Lakota camp in present-day Wyoming with his younger half-brother, Little Hawk, son of Iron Between Horns and Waglula. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. Amidst the #NoDAPL protests on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, Alayna, a Lakota Language specialist, started the Mn Wihni Nakii Owyawa (Defenders of the Water School) as a way of the children at the camp to continue their education. When subtracted from the current decade, seven times 25 (the average span of a generation) dates back to the Trail of Tears era. I weighed obligations, such as bills and work, and considered travelling expenses. We have something to say, and, respectfully, humanity has something to learn from our Native ancestors, elders, and people. Frank Waln, a Lakota activist and Hip Hop artist from the Sicangu Sioux Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. At the core of this prophecy is the statement, It will take seven generations to heal our sacred hoop. Today we are approaching the seventh generation and Black Elks prophecies both good and bad continue to become reality. I envision the Great Warrior and Chief Crazy Horse meditating, praying, using song, ceremony, eagle feathers, sacred pipe, cedar, water, fire and language to connect with and respect Creator as he opens his heart and mind to receive the prophecy. "HUMANITARIAN AWARD of DISTINCTION" - IndieFest Film Awards, LaJolla, CA February 8, 2017 The seventh generation are activists, teachers, artists, doctors, scientists, community leaders, attorneys, language warriors, spiritual leaders, powwow celebrities, single parents. Travelling those aisles of American history together felt surreal, considering where we were headed. The seven fires of the prophecy represent key spiritual teachings for North America, and suggest that the different colors and traditions of the human beings can come together on a basis of respect. The Yellow Nation, the Red Nation, the Black Nation, and the White Nation, all came together. AND PUT ALL WE HAVE TOWARDS THE CHILDREN STARTING TODAY. In late January of 2013, exactly 150 years after the signing of that first treaty, Spotted Eagle and other activists convened tribal representatives from across the continent on the Ihanktonwan reservation. Rushmore - Crazy Horse - The future for the 7th Generation, WINNER!!! She quickly fell into depression, anxiety and succumbed to drugs and alcohol. We were especially delighted that filmmaker Jim Warne was able to attend our festival and the film screening. Our youth has a strong future ahead. They are the ones who get forgotten about in these movements, their importance needs to be emphasized. According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation of the Onkwehonwe would see the day when birds would fall from the sky, the fish would die in the water, and man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his mother and provider, the Earth. After seven generations of this darkness, there would be a reuniting for not only for his people, the Lakota, but for all people on earth. Ojiibwe (Chippewa) Propecy of the Fires Seven prophets came to the Anishinabe. That story is one of a singular voice made up of many peoples voices, united for an ideal that Native voices have been singing for millennia. The group was threatened by an angry local owner of a construction company called Four Square Concrete, who flew into a rage at having his drive home impeded by water protectors. Around 4,000 people are spread across roughly one-mile stretches of land on either side of the Cannonball river, which are filled with tipis, tents and a few RVs. Hes right: this gathering of nations is unprecedented in Native American history. Envision the Tree of Life and One Circle to include: 1. If you really believe in the traditional ways, and if you do open your ears and listen to whats going on around you theyre trying to tell you stories, says Standing Rock rider Sunny Iron Cloud. Black Elk said it would take seven generations to heal the broken circle of life caused by constant Indian oppression that reached a devastating . (LogOut/ They marched to the police roadblock, and performed a 21-gun salute for a fallen veteran and a prayer ceremony on the bridge. Lakota Prophecies. He foresaw war, famine and sickness among his people and their sacred circle would be broken. Smith said Voth started the dialog while filming Warnes message at NLCs summer conference last year. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. the prophecy of the end of time was told to us by many different people, and that includes the hopi indians. Yes Creator, I hear you in my mind and heart. The red nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for light again. The final episodes look toward the future, the youth, and Crazy Horse's Seventh Generation prophecy. Many people say we are now in the seventh generation today. The following is the text message I received from her after a terrified night of watching live feeds on Facebook from my home back in Oregon: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}My friend was shot with a rubber bullet right next to me.