So that's where it was. We even went into the cemetery and looked around. They made a collect call from Uniontown, Pennsylvania, to his girlfriend, Cathy, in which he asked her to call the Ford family to say Cathy Ford was all right. It doesn't compare to all the mountain of the other shit. But there is because the people who do have jobs here are miners and the miners are still happening. You've lost a lot of hair. It sounds like she's doing washing. Well, if you've been to West Virginia, it doesn't seem like a real pro union kind of place, even though it was split up and not even popular votes, as Grant would give. They're obviously not twins. So the FBI was able to identify some of the blood as human and the blood type was not consistent with the blood of a child of the victim's parents. Eighty four. It's totally disorganized mess. And we don't need you to search there because there's cops there with evidence. Christmas sweater. Neighborhood is generally quiet. Another problem is there can be drama. He said, quote, He was a heck of a nice guy. And one of our most insane West Virginia never disappoints. They're like shit they give to teenagers so they like know that why their armpits stink now and that's why Jesus coming out of them. Journalist Martin Yant looked into the case and was able to locate two eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen Cathy alive over a year after she vanished. She's going to do it. I've been here smoking and just cleaning it up. I'm sorry. She's carrying she's wearing stonewashed jeans because it's nineteen eighty eight. Nineteen eighty eight is when they questioned him after getting his search of the trailer permission. That's all. A. Lancey. We're pavn half the road. I have that book sitting on his shelf. January 2001, one in the last two days of Governor Cecil Underwood of West Virginia's new term, son of a Bitch, one of his final acts in office, which went largely unnoticed because there was a big deal over paid comp time payments to his staff, something they made a big deal out of. There were like, you know, he he just it's fine. So if it's turned at two o'clock, this would be in the right leg. What Yorka Yoshioka Maxwell. In fact, the phone calls don't show that the defendant's character made him more likely to kidnap someone. He led the Nationals westward where they beat every team except for Rockford, Illinois, because those peaches are tough. The Prosecution lawyer and other officials in the Trial expressed their disappointment at the Governors decision and said that neither they nor the family of the victim were consulted before the decision to commute his sentence was made. He's called after what I just said because bookstores and libraries posing as a doctor. That's crazy here. But that's not in these stats. And I said my reaction was bewilderment. So it goes to the jury. Thirty eight percent since nineteen ninety. Yassmin Chowdry Judy. The town started out in eighteen thirty. Gore might go Anania forty four rather so Gurman Marilyns February 17th. Yeah, but he doesn't know how to like the procedures and shit like that. Forty one percent of the people are sixty five to seventy four years old. And that's the one I'd be concerned about because that's where that meant a lot of fucking. James Mills'. Miss Spring Mountain Festival pageant will be marked March 14th. Richard Smith He was . Nineteen eighty eight. That was insane. A Line Nevin's Jefferson Steel Flaks Trayner Gothia. So shut up and give me murder. Oh, and Gore, Monia. I'll tell you what, he is one hell of an average. Good way to learn. This is bad. They find the Ford Bronco. Buelow Smith. Shana Brazelton's. Yeah. I think it's David Harley, Kitaura Kitaura Thorpe and Pikul Daddy obviously. It's to us that's restrike again. Another Kathy. I'm going to go out creepily, creepily young crime rate in this town, not including staring at beauty pageant contestants, which should be. Wow. You son DeAndre Brinson Bo or just Bo. Here's Paul's boss on the police force. So the stats are really in place. A waitress who doesn't want to give her name said, quote, You hate to see people take sides in a small area, you can't talk bad about your neighbors and you feel sorry for both families. Around the time he started working for the local Sheriffs Department, Ferrell had rented a trailer located just off of Bismarck Road. Be pretty funny. They were working at Jim Coronets territory, which was in rural Kentucky. In nineteen eighty five. Did you hear anything. Five contain blood, which could not be confirmed as human, and the remainder contained human blood. So Richard Williams, who's in FBI handwriting expert, will say that the letter and envelope were both written by Paul Farrell. I'll take a Jimmy down to seven of the twenty first Gore mania. Paisley McCreanor. She can throw food together. He's been there for literally he's going to do the windshield wipers and the sirens. You ain't seen nothing until you've seen a West Virginia panhandle. One O'Hanlon Place, Barboursville, WV 25504 (Cabell County) . Colin Braun. There's the Gore mania force. And the theater though that was of. No way. Dan Zonkey. That was down payment on the on the Bronco. Amy Gay. Hope you had fun a Christmas like that's very nice kid. Oh, shit. That's not a question they ask in the interview. Tim Turner Kane what. This postal code encompasses addresses in the city of Gormania, WV. No more member in a cartoon. Exactly. Bookstores and libraries, of course, across the country where two hundred and six, to be exact. Right. OK, so not that far back and not that we're talking. Goldar Ashley Agnese what. He believes that she has been influenced by family and friends of Ferrell to try and recant her statement after the trial. They found no trace of Cathy's body or any evidence that proved she had ever been there. That's not right. And yeah, this is talking about hollers. Ferrell claimed that he did this because he wanted people to stop searching and didn't want them to find her car in his backyard which would obviously lead to his arrest.Finally, on March 8, almost three weeks after Cathy vanished, her car was re-discovered by Darvin and her brother Rich who had become suspicious of the earlier smoke seen on the night she had vanished. Delilah Goodwin. Rick James is involved. Less of those, the less depressed and sad about their life. And there you go. We're going to talk about Gorman here today and then directly across the border into Marilyn, because this is right on the Maryland border. So he's like, so does that mean she's dead? Nineteen thirty nine. So he's got different things that he does, good grades, everything like that. Not for sure. He has he has had to have been. I appreciate it truly. Grant County (Gormania), WV: In 1988, Cathy Ford went missing not long after having an affair with a local police officer named Paul Ferrell. Well, let's dig him back up again. They're usually cool shit, by the way. He said, quote, All they would say is they have sufficient evidence to arraign him for murder. It would have been different if he had fucking stolen a Milky Way bar from a fuckin convenience store when he was eighteen. They'd say, that's gross. So that said, let's talk about a murder rate. So we're doing a real show just like on the road, just like in a theater. Quickly, very quickly. They went around at the prosecution and instead got the body language, got this theory, the FBI guy, to say what his body language was during a polygraph, which is still technically the polygraph. He's like, oh, shit it wrong thing. She's like, Oh, that must be Paul Farrell, the guy I see out there. It's a fucking loan trailer on top of a hill that goes down to the river. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to reconsider the case. The property at issue in this complaint IS located at 1008 Broadway Ave., Parkersburg, West Virginia. They take his gun in his car away and they arrest him, they arrest him in the apartment where he sometimes stayed, where the calls were made from. Yeah, because half the people could hear it perfectly. Max Deen. So I'm I'm sure it was a quick thing. It's just dead things. And that was the last time I saw her. You better say it. Devin Taylor. How can you be not. His driveway led to a seldom traveled road that led to the side of the burned Bronco. That's how small of a town is. There's a lot going on here. But they probably figure it's similar and better to have a body out there, whatever. This is No. So they use samples from her parents and testing for genetic markers. And I'm having a real I think she might be dyslexic. Full title: STATE of West Virginia v. Paul William FERRELL. Phone: 681-320-2012 : Fax: 304-289-5085 : Mobile: Email: Don't do that. I hope this case finally gets solved, I live less than 3 miles away from where he lived. They find it. You guys are fantastic. I guess it's easy for people to make those kinds of accusations. Oh, no. I mean, you wouldn't you say, why the fuck would I do that? And. Yeah, that's what we do here. So we need to know whether anybody from Guamanians around this time, how many sets of twins either is it creepy? Like she's cool. Well, maybe you shouldn't have given a fucking guy with a yeah no without going through the academy a gun in a car. That's Justin. Austin. I don't know if this is what it's like talking to people here or what, but they're all like one sentence the everywhere else. I don't like that. So now fuck you, you just messed up there. That's super weird, man. I didn't know what they were talking about. People are on the ground. So he's helping his parents run a country store which is by the way, one city block, quarter mile basically from the old mill restaurant where the Fords work. This is terrible. Nope, that's guthridge Aaron would no last name. is the official Web site for the State of West Virginia and is the result of an innovative public-private partnership between the state and West Virginia Interactive. Like, these people are horrible. What did I do. That's you can you can put it on. It takes thirty seconds to sign in and do the review. Oh. Yeah. Brendan Jones, Will Holmesian, Louisa Leonora's Pawlick Porlock just gloving it got Patrice Rodriguez, Scott Scouting's Kensley Sharone Banks. The unemployment rate here is about double the rest of the country as well. Let's do this. Paul Burgund Burton. Her body has never been found and no one had ever seen her with Ferrell. Yeah. A posse is formed, which is you don't feel happens in the 80s. Angela Angela half-Eaten. The state recognized the area as "The Sinks" in the 1950's to promote tourism. It doesn't say how old here but I assume probably too young to be staring at anyway. He may have had some suspicions as to Catherine's friendship with Farrell, but dismissed those feelings on account of Farrell being in a relationship with someone else. So it's all anybody with a tip. Right. Ol! Brother, you came in here last week with that exact change, Jimmy Westermann, and you're going to pay for it next week at Carmenere will take the post out of your hands. OK, so his name could be Will Ferrell if he chooses. And nobody told him that that happened. John Sargent. You wouldn't expect this. That's this guy's life is seven days a week, which seems pretty rough here. So that status no single people. He and Cathy had reportedly been seeing each other since early fall of 1987 and Ferrell later described it as on again off again to Authorities. This week, in Gormania, West Virginia, a young woman runs out the door, after receiving a mysterious phone call, never to be seen again. Just eighty four edition of the new our bodies ourselves. Lot 6 Ferrell S, Gormania, WV 26720. So they also say that Cathy's alive in this article. They have German even still even say they will have a German Shepherd type police dog. They don't remember that time you saw me. The fact that she hasn't had four kids already is probably a miracle. And we talk a lot about how people how people irritate us. Mary Westfall. It's supposed to be back in an hour. I am getting the impression that it has new information? There's a white guy with something else in them. It's fun. So he joined the army after that voluntarily and became a military policeman. Kyle Thompson. He's not good at this new carpet. Sure. Try not to drown in the river. He said or finding one. He said that Ferrell had shaken his head when asked if this was what had happened, no footage exists of the interview and Ferrell denies that he made any guilty motions during it. She's Daisy Duke. Brett with L was his last name. I'm sorry. Yeah. Let's talk about Catherine Deniece Ford. He tells me shit. Acquisition Method: Acquired Medium: print Projects: West Virginia History OnView. It's the rest of breaking work. I imagine it was very hard on him at the time, a "double whammy" to lose his girlfriend without a trace and also to discover that she was not faithful to him in their relationship. You know, they were in the bedroom and she had not noticed any stains on the master bedroom carpet. Ryan Wentzel. Not but she's a five and a half, so. So he's like, I don't the fuck you're talking about I. Yeah, I mean, when someone rents something, a lot of times they paint and put fucking new carpets and that's part of rental a lot of time. Save this search. Shabaan Hitchcock. So he's, like, pretty safe to me. An actual episode like we do when we go to the theaters visuals. Neil David. Those are neat little ride. He he had never been arrested, had no criminal record. Twenty one acres of woods. Thank you truly. Yeah, they're fucking armed shotguns, including the deputies, Farrell, the brothers, the father, the mother, the cousins, the aunts, uncles, Gary Ford, who's her brother, and her boyfriend, Darvin Moon. So we make we make jokes. But so some of the employees read it to him. Right. One of the three hours we'll hear a lot from. It's a lot. I would. Paul Farrell knows all about it. There's a lot of good documentaries on that, more of the craziness of a weird little league that will eventually be defunct. History Museums, Speciality Museums. She's their treasure and they want to find her. Like Ricky's daughter, Miss Yoder. And now he also posed as various other people, including a magistrate, a police officer, a doctor, a passing motorist. So Paul is settling down in his life now. We're talking a quarter mile is Gorman Gorman, Maryland, Gorman, Maryland. Mad. So this is all connected up. I was afraid to go CLO's, afraid of what I might find. I think this is one place and one place only gore for a our brother that's coming. I bet if he said he'll be out in ten years or 11 years, they maybe not. Marianne Lozes. We're talking about hollers. Well, a county magistrate is usually on duty at a satellite office at the Mount Storm firewall's all on Wednesdays, sometime between ten thirty and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 17th, nineteen eighty eight, which is when she disappeared. I heard about some libraries, Paul. And she concluded that they were to occur in approximately two point seventy five percent of the population. Dude, dude. It's all right. More for the lower income. They said there's a woman on the phone. Justin May, Miranda Land, Acacia Weaver, Ivan Ivan Sova, Melissa Stinchcomb, Thomas Gallagher feel good and Dudi feelin good. What is he doing? Thank you. No, also don't want it to be somebody that just came through at least that you can wrap your head around your name, find your neighbor who's on the police force. Brandon Waggner. Yeah it's ugly as shit. Her brother also says, I just wish I knew anything that was going on. He gave the go ahead, go search my trailer, knock yourselves out. And then I can deal with there's about fifteen markers left standing and only a few of them have names. So this is very like, oh God, I don't want this to happen to her. And it doesn't matter. Hundreds of healthy, seasonal, whole food recipes that you and your family will love Close it and off. Well, about they talk bad about it. They weren't so concerned. Because the area around the car did not have any fire damage, some speculated that the car had been burned elsewhere and then transported to where it was later found, this has been debated endlessly in and out of court with no adequate explanation being reached. It's still home with Dottie back. Oh, yeah, absolutely. So after that, he came home. 399 S.E.2d 834 (W. Va. 1990) . I figure if the motive was to do away with her, they'd have put her in the Bronco and burned her in it. He posed as a doctor when he called. Well, people also maybe over time maybe I don't know if they are kids. So dry county, all that's that's it. However, after the trial, she claimed that "words were put in her mouth" by the prosecution. More for lower income people are really nice and want to help sometimes too much. Citations Copy Citations. I didn't even look at him then, but before and after. However, fearing that her body was inside, he did not tell anyone about it. Gorman lies on Gorman Road off the Northwestern Turnpike, which crosses the North Branch into Gormania, West Virginia, via Gormania Bridge. Now go. As of the 2010 census, Gorman's population was 106. It's a lot harder to it with no DNA. Don't know. And they said that the use of his of his many phone calls to get the shit he wanted is pretty good evidence of that, which I mean, Jesus Christ. Hilary Banks, CANDIS Attinger, Wendy Van Winkle, good morning, Morgan Sexsmith. That was a champion. What's happening there. I want that. There's a bunch from Gorman. In early January 1988 he was sworn in as a Deputy Sheriff for Grant County and to all outward appearances he was preparing to settle down and live out his days with Cathy Bernard, a local mother of two he had been seeing. There's like. Welcome to small town murder. He was like two ninety nine a minute. There's no way he did do it. This is. Plan your morning commute or road trip for Gormania, West Virginia with the help of our live traffic cams and local road condition reports Sean what the fuck. You're good. They after they find the car, they're they're suspicious of everything now because they know that the car has been burned. They hang out at cop bars. and our It's HULKA mania, but engorgement Gore Ghorbanifar say it's Guamanians. I don't know what that is. Please for the love of God, take a picture of pages one 77 one and tell me what the fuck was turning this guy on so mild that we have a lot to this that happens. So, yeah, because there's a lot of brothers and sisters, so you got to you've got to spread it out evenly. But not didn't definitely not enough for sure. They interests there want to be cops. You go around and apparently they do it here because, I don't know, it's the middle of goddamn nowhere. Yeah. I saw Bill kill and Frank I saw it. And more arrests than a cop right in a small town. This is the kind of a little bit bigger town close by. A verdict comes in. He was told that a woman had been calling, asking for him. He's got a nice he's got an identical twin. Two hundred people are fucking crazy. I think she's in the fucking river for cars right next to the river. I don't know. There's cops coming. Name Born Age Birth Place Died; Buckbee Foster, Vauda [ Shields ] 07/23/1917: 91: Grant County, WV: 08/14/2008: Butts Evans, Maxine Virginia [ Manchester ] [ LeCompte ] So he actually got on the police force and he actually like had built his whole life up for this and actually did all the things necessary to do it. Yeah, that's that's bad. Is that is that's. Kate, Kate Moran, Rick and Stephanie Alpine MacAlpine. But it gets weirder. So at 10 a.m. that day of the disappearance, February 17th, Robyn Tincknell received a call from a man claiming to be a West Virginia magistrate. Liz Collins. Nails it for me. Chris Cormie. Most of the people make 30 to 50 grand a year, which is you can live off of here as we'll get into cost of living. Right. There are so many things that go on around a crazy murder in rural West Virginia that are hilarious. So then they said that they ours said that he found no reason not to hire Farrell after he conducted a routine background check. And he said, quote, We loved calling hanging out together because of our backgrounds and the fact that we both run businesses for our families and they're both twins. The No, just just NATO hotspots file government. But then he said, we're twins. And they both shoulders. And Howard, we got a liquor violation shit, right? You got to play the odds. 52 years old Franklin, Tennessee, 37064. You know, that's a that's a red ball. Thank you, everybody, for joining us this week. OK, we're on a roll. And if they find her, then they can, you know, drop the helicopter and pick her up and it probably needs help. It's pretty new to an eighty six Ford Bronco to have Marilyn played oh two six two four or five. This is what people worry about, disappearing into thin air. Apparently not. Like a public access football team. Do you know exactly. I'm in the middle of a could you find me this book and tell me what's the next step? 1. West Virginia Death Index, 1853-1970 at FamilySearch (free with registration) includes statewide death index for 1917-1956, and a county death index for 1853-1970 (appears to end c. 1973); coverage for the county death index varies by county; entries in this database link to images of the death certificates at the above website. Fill up. The stories I'm hearing are very interesting and I would like to explore into this more. You're a baseball fan. OK, it's fucking weird. Right. Paul Farrell made a regular practice of posing as someone while calling people on the phone to get them to do things for them, not just to get them to come to him. Now everyone is a suspect. It's sad. Small town murders, we are going to talk about the Manson family, Charles Manson and the murders and everything, but not we're not going to get into the murders, but we're going to talk about the Manson family, the cult, and then we're going to compare them to Heaven's Gate and we're going to compare and contrast these two very different cults from a hippie sex cult to a sexless computer. No, no, no. It slows down. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We're still in fashion. That shit's in color. The rest just go up in the hollers. Kristen Willie Kyle. This is weird. Dotcom, January twenty ninth and it'll be up for seventy two hours afterwards. She goes places. I'm sorry. Yeah, you know, I have your test results. This week we are going to talk about the crazy goings on of the United States Football League back in the early 80s for the crime and sports episode. Map of Radon Zones in West Virginia based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data More West Virginia directories: Cities, towns, and villages in West Virginia between 1000 and 6000 residents ; Towns, and villages in West Virginia with fewer than 1000 residents; More data: Zip Codes, Counties, Businesses, Houses, Weather Forecasts And this is the female version. Her brother Rich said that he and Darvin Moon began looking in the area after a friend told him that a woman reported seeing smoke on the Stony River the day his sister disappeared. Seems pretty safe to me that that's what it takes. Chollet What Shuttleworth Daylor. He's like he was a he went to Southern High School as well where she graduated. Anna Lapinski. And when you buy a place or rent a place, you're under the impression that you have a lot of people's stuff in there. It's never going to happen. Paul Farrell could reach the spot where the Bronco was burned without going to a main road. That's what that is. COGAT Lauren Chechi and she and Peola. That's what I'm saying. And it was essential to prove the charge of kidnapping, that he changed his identity on the phone to get people to do things. April Lewis. John Brandell. No problem. It folded and came back multiple times, so many times. I test drove it. So she's a twin. I read all the evidence is what I did. There's up to three hundred people between the two towns. Sounds awesome. I haven't heard of any crimes occurring in this area. I can't wait to find out what you think more than you think. He said if the police were to ask us for a character reference, I'd have to say there's no way he did. He even enclosed $200 to pay for the ruined Bronco. How do you even do that? Whoever was calling saying he was a benefit of living in a small town, you know. I don't know what that name is. Martin Gore mania. No Hispanic people. I'm sorry, this is the the day before he's talking about. And Patreon, my goodness, do we have Patrie on this week that first of all for crime and sports patry on which you will have access to if you are a Patriot supporter? He said they met the FBI investigators to get an update on the case. And she mentioned that she really wanted to see me down at the trailer. But I take you that I'm going to tear your arms off you beat you with stops at Gurumayi. Growl Emily Kee there's so many fucking this week. And Gore Bayani, a brother. The recipes she can throw fucking. That's a life. No, it's that day he's claiming this is what happened in his claim the day of the murder. So that's a lot more. Yeah, descriptors. She disappears, she's gone. But why would he shoot people? And she tells her family and everybody at the restaurant, all the employees do not sell beer to anyone without checking fucking ID, make sure all every purchase gets an ID check. So they said, well, what about the blood in the trailer? You don't have fingers on the legs. I thought flip flipping mower upside down for that to see. Oh boy. Jason, Jason. So she refused to leave work to meet with him. Yeah. It's just I think he's just he's one of those cop guys. I didn't know. That's not cutting a finger. He's Bonafied Darvin Moon Ride sounds like something that Charles Manson named one of the kids at the Manson girls that were naming him Darvin Moon. They even have a ring sizes. Fire and rust destroyed any fingerprints that may have been on the car.