Victoria, you and your pup are a perfect example on how the prong collar is such a life-saver! But after reading your points and the testimonies of other people here, I feel a little more confident that I can find a safe and humane way of using this tool when doing further training. As sweet as he is, I ended up on the ground numerous times and my husband was tired of having his arm yanked in the wrong direction. That creature is way stronger and way more dangerous than a german shepherd so why keep perpetuating the same rubbish?. I know thats easier said than done. These collars have been the subject of controversy in recent years, with some people arguing that they are inhumane and should be banned, while others claim that they are an effective She actually does really well but is strong with high prey drive. Wasted $100 at PetSmart (clicker training ????). I think, a prong collar, having the constant fear and discomfort creates a different situation for a smart dog, and when they dont have that worry or fear, they just drop all their training. (See "Dogs Watch Us Carefully and Read Our Faces Very Well.") Thousands of trainers and Id wager millions of owners train their dogseasy dogs and challenging dogsand manage their behavior without any of this stuff. Walking on a leash is not a natural behavior for a dog, and indeed it goes against their natural instincts to run and explore. I have a ten month old foxhound that I walk daily in the forest for two miles in rugged terrain. I have a 2 year old, big strong 50kg male rottweiler who my ex was supposed to have trained, but only really had him off the lead, Sam doesnt listen to a word I say when were out walking and literally drags me, causing me injury. I enrolled her in puppy class and the prong collar has changed my life and the dogs life. It depends on the severity of his fearfulness. We now use the prong collar to train our own dogs and our foster dogs when needed. It was life saving for me. This muddies the water for guardians seeking help with their companion dogs: If a force-free trainer with whom they worked didnt help them, does that push them to work with a trainer who uses force? I swore Id never use a prong, they are cruel, I thought. Woodrow doesnt mind it at all. Especially for a breed that everyone seems to be initially wary of. I have a strong, 1.5 year old, hard headed, 60 pound English Springer Spaniel and he is all over the place on walks. I was stunned how quickly her behavior improved once I started using the prong collar! We tried for 3 weeks to loose leash train w/ the Easy Walk harness employing techniques learned w/ our last dog Jacksons dog coach. I didnt outweigh him by much. Did not work at all. I used a pinch collar 3 times and he learned that quickly and never pulled out of the leash again. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best, What and Who Dogs Want and Need: Love, Not Shocks, Living With a Dog Is Good, If It's Good for You and the Dog. Now we're loose leash and enjoying our walks and adventures. I dont want my dog to fear me or become aggressive towards other people or dogs. But a dogs neck is a very sensitive area. I admit I was not paying full attention to him was conversing with a neighbor. He has started jumping, and biting and it seems more aggressive. Choke and Prong collars have been used to discipline dogs, usually larger and more aggressive breeds. I just started using one. Its a good thing I work out because I can reign her back in but I fear one day shell dislocate my shoulder!! This leash training is extremely important for puppies, but even adult dogs who havent been properly schooled in polite leash walking can learn to accommodate their human. haha. We are the first time adoptive fur parents of a Yellow Lab Mix. We have a 4yo female rescue GSD. It could be killedalong with the child flung into the windshield as her mother hits the brake. Again 99.9% of the time he is a joy to walk & im walking him and my other dog which could greatly overpower me. But I now see how wonderful they are in training my dog. Dr. Jennifer Cattet notes, "A study of 424 dogs seen by chiropractors revealed that 91% of them who had neck injuries were pullers or had experienced jerking on the leash by the guardian (Hallgren, 1991).". A prong collar will give you a bit of power steering with a larger dog that pulls hard, but its no substitute for training., So if youre training? That should tell us something. I do worry about what other people think, even though I shouldnt. I may not have a certificate as a dog trainer, but I have attended more training sessions with dog trainers than I can count. Its important to understand your pup is still adjusting and pushing the limits. Ive recently joined a couple of Service Dog sites and everyone on there says that it IS OK to use a prong collar on a trained Service Dog. These collars can also injure the salivary glands and salivary lymph nodes on the side of the face underneath both ears. Where are prong collars banned? Possibly causing neck/throat problems. I had it too low on the neck and much too loose. I am worried about how my dog owning friends will react to me getting one of these collars, but having seen how easy and gentle yet effective it can be I have decided that I would be silly not to get one, both for her safety and mine, in certain situations. The one thing I dont do is avoid walking her altogether. This is always very stressful for me and I get there praying there wont be another dog in the waiting room. 4 months old is border line too young in my opinion. But every dog is different. Good luck, I wish you all the best. The neck and cervical spine are one of the most important energy channels in the body. We just got a new 5 month old Australian shepherd last week. He came to the pound as a stray but you can tell he has had some training..he can sit, shake, etc. We only introduced it after 31/2 mths at which point Ive learnt to read my dog and I have the knowledge how to manage him and descalate his triggers etc. After reading the article on prong collars, went and bought one. That collar changed the way Shadow behaved in an instant. Many dogs will still pull, despite the discomfort, and are at risk of injury to their necks. She jumped up to greet Mary and her owner shocked her for jumping while she was trying to say hello. You can do it with patience and guidance.. I wanted to get one for him when we first started having problems with him but my dad seemed so against it so I decided on not getting one. We got her at 8 weeks old. I want him to walk ahead of me on a 20-30 lead along my single file trail. They are used as an aversive training tool that enforces punishment in an attempt to make a dog perform desired behaviours. Yet, some dogs are repeat offenders, and those dogs? She is 38 lb. WebWhere are prong collars banned? There is no negative association for the dogs, and weve even been lucky and not have any people give us looks or comments on their collars either. Front clip harnesses that simply manipulates the dog into not pulling and does NOT FIX the pulling. Hes large for the breed. Consider the woman about whom Mary wrote who chose to leave her choke collar at the veterinary clinic after her dog suffered from a prolapsed eye. If you can figure that out? Should the collar only be used while walking? Follow SolidK9Training on Youtube, he offers plenty of training videos on prong collars. People who have untrained GERMAN SHEPHERDS ALWAYS ask medo you train dogs?how much would you charge i will pay you well ALWAYSwhy you askwell because my gsd is sooo well trained.he is off leash trained 100% I take him into public stores.around other dogs.etc and he heels.directly on my matter what.out of control dogs pulling on therr leash trying to attack him.etc it doeant matter.he wont maKe a move unless approved by did i do this you ask?..well this is the formulaso get your pen and paper ready..first a WHOLE LOTTA LOVEsecond A WHOLE LOTTA TIME.third MORE LOVE..FORTH A SPRENGER CORRECTION COLLARwithout it you will never train a german shepherd manners.bigj reward training.petco trainingetc etc..etc DOES NOT WORK YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME.SPINNING YOUR WHEELSwhen it comes to training your german cant do your own must follow a tried and true/proven training program.this is how the nazis trained them.this is how the police train them this is how the military trains them..AROUND THE WORLDstop the stupidity.if you dont use will fail in training your dog will become a nuisance and your dog will ultimately pay the sad price.a well trained dog has a great life.sees the world ..a poorly trained dog sees the backyard sees the shelter and sees the euthanasia needle. The prong could help with the jumping and biting if used correctly. If you are consistently pulling the collar he may become numb to any corrections. OSPet Dog Prong Collar. A video of the electrifying We could tell it was simply because their want to chase after whatever they saw was stronger than their want for treats. I have a 140 BRT, and he is only 14 months old. We found out that her dog, while on a choke collar, started pulling when he saw another dog across the street, so much so that his paws came off the ground. Thank you Patty for sharing your story! Like anything Im sure using it wrong or without training can be bad but using it as training tool correctly can be a great benefit and my dog has responded amazing to it., I just started training with the prong collar, I immediately see a difference in my pitt/boxer mix. It has been 4 years since I had my last beloved dog. But I dont want to be cruel, OR injure him. I now use it on my foster fail rescue dog, she is a brute Am Staff-Boxer mix who is only 1 years old and loves to dominate those who dont know her. The use of any electrical devices for disciplinary purposes (electrical fence, anti-bark, collars with remote control) is not allowed. Hello, After doing my research and coming across this website, Im ready to try a prong collar with my rescue Nala. Another asked if perhaps dogs, because they read human faces, including angry faces, very well, might get a "bad feeling" from their human when they choose to use something that causes them pain. The UK has also banned shock collars. Technically yes. If you choose to use a restraining collar, why do you do so? Do you want to know why he was riding the bus with me to work? Shame they dont research the damage done to dogs by flat buckle ! I always enjoyed walking my dog because I love him and I like to get out and walk, but now walking him is sooooooo much better. Truly modifying behavior takes time and consistency. You may have pure positive trainers tell you there are more humane ways to control your dog. Its about patience and consistency. After class the instructor told me that she would bring a collar to the next class that should help with him and asked that I come a little early so she could show me how to use it. The links and ads are a way for me to cover my expenses. As soon as the prong collar is on her, she is in full listen mode. I am a firm believer of the pros of a prong collar and I would never get on other then the Herm brand, the rest always break or corrode. I decided to share my story because so many people have not. The dog didnt even attempt to pull, lunge or drag me anywhere anymore. Some societies and activists are taking action against their use; lets hope for a piece of good news in the future. Hi, I don't want to hijack Debi's post but would like to comment. Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! A prong collar (also called a pinch collar) is an example of a dog training collar, and usually replaces a flat collar. Thank you for most educational article on pinch collar. Prongs are widely, widely misunderstood and consequently widely misused., The fact that a reward or a correction can only be given within 2 seconds of the action for either to be of effect means that your reactions have very slim windows to achieve their goal. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks for this info. So, the reason he has to be carried into the house is that he wont move when he has a leash on. At what age do you recommend that people start using a prong Collar? Negative experiences that they have learned to problem solve with looking mighty scary, scare the other dog away, and then safety is restored. Very good training tool. Psychology Today, January 25, 2018. Leashes and collars are tools of control and should be used very carefully, In Unleashing Your Dog: A Field Guide to Giving Your Canine Companion the Best Life Possible, Jessica Pierce and I write that while tools of control are often necessary, we should remain alert to the diverse ways in which they can inhibit a dogs freedoms and the ways these devices themselves can be harmful., Research tells us that the use of force via aversive equipment is not only ineffective but can be psychologically and physically damaging. Animal activists have been attempting to issue a Europe-wide ban on their sale and use, while no movement on a ban has been created in the We have beautiful, stress-free walks thanks to this great tool. What a life changer. Psychology Today, June 22, 2018. Where do we draw the line? Is there any advise other than your article on the prong collar you can help with please know though that my intention is to use the collar correctly and for the right reasons, i have paid special attention on how NOT to use the collar.. Thoughts? What a great story Donna, thank you for sharing. You can purchases extra links if you have an extra large dog (just make sure to get the right mm size for the collar you have). . I knew that I had to learn how to control him if I wanted to be able to walk him without it being a dangerous task. We sometimes will put a bandana on our dogs to cover the prong collar. Ziv, Gal. It totally changed our lives!!! Recommended just for you: Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Dog for a Walk. So a friend recommended a prong collar, I knew that I had nothing to lose by trying it. Is It Time to Ban Shock Collars for Dogs In All Situations? And be consistent. According to a review article published by Gal Ziv, are better for both human and dog is overwhelming. A Guide From A Professional Dog Trainer, How To Manage A Dog Who Is An Escape Artist. Dogs that I thought were a lost cause QUICKLY cease pulling and are walkable again! I have walked him w/ the prong collar here at home several times since our session and he is not pulling or lunging. started a campaign to ban shock, choke, and prong collars in the city, are known to inflict stress, discomfort, and pain, and potentially have long-term negative effects on dogs. Whilst I know that the potential for misuse is not a reason to call something bad, its mainly a method of training that I see no reason for.. We are taking things really slow, but Im concerned if we take them too slow, we will actually be reinforcing behaviors learned from the abuse, i.e. I rescued a German Sheppard who is roughly a year old Nov of 2018. (see Training Methods and Devices for more details) He is a pandemic puppy but I had actually had my name down to get him 8 mths prior so he was very much wanted not a knee jerk. They certainly can be if misused. As subjects go, Prong collars are pretty divisive in the dog world.. Patty, its worth a try. Her eyes arent red after a walk and she doesnt pant constantly walking now. Lets join this trend!. The San Francisco SPCAs website points out that the skin on a humans neck is ten to fifteen cells thick, whereas the skin on a dogs neck is only three to five cells thick. The pair review the recent Norwegian breeding bans on English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Marylands newly-passed prohibition on feline declaw surgery, and other recent legal changes in animal law. New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, the Canadian Province of Quebec , and many others have made prong collars (and in many cases choke and shock collars) illegal. Give it a light tug if necessary and the unwanted behavior is over. He was on the road to becoming an uncontrollable pet who would be doomed to being kept outside when the grandkids come to visit, or visitors come into the home. The use of prong collars and other inhumane practices are set to be banned as part of Queenslands biggest animal welfare law reforms in over 20 years. Granted, my training should have been better and more consistent, and Ill probably always blame myself for letting her get this bad when it could have been prevented but I gotta say, she is exhausting to walk! If youre going to use a "), There are few quick fixes with dog training. It's good to know that when many people learn how bad they really are, they stop using them. The prong collar controversy is real! But do you suggest a prong collar for my Great Dane? Were embarking on our first walk tomorrow!! But since I invested so much money in this trainer I figured I'd give it a try. He was supposed to be in a down but got up when my son went by with a musical toy so I gave him a small correction back to his down. Like others have mentioned, Im sure the dog is not afraid of this collar if theyre running to you to put it on for a walk. Tried the front clip harness but she would still pull so hard she would flip herself over and on to her side how does that not break ribs?! The collar is designed to create even pressure around the neck and distribute the correction so it can be considered kinder than a choke collar, choke chains, or slip leash alternative. WebShock collars have been illegal to use on dogs and cats in Wales for more than a decade. Were hoping its a temporary training tool only, but Im still happy to have found this. I am still hesitant to give a little correction tug. I truly appreciate your blog for its resources and insights. My friend who also trains dogs showed me how to use it properly and it changed our lives! Web1.England 1. In an essay called "What is Positive Punishment in Dog Training?" It is like tapping the dog on the shoulder to get his attention. ), she completely changed. So happy that your tool worked out for you and your dobie. The Its a tough call. Marc thanks Jessica Pierce for her collaboration on this and other projects. I had the stigma that the prong collars were abusive. I know Id be doing it for everyones safety, including theirs, and not as a way to punish my dog. Do your dogs reach a point that you no longer have to use the prong collar? Are just such huge 2000 2022 Rebarkable LLC. The fact is, the prong collar, when fitted properly, is designed to be the most humane way to train and to NOT harm your dog. So as I did my research as a new dog mom, I see all the ominous warnings of the pinch collar. Its kinda like tapping your dog on the shoulder to keep his attention on you. Any collar, and training tool for that matter can cause damage to a dog if not used properly. Until Jackson was 10 or so and slowing down did he really walk loose leash style even with a Gentle Leader head collar. Debi, this is a wonderful article, thank you. At first, yes once you take the collar off, he will pull. Bam. . He eventually started showing extreme aggression towards dogs including my other two rescues. Excellent post!! It was suggested that we use the prong collar on our 3 month old Bichon/Shih Tzu who just started training. All Rights Reserved. If we love our companion animals so very much, the call to treat them kindly should be paramount, and there's no reason why these devices shouldnt be banned in favor of readily available and less aversive force-free alternatives. I just found this page after admitting to a dog-focused friendly advice group on facebook that I REALLY struggle with walking my dog. When we first adopted Bear he had no leash manners at all. Love the prong collarI always thought they were cruelbut they're not. I have yet to find anything in writing that says this is ok. We are in 80s and vet says pinch collar will save our lives. We dog sat for a friends dog last week that has no leash manners, and the way he pulled on his flat collar scared me! Everything Debbie has mentioned suggests not using the prong collar to jerk, yank, or whatever on dogs. :/ (Thank you for posting that video!). The prong is the best, the dogs pull much less, even with other dogs, cats and squirrels to distract them. I bought the collar at Petsmart. WebIn this Q&A I address the important question:What do I think of countries that ban e-collars? Ill bet you prong collars and strategic sharp jerks will have your dachshunds (or your wolfhounds) respectfully leaving their leashes slack within the week. We tried positive reinforcement but he is totally indifferent to treats. The collar is not designed to hurt the dog, but get the dogs attention. I admit I have not tried them all. _____. It was like I was walking a totally different dog altogether. It makes all the difference and Blu seldom pulls or lunges. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Suzanne, you are the perfect testimony to how the prong collar can actually change you and your dogs lives. But pronged collars have been a saving grace for both me and the problem walkers. And not to mention all that pulling also affects me stresses my joints and feet, strains my wrists, has caused me to slip and fall in icy or muddy conditions, and makes me dread walking these problem dogs. Could you post a video or picture of what you are recommending to do? This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. The studies seem to show that choke collars are dangerous but not prong collars. Teacup puppies are incredibly trendy, because of their small size and cuteness. With some dogs prong collars are a great tool! But I also believe that most people that are dead against the prong collar never experienced a dog with any severe reactive behavior issues. This harness is one of few that is genuinely military spec and is still useful for regular pet users. If not used properly, it can be cruel. Thank you so much for sharing your story Carole! One is 2.0mm (small) and the other is 3.0mm (medium). She may also just be going through a fear period. Not all prong collars are created equal, the cheap versions can have sharp points and break. Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. I can't buy one here in Australia so will have to take a chance of ordering from overseas and hope it doesn't get stopped by Customs. Also, as the author mention, there are huge differences in the quality of a Pet Smart pinch collar and a Herm Sprenger (the recommended brand). Dogs will definitely be verbal if they are uncomfortable or in pain!! We took our oldest daughters Welsh Pembroke Corgi to a trainer. Prong Collars, Choke Chains, Flat Collars, Harness, etc, are all part of your training tools and should therefore be used for that purpose only (they are not ornamental, although many believe that they are). The guardian did not want to lose control of her dog, so she pulled him back toward her and continued to do so until the dog across the street was out of sight. Have you witnessed a dog pulled so hard on a flat collar that it chokes it self to the point of gagging? It used to be he wouldnt move at all when we set him down, but now he runs to go outside it runs away from us when were outside (we have a fenced in yard so he cant get away). I would think they would still work as long as you have the collar up high on the neck. I so hate to see good, effective training tools totally demonized. She seems not herself when she has it on in the house during the day do not want her sweet personality to go away with using this collar. This post does contains affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will receive a small commission, but it wont cost you a penny more). You need to measure her neck. Discuss with you when they should be used and when they shouldnt. Train with your brain, not with The only barbaric thing here Lora, is the human mind. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best. Did you know that there is research showing head halters could jerk a dogs head, causing neck or spinal injuries? Once i got knocked over and broke my pinkie and my cheekbone. I thought prong collars were for out-of-control vicious dogs! As a Chewy affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. Or pulling his owner over, cause owners not to walk their dog? If you correct the behavior before he gets into that state of mind, the prong will work. Period. There are other ways to train a puppy to walk nicely on a leash. Most people wont dedicate themselves enough and likely dont have the right dog for this extreme of a transformation, but they can accomplish a lot more if they tried! I swapped over to a prong collar, and got him to behave, and pull and run after other dogs less, but it doesnt stick when I put him on another collar. We are both currently undergoing some intensive training with a professional who recommended this collar and so far has been the only tool that has allowed me to correct his behaviours, even on the first session we were able to be within a few feet of another dog with no reaction and for me and for him has literally been a life saver. This surely is a win-win for all. However, its really important that throughout the process of training a dog with a prong collar that we are aware, that we admit that it causes pain or discomfort in order to have an effect. We were working with a purely positive trainer for a while, who was really great, but when it came to real-world practice out and about it was still nearly impossible for me to get my dogs attention with just treats when they saw something they wanted to go after, usually a squirrel but sometimes a friendly neighbor. I love him to bits and am looking forward to enjoying our walks from now on. I still use it, especially on walks and it helps her not pull too hard and injure her neck. I was a bit taken aback, as I didn't expect it and thought it was cruel. Unlike when our little baby sees her shampoo bottle she knows its bath time and disappears.