Sadly, it just confirmed what many of us working in gorilla conservation have feared for some time: that the eastern lowland gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) is now classed as ‘Critically Endangered’. Welcome. In the last 50 years, its range has decreased from 8,100 square miles—about the size of the state of Massachusetts— to about 4,600 square miles today. Other gorilla subspecies include the eastern lowland gorilla and the mountain gorilla, the subspecies featured in the 1988 film Gorillas in the Mist. Family Life, Eastern Lowland Gorillas in Congo A Familiy of Eastern Lowland Gorillas (gorilla beringei graueri) relaxing in the forest. Both mountain gorillas and lowland gorillas live in groups or families of about 30 members. Grauer’s gorilla, also known as the eastern lowland gorilla, is found only in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Until the mid-1990s, the population was thought to number around 17,000 individuals. However, the dry and wet season are two essential seasons any traveller planning to visit DR Congo to trek eastern lowland gorillas should be put into consideration. Updated October 31st, 2018. This subspecies may now occupy only 13% of its historical range. Eastern Lowland gorillas can be spotted in Democratic republic of congo.. The Eastern lowland gorilla population is now estimated to be fewer than 5,000. Find professional Eastern Lowland Gorilla videos and stock footage available for license in film, television, advertising and corporate uses. Family life – Gorilla Groups. Ontdek de perfecte stockfoto's over Eastern Lowland Gorilla en redactionele nieuwsbeelden van Getty Images Kies uit premium Eastern Lowland Gorilla van de hoogste kwaliteit. Civil unrest in their native Democratic Republic of Congo and severe habitat loss have taken a toll on the eastern lowland gorilla. Eastern Lowland gorilla trekking in Kahuzi Biega National Park. The eastern lowland gorilla or Grauer's gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri) is a subspecies of eastern gorilla endemic to the mountainous forests of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.It is the largest of the four gorilla subspecies. Download Eastern lowland gorilla stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Copyright 2004 - 2020 by James R. Davis In this lesson we'll look at the reasons behind their status. Eastern Lowland gorilla is a subspecie closely related to mountain gorillas that live in the mountains of Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo. Silverbacks are strong and each group has one dominant leader (see alpha male). Conservation status: Critically endangered. Eastern lowland gorilla We use cookies to analyse how visitors use our website and to help us provide the best possible experience for users. Grauer’s Gorilla (G. b. graueri), one subspecies of Eastern Gorilla – has lost 77% of its population since 1994, declining from 16,900 individuals to just 3,800 in 2015. Unlike the lowland gorillas, the endangered mountain gorillas weigh about 220 kg and male lowland gorilla especially eastern lowland gorilla weighs about 180kg making them to be smaller in size. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. Gorilla. The eastern lowland gorilla lives in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Eastern Lowland gorillas. There are two species of gorillas (Eastern and Western Gorillas), each having two subspecies in 9 African countries (See table below). The map after the figure will give you an idea where these subspecies are found. of the. Scientific Name: Gorilla beringei graueri Status: Endangered Number Remaining: estimated less than 17,000 Average Length: 4-5.5 feet Average Weight: up to 440 pounds Out of the four gorilla subspecies, the eastern lowland gorilla is the largest. Tourists planning to go for gorilla trekking should go in the dry season to avoid inconveniences caused by rain resulting in muddy trails making trekking difficult. Additionally, there are two lowland subspecies included in the two main species known as Western lowland gorilla and Eastern lowland gorilla. Shot in wildlife. The western lowland gorillas are common in zoos in the United States with over 200,000 individuals still living in the wild forest of central and western Africa. Western Lowland. Though volatile in the recent past, the Congo is relatively … Conservation Eastern Lowland Gorilla. Here, we explore the rainforests of the Republic of Congo to take a look into what is causing the decline of one of our closest evolutionary relatives. The Eastern Lowland Gorilla is the largest living primate in the world. This magnificent species, the largest of all the primates, is just one step away from vanishing forever. Eastern lowland gorilla. The eastern lowland gorilla makes its home in lowland tropical rainforests in the eastern DRC. The eastern lowland gorilla occurs in the lowland and Albertine Rift montane forests of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). eastern lowland gorilla stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Mountain gorillas are fewer and divided into two subpopulations: one inhabits an area of about 440 square kilometers in the volcanic Virunga Mountains, along the border between Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the second dwells the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in … The most convenient place to track the Eastern lowland gorillas is in Kahuzi Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has jet black coats like the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei), although the hair is shorter on the head and body. View our Cookie Policy . There were nearly 17,000 eastern lowland gorillas in the mid-1990s but scientists estimate that the population has declined by … A group usually consists of one silverback, several females and their offspring. Mostly active during the day, they make a new nest each night, with mothers sharing with infants. In this article, we shall talk about the eastern lowland gorilla (also known as Grauer’s gorilla). The eastern lowland gorilla makes its home in lowland tropical rainforests in the eastern DRC. Since this classification itself could cause some confusion, two of those subspecies (Western lowland gorilla and Mountain gorilla) are compared in this article following the summarized information about their characteristics. Kahuzi Biega is a tropical rain forest dominated by two outstanding extinct volcanoes: Kahuzi and Biega. Internet Home. Eastern Lowland gorilla trekking can be done at any time of the year. Eastern lowland gorillas are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The Eastern Lowland Gorilla is the largest of the four Eastern gorilla subspecies. Grauer is where the second half of this subspecies’ scientific name, Gorilla Berengei Graueri , comes from. Eastern Lowland Gorilla Trekking is another form of gorilla trekking only that this one is done in lowlands and on a different type of gorillas. Today, this subspecies is confined to the primary tropical forest of eastern DRC – most notably in Kahuzi-Biega and Maiko National Parks, but a substantial portion of its habitat falls outside these areas in the vast, yet legally unprotected forest that separates them. The female Gorillas can gave birth to 2 to 6 babies during the 40 year lifespan they have and before that they have a gestation period (this is the period female gorilla carries the baby in her womb before giving birth) whose time period is eight and a half months almost same as humans Eastern lowland gorillas are also known as Grauer’s gorilla, after the Austrian scientist Rudolph Grauer who discovered them in the early 1900s. The group is lingering aroud the family leader ("Silverback"). Location: Kahuzi Biega, Democratic Republic of Congo. Eastern lowland gorillas are highly sociable and very peaceful, living in groups of two to over 30. Each of these seasons has its own impacts. Eastern Lowland Gorilla Diet: The diet of Eastern Lowland Gorillas mainly consists of leaves, but they have also been observed consuming fruit, seeds, bamboo shoots and insects. This subspecies may now occupy only 13% of its historical range. Eastern lowland gorillas are sociable and peaceful animals that feast on fruits, stems and bark, and small insects. Eastern lowland gorillas can be trekked at Maiko and Kahuzi Beiga national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the cost of a gorilla permit is $450 only. Interesting Facts About Eastern lowland Gorilla. Eastern lowland gorillas, like other gorilla species, are mainly herbivorous, meaning they mostly eat plants. Eastern lowland gorillas are often mistaken for the western lowland gorillas. to the. Their coats are jet black, and the hair greys as the animal matures; this is known as ‘silverback’. It is also critically endangered. In Congo Eastern lowland gorilla trekking can be done in either Kahuzi beiga national park or Maiko national park respectively whereas Congo Mountain gorilla trekking tours are specifically done in Virunga national park. Eastern lowland gorilla tracking – Kahuzi Biega National Park in Democratic republic of Congo.
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