turin horse film

The Turin Horse is a foreign film though the lack of dialogue make’s that hardly noticeable. Lire ses 2 020 critiques, Suivre son activité Cast: János Derzsi, Erika Bók . At the dawn of World War III, a man searches for a way to restore peace to the world and finds he must give something in return. In less than one month, Nietzsche would be diagnosed with a serious mental illness that would make him bed-ridden and speechless for the next eleven years until his death. Minuit dans l'univers sur Netflix : c'est quoi ce film post-apocalyptique de George Clooney ? En effet, en 1889 à Turin, celui-ci a enlacé un cheval avant de subir de graves troubles psychologiques et de passer les dernières années de sa vie en état végétatif. Obsédé par ses impressionnantes prouesses techniques et ses longs plans interminables, qu’ils soient quasi-fixes ou lié à un interminable mouvement, Béla Tarr semble oublier d’humaniser ses personnages, de les rendre vivants, d’instaurer cette atmosphère mystique qui aurait fait tant de bien au film et qu’on ne retrouve que trop rarement, le temps de quelques séquences extérieures à tomber à la renverse tant l’ambiance mise en place est phénoménale. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium The Turin Horse de la plus haute qualité. The Turin Horse reflects this concern. L’équipe Infolettre | Numéros Essais Entrevues Festivals Critiques Balados Calendrier Un film au hasard. Très répétitif, musique lugubre, passages longs. Favorites: Mirror (1975), Morvern Callar (2002), Pyaasa (1957), Satantango (1994). Malgré ses … plus. from Film Quarterly Summer 2011, Vol. The Turin Horse (Hungarian: A torinói ló) is a 2011 Hungarian philosophical drama film directed by Béla Tarr and Ágnes Hranitzky, starring János Derzsi, Erika Bók and Mihály Kormos. Dying of kidney disease, a man spends his last, somber days with family, including the ghost of his wife and a forest spirit who used to be his son, on a rural northern Thailand farm. The horse is old and in very poor health, but does its best to obey its master's commands. Un film d'une prétention inouïe, formellement prévisible et d'une pauvreté sensorielle abyssale. Depuis 1977, le cinéaste hongrois a tourné dix longs-métrages, en plus de quelques courts-métrages et vidéos. The farmer and his daughter must come to the understanding that it will be unable to go on sustaining their livelihoods. The Turin Horse moves through six days time at a largo pace; the subject is burdensome. Le Cheval de Turin (A Torinói ló) est un film réalisé par Béla Tarr, en coproduction entre la Hongrie, la France, l' Allemagne, la Suisse et les États-Unis, et sorti en France le 30 novembre 2011. It was co-written by Tarr and his frequent collaborator László Krasznahorkai. Unfolding over six days, as the wind batters the farm mercilessly, The Turin Horse becomes, like a lot of last films, a story about death and decay, the extinction of a way of life. En soi je ne me suis pas ennuyé en le regardant, je m'étais préparé à une œuvre austère et très lente. Je pense que c'est son meilleur film, plus achevé encore que Satantango, plus noir que Damnation, et plus beau que les Harmonies Werkmeister. Causer avec lui à été difficile, outre la barrière de la langue, il y avait un taux d'alcool à la mesue de l'angoisse qu'il devait éprouver devant unpublic qui l'a ovationné. the turin horse girl uses Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists. He tossed his arms around the horse's neck to protect it then collapsed to the ground. The horse wouldn’t move and the driver started whipping it. After that, then watch Damnation and maybe Sátántangó. Pour découvrir d'autres films : - and thus The Turin Horse was born. 94 abonnés Pentru a-l proteja, acesta își aruncă brațele în jurul gâtului calului, după care se prăbușește. He stopped the scene by throwing his arms around the horse and sobbing, and in the days that followed, legend has it, Nietzsche lost what remained of his sanity. The Turin Horse is a film that works off the story of one of Nietzche's final encounters where he supposedly wrapped his arms around a horse crying. His childhood, his mother, the war, personal moments and things that tell of the recent history of all the Russian nation. fiche technique. Au Festival de Berlin 2011, le réalisateur Bela Tarr a annoncé que Le Cheval de Turin serait son dernier film. În timp ce călătorește prin Torino, în 1889, filosoful german Friedrich Nietzsche asistă la biciuirea unui cal. Never a prolific force, the Hungarian director Béla Tarr has declared that ‘The Turin Horse’ will be his last film. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012) – Daniel Schmidt. Meilleurs films Drame en 2011. de Turin Horse, The (2011) Ágnes Hranitzky et Béla Tarr Filmer le vent, vers une poétique des éléments. The Turin Horse is Tarr’s last film, so if you haven’t seen any of his movies before, I’d suggest first watching his haunting masterpiece Werckmeister Harmonies. What it examines: The connection between mind and matter . Certains parlent d’une œuvre magistrale qui décrit la folie, d’autres l’enfermement, d’autres encore l’apocalypse. Comment un film qui transporte un auditoire peut-il en excéder totalement un autre ? What exactly is wrong is left almost entirely up to you as the viewer to determine. They also see the incident as representing a sincere recantation of all his works by the philosopher (or heavily imply so). Le dernier film de Lynch en date (l’abominable Inland Empire) avait déjà posé ces questions. Thu 31 May 2012 16.30 EDT. It’s long, painful and heartbreaking runtime is like a labour that ends in a stillbirth, dark and unrecoverable but some how evocative of the magic of life and existence. Favorite artwork that inspired a movie or scene? After that, then watch Damnation and maybe Sátántangó. C’est également une excellente occasion de tester sa résistance à l’endormissement, qui frappe impitoyablement tout spectateur n’ayant pas 8 à 10 heures de bon sommeil derrière lui. The shots are set up and progress very well. Politique de cookies | It recalls the whipping of a horse in the Italian city Turin that is rumoured to have caused the mental breakdown of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. And at the same time it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Title: The Turin Horse. Take a look at Chris Pine's biggest roles and the parts he never got the chance to play, including a major role in Avatar. En tous les cas, c'est pas les spectateurs qui se réinventent. Les neuneus vont détester, (...) Comme à son habitude, Béla Tarr nous livre avec Le Cheval de Turin une photographie noir et blanc absolument sublime, à un niveau quasi-inimaginable de maîtrise visuelle. B éla Tarr's bleak and bitter film is a glacially paced nightmare … Dehors le vent se lève. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). j'oubliais. The filmmakers were interested to look at what happened next for the horse. Pentru a-l proteja, acesta își aruncă brațele în jurul gâtului calului, după care se prăbușește. Almost as if to mock this idea of meaning, Tarr includes a sequence mid-film in which a neighbor pops in to beg a glass of palinka and while he’s drinking his booze, launches into a lengthy monologue which, with abstractly apocalyptic overtones, attempts to give some … Culture > Film > Reviews The Turin Horse, Bela Tarr, 146 mins (15) A stubborn horse presages doom in this distillation of Bela Tarr's ascetic aesthetic (hint: not much happens, and little is said) A.O. Culture > Film > Reviews The Turin Horse, Bela Tarr, 146 mins (15) A stubborn horse presages doom in this distillation of Bela Tarr's ascetic aesthetic (hint: not much happens, and little is … I've felt for a time that the best way to appreciate Werckmeister Harmonies is as narrative music, as a kind of prelude and fugue, similarly The Turin Horse works well simply in terms of rhythm and visual tone, as a meaningless sketch of the interaction of three hardy entities. De plan séquence en plan séquence le réalisateur nous fond au quotidien d’un père, de sa fille et de leur cheval. Not far from him, the driver of a hansom cabis having trouble with a stubborn horse. Add the first question. Très mal. Un grand moment de masochisme cinématographique, qui semble plaire même au-delà du Triangle des Bermudes de la critique. The Turin Horse has a burnished beauty that's awe-inspiring, like a clear window into a faraway world as it dangles, and then falls, off the precipice. Retrouvez infos & avis sur une large sélection de DVD & Blu-ray neufs ou d'occasion. Certificate: AL Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer ... Mon Terrier sur Disney+ : pourquoi le court-métrage SparkShorts va vous faire craquer. Filmmuhely, MPM Film, Vega Film, Zero Fiction Film production in … One can apprehend from listening to Tarr that he believes Nietzsche was little more than a psychotic, responsible for promulgating a decline in values. The Turin Horse . Mais le public parisien peut se consoler avec la pléthorique rétrospective de Décembre au centre Pompidou, maintenant qu'il est déjà trop tard. Watch Movies and Indie Films Online. All in all I wasn’t really impressed with this, I didn’t hate it either but I just didn’t see any point to it. Cela laisse un peu de temps pour penser à la liste de courses, aux coups de fils qu’on doit passer, ou encore d’observer les éclairages de secours de sa salle de cinéma. C'est sûrement censé être beau et époustouflant, aux limites du religieux, mais c'est surtout de la frime. A lonely barfly falls in love with a married bar singer. The movie is too beautiful to be described as an ordeal, but it is sufficiently intense and unyielding that when it is over, you may feel, along with awe, a measure of relief. He tossed his arms around the horse's neck to protect it then collapsed to the ground. Anonymous. Dans le film de Bela Tarr j'ai tout de suite accroché car j'étais transporté vraiment autre part. Alors que ces faits sont habituellement racontés du point de vue de Nietzsche, Bela Tarr a préféré se concentrer sur le cheval, et sur son importance pour la famille qui le possédai... Parfois, de grands cinéastes nous offrent leur film-somme, dans lesquels on peut trouver réponse à tout : la vie, la... Considéré par de nombreux cinéphiles, tels que Gus Van Sant, comme un des plus grands cinéastes vivants, le Hongrois Béla... Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous. FILMS / REVIEWS. Quelque part, dans la campagne : un fermier, sa fille, une charrette et le vieux cheval. Pentru a-l proteja, acesta își aruncă brațele în jurul gâtului calului, după care se prăbușește. As for The Turin Horse itself, it’s like a Beckett play but without the humor. A young boy plays an accordion in a shopping mall. I suppose what side you take depends on whether you see someone fragging on a PlayStation and think "good for them", or whether you bemoan their lack of appetite for self-improvement or meaningful interaction with others. The dying of the horse is the foundation of this tragic tale. C'est le dernier film du réalisateur Béla Tarr, qui a décidé d'arrêter le cinéma après ce film. Of the story, Tarr asks "What happened to the horse?" Peter Bradshaw @PeterBradshaw1. And at the same time it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. 5 NO. More an experience than a film, Béla Tarr's The Turin Horse is one of the bleakest and most depressing pieces of art I have ever encountered. Watch Movies and Indie Films Online. September 2020. Béla Tarr picks up the camera one more time to shoot his very last scene. But whatever did happen to the horse? Trouvez les The Turin Horse images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. On peut lire plus bas le "Cinéma du rien" ou "public", mais c'est d'un cinéma sans public, avec quelques spectateurs tout au plus, dont il est question, et un spectateur averti en vaut deux. He tossed his arms around the horse's neck to protect it then collapsed to the ground. In early 1889, Friedrich Nietzsche was said to have walked out of his home in Turin, Italy, and witnessed a carriage driver brutally lashing his stubborn horse. 64, No. Retrouvez infos & avis sur une large sélection de DVD & Blu-ray neufs ou d'occasion. Il y a dans cette absence de montage, dans cette austérité chère au réalisateur hongrois, une capacité à mettre en place une destruction du monde à la limite d’un apocalypse ambiant, et Le Cheval de Turin semblait être le sujet idéal pour ce type d’obsessions ; il est donc regrettable que le cinéaste ne parvienne pas à s’effacer derrière ses plans magnifiques, et nous rappelle sans cesse à notre conditions de spectateur par sa mise en scène trop voyante écrasant ses personnages, son histoire, et finalement, son atmosphère (...)L'intégralité de notre avis à propos du CHEVAL DE TURIN, sur Le Blog du Cinéma. Tarr's film builds on a thought, a musing (taken from the film's synopsis): 1889. The Turin Horse. Il faut être bien préparé. But whatever did … At times it feels like a story straight out of the Bible, Old Testament or some surreal dystopian nightmare. The film's intellectual backbone is set out at the beginning with the recalling of the story of Friedrich Nietzsche about him witnessing a cab driver cruelly whipping his horse in a Turin street because the animal refuses to move. by Vladan Petkovi ć. Le problème ... À voir au cinéma. Voyez Damnation, rendez votre regard accessible à autre chose qu'a cette épilepsie syncopée qu'est devenu le montage aujourd'hui. Amazon.fr - Achetez The Turin Horse à petit prix. The story is that Nietzsche was walking the streets of Turin and encountered a driver of a hansom cab having trouble with his horse. Was this review helpful to you? Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Stylistically, the film also strips away the baroque excess of The Man from London and Werckmeister Harmonies (2000), in favour of what feels like a simpler, sparser, less kinetic mode of filmmaking. Full Review | Original Score: 2.5/4 The Turin Horse. Recrutement | The film is beautiful to behold; Tarr’s experienced hand guides the camera through long tracking shots, lingering close-ups, and meditative observance. … more. 2,99 € The farmer and his daughter must come to the understanding that it will be unable to go on sustaining their livelihoods. All in all I wasn’t really impressed with this, I didn’t hate it either but I just didn’t see any point to it. He has also suggested that the reason for ha Commentaire d'une prétention inouïe, formellement prévisible ! The farm horse seems to share the stubbornness of the Turin horse; and by extension, it should be noted that the grizzled, mustachioed farmer bears some resemblance to Nietzsche. L’objectif semble être d’enfermer le spectateur dans une forme de folie qui prend peu à peu racine dans la tête des personnages principaux. Mort de Pierre Cardin : connaissez-vous son lien avec Retour vers le futur ? Hungary, France, Germany, Switzerland, USA 2011 | Black & White | 146mins. Deeply shocked, the philosopher rushed to protect the animal only to fall into insanity after his landlord had guided him back to his room. With Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Kormos, Ricsi. The Turin Horse is a foreign film though the lack of dialogue make’s that hardly noticeable. On the eve of a large payment, residents of a collapsing collective farm see their plans turn into desolation when they discover that Irimiás, a former co-worker who they thought was dead, is returning to the community. The Turin Horse In a work of site-specific expanded Cinema, going beyond his earlier narrative features,the director presents a middle and upper class audience gathered in a museum setting with images of ... See full summary ». By that yardstick, The Turin Horse, at a mere 146 minutes, ought to feel like a light, jaunty canter.Yet in some ways, it's the most extreme of Tarr's films – and certainly the simplest. L'époque, son ambiance lourde, sont reproduites à la perfection tout au long de ses plans séquences, mais ça vire progressivement à la scorie indigeste quand il s'agit de nous remontrer, certes sous un angle différent, les mêmes scènes avec la même musique et la même dépression environnante. But then, not much happens in it. The horse is old and in very poor health, but does its best to obey its master's commands. Les meilleurs films Drame, Sous les étoiles de Paris Bande-annonce VF, Minuit dans l'univers Bande-annonce finale VF, Marvel Sony Untitled Spider-Man: Far From Home Sequel, Under The Silver Lake, Mother!, Mulholland Drive... : ces films qu’on n’est pas sûrs d’avoir compris, 10 films qu’on n’est pas sûrs d’avoir compris. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). The film depicts such a decline, though any actual link to Nietzsche other than by free association and any substantive intellectual link to the Turin episode are tenuous at best.Tarr announced in the Q&A following the UK Premiere of Turin Horse at the Edinburgh International Film Festvial, that he felt "something's wrong", in a grand sense. Les sous-titres sont bourrés de fautes bêtes. A torinói ló . Arun Karthick's 'Nasir' wins Grand Prix at prestigious Russian international film fest, Guillermo del Toro Creates Massive Quarantine Watch List With Aronofsky, Aster, and More, ‘Vitalina Varela’ Film Review: Pedro Costa Summons a Dark Night of Grief. Download The Turin Horse Movie Unfolding over six days, as the wind batters the farm mercilessly, The Turin Horse becomes, like a lot of last films, a story about death and decay, the extinction of a way of life. The film begins with a tracking shot that lasts over five minutes of an old man with a paralyzed arm in a rickety cart being dragged by the world’s saddest looking horse through a fierce windstorm. HD. Les meilleurs films de l'année 2011, 21-22. Never a prolific force, the Hungarian director Béla Tarr has declared that ‘The Turin Horse’ will be his last film. L’an dernier, ... Jusqu'au bout de la mort, il y a peut-être l'éternité... Ultime grand Tarr, Le Cheval de Turin est un long périple dépressif composé de trois personnages, d'une ferme, d'un puits et d'un vent constant dans les oreilles. A Russian poet and his interpreter travel to Italy to research the life of an 18th-century composer. A study on saintliness and a sister piece to Bresson's Mouchette. A.O. Spider-Man 2 sur France 2 : pourquoi Tobey Maguire a-t-il failli être remplacé ? The dying of the horse is the foundation of this tragic tale. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. qu'est-ce qui est si drôle ? Ex. Director: Béla Tarr. Yet, despite this snub, The Turin Horse is yet another great film in Tarr’s canon, at least equal to Damnation and Satantango, clearly superior to The Man From London, even if it likely falls a bit shy of Tarr’s greatest film, Werckmeister Harmonies. 1 abonné Préférences cookies | Derzsi and Bók lead a simple existence, but take away any element—the potato crop, the water in the well, the aged horse, the roof tiles shattering in the storm—and the situation gets dire. Gagarine, The Nest, Falling. Ultimately, The Turin Horse is a film that asks what meaning there is to be found in the daily toil, in the quotidian chore. The Turin Horse. Prime Video has you covered this holiday season with movies for the family. by Edward Lawrenson. Written by Et moi je l'ai vu en avant première à Lausanne avec rien que Béla Tarr pour présenter son film. Suivre son activité Publicité | A Turin, en 1889, Nietzsche enlaça un cheval d'attelage épuisé puis perdit la raison. The movie is too beautiful to be described as an ordeal, but it is sufficiently intense and unyielding that when it is over, you may feel, along with awe, a measure of relief. From sketch comedy to sitcoms, discover four comedy series you can stream to boost your mood. Nietzsche intervened, hugged the horse and started crying. Par Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau. Lire ses 6 critiques. Amazon.fr - Achetez The Turin Horse by J?nos Derzsi à petit prix. L'histoire du film part de faits réels concernant le célèbre philosophe allemand Friedrich Nietzsche. Mais il faut décidemment aimer se faire mal. Read full review. Qui sommes-nous | The Turin Horse is a foreign film though the lack of dialogue make’s that hardly noticeable. Non pas que Béla Tarr ne soigne pas ici sa mise en scène ; au contraire, il en fait presque trop, à un tel point que les séquences emplies de poésie et de métaphysiques à peine perceptible des Harmonies Werckmeister semblent ici enfouies sous une mise en scène finalement très mathématique, et qui au final en fait peut-être trop. 370 abonnés The film's intellectual backbone is set out at the beginning with the recalling of the story of Friedrich Nietzsche about him witnessing a cab driver cruelly whipping his horse in a Turin street because the animal refuses to move. The Turin Horse subtitles. Ce n'est donc pas ça le problème. sans concession. Bien sur, on finit par trouve le temps long, c'est comme une expérience dont on croit ne plus sortir Après, je crois que peu de monde a envie de regarder ça (avec du plaisir !) The story of The Turin Horse is inspired by a true event which took place in the life of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. After witnessing a crime during his night shift as railway switchman near the docks, a man finds a briefcase full of money. - and thus The Turin Horse was born. As for The Turin Horse … C'est là qu'on jouit. 1889. 1889. A torinói ló . 43 abonnés The man who whipped the horse is a rural farmer who makes his living taking on carting jobs into the city with his horse-drawn cart. View production, box office, & company info. Deeply shocked, the philosopher rushed to protect the animal only to fall into insanity after his landlord had guided him back to his room. Lire ses 1 747 critiques, Suivre son activité The Turin Horse is Tarr’s last film, so if you haven’t seen any of his movies before, I’d suggest first watching his haunting masterpiece Werckmeister Harmonies. Use the HTML below. Mais, si le vide sidéral de l’ensemble interpelle pendant les premières dizaines de minutes, il provoque rapidement chez le spectateur (même le plus patient) un sentiment de gêne, qui se transforme en souffrance puis en énervement à mesure que le film avance sans but, sans enjeu, sans évolution.Rien ou presque ne bouge, quasiment rien n’a l’air digne d’intérêt dans l’univers que décrit Bella Tarr, et pourtant, il décompose chaque scène, chaque mouvement, le répète à l’infini jusqu’à l’épuisement. Tout film radical dans son développement artistique doit-il être considéré comme digne d’intérêt ? Find out about exclusive screenings, competitions and news about our film releases. Read full review. March 2020. In less than one month, Nietzsche would be diagnosed with a serious mental illness that would make him bed-ridden and speechless for the next eleven years until his death. In the Q&A at the Edinburgh Film Festival Tarr said that he thinks that people spend too much time stuck in front of screens waiting forlornly for something to happen, part of a sort of technological cargo cult if you will.On a gut level I felt the film went quickly; although empirically it's well over two hours long, it's definitely mesmerising. 1889. Son chef-opérateur, Fred Kelemen, fait de chaque image une peinture admirablement cadrée et sa gestion de la lumière, ce qu’il en fait, la manière dont il l’impose comme une quasi-entité durant tout le film, force le respect. Avec Erika Bók, János Derzsi, Mihály Kormos, Ricsi. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse while traveling in Turin, Italy. j'ai découvert Bala Tarr l'année dernière en salle (ça m'avait tout de suite interpelé) et j'ai beaucoup accroché. Un Béla Tarr magistral ! In less than one month, Nietzsche would be diagnosed with a serious mental illness that would make him bed-ridden and speechless for the next eleven years until his death. The film is in black-and-white, shot in only 30 long takes by Tarr's regular cameraman Fred Kelemen, and depict… Une forme avancée de cinéma du rien, qui laisse chacun y voir ce qu’il veut y mettre, mais qui ne cherche jamais à développer des situations, à créer des personnages ou à accompagner son public quelque part. 1889. A naive young man witnesses an escalation of violence in his small hometown following the arrival of a mysterious circus attraction. The man who whipped the horse is a rural farmer who makes his living taking on carting jobs into the city with his horse-drawn cart. 9. The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr). În timp ce călătorește prin Torino, în 1889, filosoful german Friedrich Nietzsche asistă la biciuirea unui cal. Critique complète : Si vous vous êtes fait autant chier que moi, mais que vous préférez en rire, cet article est pour vous : De longs plans séquences intéressants la plupart du temps, mais trop long. While he and his family step up their living standards, others start looking for the disappeared case. Il n’y a en fait absolument rien à redire sur la photographie du film hongrois ; sa réalisation, en revanche, n’est pas si exempt de défauts. 4. Supposedly Tarr’s final movie, the Turin Horse would be spoilt by any follow up. The Turin Horse Trailer of the movie directed by Bela Tarr and Agnes Hranitzky. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse while traveling in Turin, Italy. Une belle découverte pour moi en tout cas. RAS, mises à part la girafe blonde-phosphorescente à ma gauche qui a mangé cinq fruits et envoyé, reçu l'équivalent de (2x + 4y) = 0 sms tout le long du film, tandis qu'à ma droite une brune contorsionniste testait un recueil imaginaire de positions idéales sur un nouveau siège de cinéma formule 1.

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